4,563 research outputs found

    Flow and aerodynamic noise control of a circular cylinder by local blowing

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    In this experimental study, the impact of symmetric local blowing on suppressing the vortex-induced noise of a circular cylinder was investigated. A highly instrumented cylinder with pressure taps and a series of blowing chambers was used to inject air along the span (seven times the cylinder diameter) at circumferential anglesΞb=±41∘, ±90∘ and ±131∘ corresponding to the boundary layer, shear layers on the cylinder and separated shear layers, respectively. The investigation aimed to understand the noise reduction mechanism of local blowing by conducting near-field pressure and far-field noise measurements in synchronisation with flow field velocity measurements. Near-field pressure was measured around the circumference of the cylinder using a remote-sensing technique and planar particle image velocimetry was implemented to measure the velocity of the wake flow field at a diameter-based Reynolds number of Re=7×104. The results revealed that the interaction of the rolling up separated shear layers, under the influence of high-momentum fluid travelling from the free stream to the wake, induced significant vertical flow movement in the vortex-formation region. This movement led to strong alternating surface pressure fluctuations at the cylinder's shoulders, contributing to the scattering of noise. It was demonstrated that local blowing delayed vortex shedding for all cases, except at Ξb=±90∘, , which elongated the shear layers and pushed the high-momentum transfer area farther downstream. The application of local blowing at Ξb=±41∘ was particularly effective in increasing the vortex formation size due to reduced entrainment of fluid-bearing vorticity

    Effects of electrojet turbulence on a magnetosphere-ionosphere simulation of a geomagnetic storm

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    Ionospheric conductance plays an important role in regulating the response of the magnetosphere‐ionosphere system to solar wind driving. Typically, models of magnetosphere‐ionosphere coupling include changes to ionospheric conductance driven by extreme ultraviolet ionization and electron precipitation. This paper shows that effects driven by the Farley‐Buneman instability can also create significant enhancements in the ionospheric conductance, with substantial impacts on geospace. We have implemented a method of including electrojet turbulence (ET) effects into the ionospheric conductance model utilized within geospace simulations. Our particular implementation is tested with simulations of the Lyon‐Fedder‐Mobarry global magnetosphere model coupled with the Rice Convection Model of the inner magnetosphere. We examine the impact of including ET‐modified conductances in a case study of the geomagnetic storm of 17 March 2013. Simulations with ET show a 13% reduction in the cross polar cap potential at the beginning of the storm and up to 20% increases in the Pedersen and Hall conductance. These simulation results show better agreement with Defense Meteorological Satellite Program observations, including capturing features of subauroral polarization streams. The field‐aligned current (FAC) patterns show little differences during the peak of storm and agree well with Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) reconstructions. Typically, the simulated FAC densities are stronger and at slightly higher latitudes than shown by AMPERE. The inner magnetospheric pressures derived from Tsyganenko‐Sitnov empirical magnetic field model show that the inclusion of the ET effects increases the peak pressure and brings the results into better agreement with the empirical model.This material is based upon work supported by NASA grants NNX14AI13G, NNX13AF92G, and NNX16AB80G. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. This work used the XSEDE and TACC computational facilities, supported by National Science Foundation grant ACI-1053575. We would like to acknowledge high-performance computing support from Yellowstone (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided by NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. We thank the AMPERE team and the AMPERE Science Center for providing the Iridium derived data products. All model output, simulation codes, and analysis routines are being preserved on the NCAR High-Performance Storage System and will be made available upon written request to the lead author of this publication. (NNX14AI13G - NASA; NNX13AF92G - NASA; NNX16AB80G - NASA; National Science Foundation; ACI-1053575 - National Science Foundation

    Experimental investigation of active local blowing on the aerodynamic noise reduction of a circular cylinder

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    The strategic implementation of local blowing (LB) around a circular cylinder within a uniformflow has demonstrated its capacity to effectively suppress aerodynamic noise under specific blowingconditions. This study aimed to comprehend the underlying mechanism driving noise reductionthrough the synchronisation of far-field noise with surface pressure fluctuations, which were measured at various peripheral angles. The parameters under examination for LB were the angle of blowing in relation to the freestream flow (Ξb) and the equivalent momentum coefficient (C”). A dedicated series of chambers were employed to facilitate LB at Ξb = ±41◩, ±90◩, ±131◩, and 180◩across the ranges of C” = 0.007–0.036 (Re = 0.7 × 105) and C” = 0.003–0.016 (Re = 1.04 × 105).Notably, LB at Ξb = ±41◩ and 180◩exhibited a remarkable reduction in tonal noise within theC” range of 0.007 to 0.036. Despite this achievement, the most optimal overall sound pressurelevel was achieved at Ξb = 180◩. It was determined that the dissimilarity in noise reductionamong these LB cases was attributed to additional high-frequency noise generated by the blowing technique. The connection between the near- and far-field signals was established through recordedcoherence values. The investigation highlighted that surface pressure fluctuations initiated byvortex shedding in the pre- and post-separation regions, particularly at the fundamental vortexshedding frequency, had the most significant impact on far-field noise. The attenuation of suchsurface pressure fluctuations played a pivotal role in tonal noise reduction by LB, as evidenced bynotable reductions in lift fluctuations and the absence of amplitude modulation in both the time and frequency domains

