117 research outputs found

    New methods used to study the effects of acetylcholine in conjunction with forced practice upon the transfer of handedness in rats.

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    The purpose of this study was to derive then experiment with various controls and techniques in an effort to avoid the faults found in previous methods used to study the effect or Ach upon the transfer of handedness in rats. The approach was to explore new possibilities, rather than adopt a specific design and then collect enough data either to verify or refute the hypothesis in question strictly within the limits of the specified experimental arrangement

    The Incorporation of Philanthropy: Negotiating Tensions Between Capitalism and Altruism in Twentieth Century Canada

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    Exploring the intersection points of institutionalized philanthropy and the Canadian corporation in periods of rising capital concentration, this paper demonstrates how changes in business approaches to charitable donation mirror larger transformations in corporate capitalism and organization, and the subsequent migration of these structures and mentalities to the charitable sector. In the first phase, at the turn of the last century, philanthropic practices came to be structured along corporate/professional models, with a new insistence that charities be well managed, fiscally responsible, and scientific in approach. In the postwar period, the expansion of corporate power was accompanied by the incorporation of philanthropic norms within capitalism. During this period, the logic of investment intensified and became increasingly explicit. Programs of donations were developed strategically for their potential to benefit business as well as the community. Corporate philanthropy evolved from a discretionary to an expected practice, offering visible testimony of business commitment to social responsibility.À travers l’étude du mécénat d’entreprise en période de concentration accrue de capitaux, cet article montre comment la transformation de l’attitude des milieux d’affaires face aux dons de bienfaisance reflète des transformations plus vastes du capitalisme et de l’organisation des entreprises ainsi que la migration ultérieure de ces structures et mentalités vers le secteur de la charité. Au cours d’une première étape, au tournant du siècle dernier, les pratiques de mécénat commencent à se structurer en fonction de modèles d’entreprise ou de modèles professionnels, les attentes voulant dorénavant que les oeuvres de bienfaisance soient à la fois bien gérées, responsables sur le plan financier et scientifiquement rigoureuses. Après la guerre, l’adoption de normes philanthropiques au sein du capitalisme accompagne l’expansion du pouvoir des entreprises. À cette époque, la logique de l’investissement s’intensifie et devient de plus en plus explicite. Des programmes de dons sont élaborés, de façon stratégique, pour leur aptitude à bénéficier aux entreprises et à la collectivité. De pratique discrétionnaire, le mécénat d’entreprise évolue dans le sens de la pratique attendue, servant par le fait même de témoignage visible de l’engagement du secteur des affaires à l’endroit de la responsabilité sociale

    The Promise of a More Abundant Life: Consumer society and the rise of the managerial state

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    In the decades following the turn of the century, the rising cost of living was a subject of controversy in Canada and throughout the industrialized world. No other topic, observers often noted, commanded more attention. Rising prices exacerbated wage disputes, and intensified tensions between traditional producer values and the acceptance of new patterns of purchasing. This article explores the bond formed between Canadian consumers and the managerial state by the investigation of changes in the cost of living. In order to measure changes in the prices of goods and services, it is necessary to examine the consumption practices of Canadians. This process of data collection and collation helped to normalize new consumer behaviours, and embedded the category of the Canadian citizen as a wage spender, as well as a wage earner, in the workings of government. By engaging with consumption, that is by representing, by measuring, and by categorizing the changing purchasing practices of its citizens, the state expanded its mandate and helped to shape the way Canadians came to see themselves as consumers.Dans les premières décennies suivant le tournant du siècle, l’augmentation du coût de la vie a fait l’objet d’une controverse au Canada et partout dans les pays industrialisés. Selon les observateurs, aucun autre sujet n’a davantage retenu l’attention. La hausse des prix a eu pour effet d’exacerber les conflits salariaux de même que la tension entre les valeurs liées aux formes traditionelles de la production et l’acceptation de nouveaux comportements d’achat. Le présent article explore le lien qui s’est formé entre les consommateurs canadiens et l’État managérial autour des enquêtes sur les transformations du coût de la vie. Afin de mesurer les fluctuations du prix des biens et services, il est devenu nécessaire d’examiner les habitudes de consommation de la population canadienne. Ce processus de collecte et d’exploitation statistique de données a aidé à fixer de nouvelles normes de consommation et à établir, dans le vocabulaire de l’administration publique, la catégorie du citoyen canadien comme débourseur — et non plus seulement comme receveur — d’un salaire. En se penchant sur la consommation, c’est-à-dire en représentant, en mesurant et en classant les habitudes d’achat changeantes de ses citoyens, l’État a élargi son mandat et aidé à façonner l’identité naissante des Canadiens à titre de consommateurs

    The Lantern Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1933

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    • Remember: Translation of Rappelle-toi by Alfred de Musset • Lighting the Lantern • Footfalls • To a Lovely Lady • The Sons of Martha • Strategy • Lumine Lunae • Poetry in Retrospect • Nirvana • A Domestic Episode • At Night • Haman and Hitler • This is What He Said • Bookocracy • Four Loves • Cities and Personalitieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based and mobile stress-management intervention for employees: design of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Work-related stress is associated with a variety of mental and emotional problems and can lead to substantial economic costs due to lost productivity, absenteeism or the inability to work. There is a considerable amount of evidence on the effectiveness of traditional face-to-face stress-management interventions for employees; however, they are often costly, time-consuming, and characterized by a high access threshold. Web-based interventions may overcome some of these problems yet the evidence in this field is scarce. This paper describes the protocol for a study that will examine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based guided stress-management training which is based on problem solving and emotion regulation and aimed at reducing stress in adult employees. Methods. The study will target stressed employees aged 18 and older. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) design will be applied. Based on a power calculation of d=.35 (1-β of 80%, α =.05), 264 participants will be recruited and randomly assigned to either the intervention group or a six-month waitlist control group. Inclusion criteria include an elevated stress level (Cohen's Perceived Stress Scale-10 ≥ 22) and current employment. Exclusion criteria include risk of suicide or previously diagnosed psychosis or dissociative symptoms. The primary outcome will be perceived stress, and secondary outcomes include depression and anxiety. Data will be collected at baseline and seven weeks and six months after randomization. An extended follow up at 12 months is planned for the intervention group. Moreover, a cost-effectiveness analysis will be conducted from a societal perspective and will include both direct and indirect health care costs. Data will be analyzed on an intention-to-treat basis and per protocol. Discussion. The substantial negative consequences of work-related stress emphasize the necessity for effective stress-management trainings. If the proposed internet intervention proves to be (cost-) effective, a preventative, economical stress-management tool will be conceivable. The strengths and limitations of the present study are discussed. Trial registration. German Register of Clinical Studies (DRKS): DRKS00004749. © 2013 Heber et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd
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