14 research outputs found

    Lipofundin-Induced Hyperlipidemia Promotes Oxidative Stress and Atherosclerotic Lesions in New Zealand White Rabbits

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    Atherosclerosis represents a major cause of death in the world. It is known that Lipofundin 20% induces atherosclerotic lesions in rabbits, but its effects on serum lipids behaviour and redox environment have not been addressed. In this study, New Zealand rabbits were treated with 2 mL/kg of Lipofundin for 8 days. Then, redox biomarkers and serum lipids were determined spectrophotometrically. On the other hand, the development of atherosclerotic lesions was confirmed by eosin/hematoxylin staining and electron microscopy. At the end of the experiment, total cholesterol, triglycerides, cholesterol-LDL, and cholesterol-HDL levels were significantly increased. Also, a high index of biomolecules damage, a disruption of both enzymatic and nonenzymatic defenses, and a reduction of nitric oxide were observed. Our data demonstrated that Lipofundin 20% induces hyperlipidemia, which promotes an oxidative stress state. Due to the importance of these phenomena as risk factors for atherogenesis, we suggest that Lipofundin induces atherosclerosis mainly through these mechanisms

    Marine seagrass extract of Thalassia testudinum suppresses colorectal tumor growth, motility and angiogenesis by autophagic stress and immunogenic cell death pathways

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    Marine plants have become an inexhaustible reservoir of new phytopharmaceuticals for cancer treatment. We demonstrate in vitro/in vivo antitumor efficacy of a standardized polyphenol extract from the marine angiosperm Thalassia testudinum (TTE) in colon tumor cell lines (RKO, SW480, and CT26) and a syngeneic allograft murine colorectal cancer model. MTT assays revealed a dose-dependent decrease of cell viability of RKO, CT26, and SW480 cells upon TTE treatment with IC50 values of, respectively, 175, 115, and 60 mu g/mL. Furthermore, TTE significantly prevented basal and bFGF-induced angiogenesis in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane angiogenesis assay. In addition, TTE suppressed bFGF-induced migration of endothelial cells in a wound closure assay. Finally, TTE treatment abrogated CT26 colorectal cancer growth and increased overall organism survival in a syngeneic murine allograft model. Corresponding transcriptome profiling and pathway analysis allowed for the identification of the mechanism of action for the antitumor effects of TTE. In line with our in vitro/in vivo results, TTE treatment triggers ATF4-P53-NF kappa B specific gene expression and autophagy stress pathways. This results in suppression of colon cancer cell growth, cell motility, and angiogenesis pathways in vitro and in addition promotes antitumor immunogenic cell death in vivo

    El estrés oxidativo en la enfermedad cardiovascular: evidencias para un tratamiento más integral

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    La revolución que se produjo en las áreas de la salud en el mundo durante el siglo XX, o lo que se ha dado en llamar la transición epidemiológica, ha hecho que la población mundial envejezca y con ello las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, aparezcan cada vez con mayor frecuencia. Entre estas, las enfermedades cardiovasculares, específicamente las del corazón, son las de mayor incidencia. El oxígeno es esencial para la vida, pero posee una paradoja en los organismos que lo utilizan. Este elemento desempeña una función importante como aceptor final de electrones durante la respiración celular, pero también constituye el punto de partida para un tipo de daño celular conocido como estrés oxidativo. La experiencia clínica y los estudios prospectivos constituyen una herramienta de gran utilidad, lo cual ha permitido establecer una asociación entre el estrés oxidativo y las enfermedades cardiovasculares, se plantea que este es un evento precoz en el desarrollo de la disfunción endotelial y de la subsecuente afección cardiovascular. En el presente trabajo se realizó una revisión bibliográfica actualizada sobre la función del estrés oxidativo y las especies reactivas de oxígeno en la fisiopatología de estas enfermedades

    Ozone therapy improves the antioxidant status of high-density lipoproteins and reduces lipid peroxidation in coronary artery disease patients.

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    Coronary arte ry disease (CAD) is the mo st c om mo n c aus e of death in westernsocietie s. Epid emiological studies have found that p l asma concentration of highdensity lipoproteins (HDL) correlates inversely with the incidence of CAD. The qualityand functionality of HDL, more than quantity, appears to be an important predictor ofantiatherogenic properties of these particles. Epidemiological evidence demonstratesthat low HDL-paraoxonase activity is associated with increased risk of cardiovasculardisease. Evidence that antioxidant enzymes, and other subcellular activities could bemodulated by low doses of ozone is now proven and support itsclinical a pplication.The aim of the prese nt s tudy was to evaluate t he effect of ozone therapy onparaoxonase 1 lactonase activity and lipid damage in CAD patients. We included 52pa tients in the clinical study. The first g roup (n=26) recei ved 20 sessi ons of ozone(40μg/mL; 200 mL) by rectal insufflation, meanwhile the second one was treated withoxygen only (n=2 6, co ntro l group). A t the end of the study we determ i nedspectrophotometri cally the paraoxonase-lactonase activity, and the LDL and serumsusceptibility to lipid peroxidation. The results showed that ozone therapy was able tored uce the malondialdehyde levels in trea ted p atie nts at the same tim e tha tparaoxonase 1 lactonase a ctivity w as sign i ficantly (p<0. 05) increased. Our resultssuggestthat ozone may be used in combination with the conventional drugs for CADtherapy. Nevertheless, future clinical trials will be necessary to establish how long HDLantioxidant status is maintained after therapy and how often it will be nec essary torepeat the ozone treatment

