11 research outputs found

    A highly adaptive microbiome-based association test for survival traits

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    Abstract Background There has been increasing interest in discovering microbial taxa that are associated with human health or disease, gathering momentum through the advances in next-generation sequencing technologies. Investigators have also increasingly employed prospective study designs to survey survival (i.e., time-to-event) outcomes, but current item-by-item statistical methods have limitations due to the unknown true association pattern. Here, we propose a new adaptive microbiome-based association test for survival outcomes, namely, optimal microbiome-based survival analysis (OMiSA). OMiSA approximates to the most powerful association test in two domains: 1) microbiome-based survival analysis using linear and non-linear bases of OTUs (MiSALN) which weighs rare, mid-abundant, and abundant OTUs, respectively, and 2) microbiome regression-based kernel association test for survival traits (MiRKAT-S) which incorporates different distance metrics (e.g., unique fraction (UniFrac) distance and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity), respectively. Results We illustrate that OMiSA powerfully discovers microbial taxa whether their underlying associated lineages are rare or abundant and phylogenetically related or not. OMiSA is a semi-parametric method based on a variance-component score test and a re-sampling method; hence, it is free from any distributional assumption on the effect of microbial composition and advantageous to robustly control type I error rates. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the highly robust performance of OMiSA. We also present the use of OMiSA with real data applications. Conclusions OMiSA is attractive in practice as the true association pattern is unpredictable in advance and, for survival outcomes, no adaptive microbiome-based association test is currently available

    Changes within specific bacterial taxa, comparing ICU admission and 72 hours later.

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    <p>Using a linear discriminant analysis (LDA)-based algorithm, significant declines were identified in the short chain fatty acid-producing Clostridial Clusters IV (<i>Faecalibacterium prausnitzii</i>) and XIVa (<i>Blautia</i>, <i>Coprococcus</i>, <i>Roseburia</i>, and <i>Ruminococcus</i>) with an expansion in <i>Enterococcus</i>. Changes within specific bacterial taxa are shown as (A) LDA scores, which are proportional to the relative change within each of the bacterial taxa shown, (B) a cladogram, which shows the hierarchical relationship of these different taxa in relationship each other, and (C) relative abundance of these taxa. For (C) only taxa with a pooled minimum of 0.05% median relative abundance are depicted.</p

    Relationship between Clostridial Clusters IV and XIVa and gut microbiome diversity and stability.

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    <p>Lower levels of Clostridial Clusters IV and XIVa at 72 hours were associated with decreased fecal biodiversity at 72 hours (A) and with decreased community stability over time (B). To test for a relationship between Cluster IV/XIVa Clostridia and fecal biodiversity, Shannon index was calculated for each sample and compared across levels of these taxa. To test for a relationship between Cluster IV/XIVa Clostridia and community stability, unweighted UniFrac distance was calculated for each subject comparing ICU admission to 72 hours later and compared across levels of these Clusters.</p

    EZH2 couples pancreatic regeneration to neoplastic progression

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    Although the polycomb group protein Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2) is well recognized for its role as a key regulator of cell differentiation, its involvement in tissue regeneration is largely unknown. Here we show that EZH2 is up-regulated following cerulein-induced pancreatic injury and is required for tissue repair by promoting the regenerative proliferation of progenitor cells. Loss of EZH2 results in impaired pancreatic regeneration and accelerates KRas(G12D)-driven neoplasia. Our findings implicate EZH2 in constraining neoplastic progression through homeostatic mechanisms that control pancreatic regeneration and provide insights into the documented link between chronic pancreatic injury and an increased risk for pancreatic cancer