109 research outputs found

    Negotiating employability: migrant capitals and networking strategies for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK

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    In this paper we focus on highly skilled migration from Zimbabwe to the UK, exploring these migrants’ social capital sources/structures and content. In doing so we pay attention to routes of migration and how they shape migrants’ networking capabilities and patterns. We further take a Bourdieusian perspective and explore the intersection between social capital and cultural capital in the process of migrants’ negotiation of employment opportunities, giving closer attention to how the distinctive habitus associated with being highly skilled migrants from Zimbabwe shape migrants’ attitudes towards work. By exploring the interplay between external processes and internalised structures, we bring to the fore the multiple positioning of our participants, who we see not as simply depending on social networks, but as complex actors whose negotiation of employability in the UK is shaped by various factors including intersecting aspects of differentiation

    Axial distribution of myosin binding protein-C is unaffected by mutations in human cardiac and skeletal muscle

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    Myosin binding protein-C (MyBP-C), a major thick filament associated sarcomeric protein, plays an important functional and structural role in regulating sarcomere assembly and crossbridge formation. Missing or aberrant MyBP-C proteins (both cardiac and skeletal) have been shown to cause both cardiac and skeletal myopathies, thereby emphasising its importance for the normal functioning of the sarcomere. Mutations in cardiac MyBP-C are a major cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), while mutations in skeletal MyBP-C have been implicated in a disease of skeletal muscle—distal arthrogryposis type 1 (DA-1). Here we report the first detailed electron microscopy studies on human cardiac and skeletal tissues carrying MyBP-C gene mutations, using samples obtained from HCM and DA-1 patients. We have used established image averaging methods to identify and study the axial distribution of MyBP-C on the thick filament by averaging profile plots of the A-band of the sarcomere from electron micrographs of human cardiac and skeletal myopathy specimens. Due to the difficulty of obtaining normal human tissue, we compared the distribution to the A-band structure in normal frog skeletal, rat cardiac muscle and in cardiac muscle of MyBP-C-deficient mice. Very similar overall profile averages were obtained from the C-zones in cardiac HCM samples and skeletal DA-1 samples with MyBP-C gene mutations, suggesting that mutations in MyBP-C do not alter its mean axial distribution along the thick filament

    Hypertrophy of mature xenopus muscle fibres in culture induced by synergy of albumin and insulin

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    The aim of this study was to investigate effects of albumin and insulin separately as well as in combination on mature muscle fibres during long-term culture. Single muscle fibres were dissected from m. iliofibularis of Xenopus laevis and attached to a force transducer in a culture chamber. Fibres were cultured in a serum-free medium at slack length (mean sarcomere length 2.3 μm) for 8 to 22 days. The medium was supplemented with (final concentrations): (1) bovine insulin (6 nmol/L or 200-600 nmol/L), (2) 0.2% bovine albumin or (3) 0.2% bovine albumin in combination with insulin (120 nmol/L). In culture medium with insulin, 50% of the muscle fibres became in-excitable within 7-12 days, whereas the other 50% were stable. Caffeine contractures of in-excitable muscle fibres produced 80.4±2.4% of initial peak tetanic force, indicating impaired excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling in in-excitable fibres. In the presence of albumin, all cultured muscle fibres were stable for at least 10 days. Muscle fibres cultured in medium with insulin or albumin exclusively did not hypertrophy or change the number of sarcomeres in series. In contrast, muscle fibres cultured with both albumin and insulin showed an increase in tetanic force and fibre cross-sectional area of 19.6±2.8% and 32.5±4.9%, respectively, (means±SEM.; P=0.007) after 16.3±1.7 days, whereas the number of sarcomeres in series remained unchanged. We conclude that albumin prevents muscle fibre damage and preserves E-C coupling in culture. Furthermore, albumin is important in regulating muscle fibre adaptation by a synergistic action with growth factors like insulin. © 2008 The Author(s)

    Inequalities and Agencies in Workplace Learning Experiences: International Student Perspectives

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12186-016-9167-2National systems of vocational education and training around the globe are facing reform driven by quality, international mobility, and equity. Evidence suggests that there are qualitatively distinctive challenges in providing and sustaining workplace learning experiences to international students. However, despite growing conceptual and empirical work, there is little evidence of the experiences of these students undertaking workplace learning opportunities as part of vocational education courses. This paper draws on a four-year study funded by the Australian Research Council that involved 105 in depth interviews with international students undertaking work integrated learning placements as part of vocational education courses in Australia. The results indicate that international students can experience different forms of discrimination and deskilling, and that these were legitimised by students in relation to their understanding of themselves as being an ‘international student’ (with fewer rights). However, the results also demonstrated the ways in which international students exercised their agency towards navigating or even disrupting these circumstances, which often included developing their social and cultural capital. This study, therefore, calls for more proactively inclusive induction and support practices that promote reciprocal understandings and navigational capacities for all involved in the provision of work integrated learning. This, it is argued, would not only expand and enrich the learning opportunities for international students, their tutors, employers, and employees involved in the provision of workplace learning opportunities, but it could also be a catalyst to promote greater mutual appreciation of diversity in the workplace