    Spray drying of shark liver oil pool: Effects on physical-chemical properties and antioxidant capacity

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    Context: Spray-drying is a technique used to produce encapsulated products, thus improving the stability of components as well as their organoleptic characteristics. Aims: To evaluate the effect of microencapsulation of shark liver oil pool by spray drying on its physical-chemical properties and antioxidant capacity. Methods: A mix design was created with a constant load of oil, made possible by controlling the proportion between chitosan acetate and maltodextrin. Loss on drying, encapsulation efficiency and yield were determined for the microcapsules. Reversed-phase HPLC analysis was used in order to determine the vitamin A content in microencapsulated and non-microencapsulated oil, as well as its delivery from the dried product. Vitamin A was the active compound used as a chemical marker. The following parameters were also evaluated: organoleptic characteristics, moisture content, particle size, surface morphology and antioxidant capacity. Results: The encapsulation efficiency of microencapsulated oil increased slightly as the concentration of chitosan acetate increased. In order to achieve a greater encapsulation efficiency and a lower moisture content in microencapsulated oil, the proportion between chitosan acetate and maltodextrin should be maintained at 35% and 35% each, according to established manufacturing conditions. Both polymers prevent oil from leaving the droplet. This is a very important factor in storage stability of vitamins and fatty acids, which are subject to oxidative deterioration. Conclusions: Spray-drying microencapsulation of pool oil does not affect vitamin A content or delivery; fatty acid content and antioxidant capacity are also not affected

    Ozone-Oxidative Preconditioning Prevents Doxorubicin-induced Cardiotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Objectives: Induced dilated cardiomyopathy is the main limitation of the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, which causes oxidative stress and cardiomyocyte death. As ozone therapy can activate the antioxidant systems, this study aimed to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of ozone-oxidative preconditioning against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Methods: The study was carried out from September 2013 to January 2014. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly distributed in the following treatment groups: Group 1 were treated with 2 mg/kg intraperitoneal (i.p.) of doxorubicin twice a week for 50 days; Group 2 were treated with 0.3 mg of ozone/oxygen mixture at 50 μg/ mL of ozone per 6 mL of oxygen by rectal insufflation and then treated with doxorubicin; Group 3 were treated as Group 2 but only with the oxygen, and Group 4 were treated with oxygen first, and then with sodium chloride i.p. as the control group. Results: The results showed that ozone therapy preserved left ventricle morphology which was accompanied by a reduction of serum pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels. The cardioprotective effects of ozoneoxidative preconditioning were associated with a significant increase (P <0.05) of antioxidant enzymes activities and a reduction of lipid and protein oxidation (P <0.05). Conclusion: Ozone-oxidative preconditioning prevents doxorubicin-induced dilated cardiomyopathy through an increase of antioxidant enzymes and a reduction of oxidised macromolecules. This establishes the background for future studies to determine if ozone therapy can be used as a complementary treatment for attenuating doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in cancer patients

    Frecuencia espontánea e inducida de micronúcleos transplacentarios en ratones Balb/c

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    Introducción: El ensayo de micronúcleos transplacentario, ha sido desarrollado con el objetivo de evaluar el potencial genotóxico en la descendencia y demostrar la capacidad de un agente de causar daños cromosómicos durante el período prenatal. Éste realiza el registro de aberraciones cromosómicas, demostrando si una sustancia determinada puede ser clastogénica o aneugénica en el feto, a través de la exposición materna. Objetivo: Por lo cual en el presente trabajo se tuvo como objetivo determinar la frecuencia espontánea e inducida de micronúcleos transplacentarios en ratones de la línea Balb/c. Pretendiendo vincular de esta forma el efecto genotóxico y reproductivo de una droga a evaluar por esta metodología. Materiales y métodos: Se formaron 4 grupos experimentales, el primero un control negativo (simulacro), el segundo control solvente NaCl (0,9%), en el tercero se utilizo la ciclofosfamida en dosis de 50 mg/kg, y el cuarto se utilizó la bleomicina en dosis de 20 mg/kg. Todos los grupos se administraron por vía intraperitoneal los días 14, 15 y 16 de la gestación y 24 h después de la última inoculación se procedió al sacrificio de las gestantes por dislocación cervical. Obteniéndose las muestras de médula ósea materna e hígado fetal. Resultados: Se obtuvo como resultado los valores espontáneos e inducidos de los índices de citotoxicidad y de genotoxicidad, así como el total de micronúcleos divididos según niveles de daños.Discusión y conclusiones: Se observo mayor inducción de daño en células hepáticas fetales que en médula ósea materna. Además se demostró que la ciclofosfamida es capaz de inducir mayor citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad que la bleomicina tanto en células de la médula ósea materna como en células hepáticas fetales. Por tanto se demostró el poder clastogénico transplacentario de ambos mutágenos vinculando este ensayo de genotoxicidad a la reproducción. Además estos resultados se pudieran utilizar en la evaluación de nuevas drogas con carácter antigenotóxico por vía transplacentaria