    O(αs) O(\alpha_s) corrections to polarized top decay into a charged Higgs t(↑)→H++b t(\uparrow) \to H^+ + b

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    We calculate the O(αs) O(\alpha_s) radiative corrections to polarized top quark decay into a charged Higgs boson and a massive bottom quark in two variants of the two-Higgs-doublet model. The radiative corrections to the polarization asymmetry of the decay may become as large as 25 25 % . We provide analytical formulae for the unpolarized and polarized rates for mb≠0 m_b \neq 0 and for mb=0 m_b = 0 . For mb=0 m_b = 0 our closed-form expressions for the unpolarized and polarized rates become rather compact.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures in the text, content modified, comments added, appendices added, references updated, replaced with published versio

    Low-diffusivity scalar transport using a WENO scheme and dual meshing

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    Interfacial mass transfer of low-diffusive substances in an unsteady flow environment is marked by a very thin boundary layer at the interface and other regions with steep concentration gradients. A numerical scheme capable of resolving accurately most details of this process is presented. In this scheme, the fourth-order accurate WENO method developed by Liu et al. (1994) was implemented on a non-uniform staggered mesh to discretize the scalar convection while for the scalar diffusion a fourth-order accurate central discretization was employed. The discretization of the scalar convection-diffusion equation was combined with a fourth-order Navier-Stokes solver which solves the incompressible flow. A dual meshing strategy was employed, in which the scalar was solved on a finer mesh than the incompressible flow. The solver was tested by performing a number of two-dimensional simulations of an unstably stratified flow with low diffusivity scalar transport. The unstable stratification led to buoyant convection which was modelled using a Boussinesq approximation with a linear relationship between flow temperature and density. The order of accuracy for one-dimensional scalar transport on a stretched and uniform grid was also tested. The results show that for the method presented above a relatively coarse mesh is sufficient to accurately describe the fluid flow, while the use of a refined mesh for the low-diffusive scalars is found to be beneficial in order to obtain a highly accurate resolution with negligible numerical diffusion

    Effects of quantum space time foam in the neutrino sector

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    We discuss violations of CPT and quantum mechanics due to interactions of neutrinos with space-time quantum foam. Neutrinoless double beta decay and oscillations of neutrinos from astrophysical sources (supernovae, active galactic nuclei) are analysed. It is found that the propagation distance is the crucial quantity entering any bounds on EHNS parameters. Thus, while the bounds from neutrinoless double beta decay are not significant, the data of the supernova 1987a imply a bound being several orders of magnitude more stringent than the ones known from the literature. Even more stringent limits may be obtained from the investigation of neutrino oscillations from active galactic nuclei sources, which have an impressive potential for the search of quantum foam interactions in the neutrino sector.Comment: 5 page

    Universality in two-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth

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    We analyze simulations results of a model proposed for etching of a crystalline solid and results of other discrete models in the 2+1-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) class. In the steady states, the moments W_n of orders n=2,3,4 of the heights distribution are estimated. Results for the etching model, the ballistic deposition (BD) model and the temperature-dependent body-centered restricted solid-on-solid model (BCSOS) suggest the universality of the absolute value of the skewness S = W_3 / (W_2)^(3/2) and of the value of the kurtosis Q = W_4 / (W_2)^2 - 3. The sign of the skewness is the same of the parameter \lambda of the KPZ equation which represents the process in the continuum limit. The best numerical estimates, obtained from the etching model, are |S| = 0.26 +- 0.01 and Q = 0.134 +- 0.015. For this model, the roughness exponent \alpha = 0.383 +- 0.008 is obtained, accounting for a constant correction term (intrinsic width) in the scaling of the squared interface width. This value is slightly below previous estimates of extensive simulations and rules out the proposal of the exact value \alpha=2/5. The conclusion is supported by results for the ballistic deposition model. Independent estimates of the dynamical exponent and of the growth exponent are 1.605 <= z <= 1.64 and \beta = 0.229 +- 0.005, respectively, which are consistent with the relations \alpha + z = 2 and z = \alpha / \beta.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Infrared dermal thermography on diabetic feet soles to predict ulcerations: a case study

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    Diabetic foot ulceration is a major complication for patients with diabetes mellitus. If not adequately treated, these ulcers may lead to foot infection, and ultimately to lower extremity amputation, which imposes a major burden to society and great loss in health-related quality of life for patients. Early identification and subsequent preventive treatment have proven useful to limit the incidence of foot ulcers and lower extremity amputation. Thus, the development of new diagnosis tools has become an attractive option. The ultimate objective of our project is to develop an intelligent telemedicine monitoring system for frequent examination on patients’ feet, to timely detect pre-signs of ulceration. Inflammation in diabetic feet can be an early and predictive warning sign for ulceration, and temperature has been proven to be a vicarious marker for inflammation. Studies have indicated that infrared dermal thermography of foot soles can be one of the important parameters for assessing the risk of diabetic foot ulceration. This paper covers the feasibility study of using an infrared camera, FLIR SC305, in our setup, to acquire the spatial thermal distribution on the feet soles. With the obtained thermal images, automated detection through image analysis was performed to identify the abnormal increased/decreased temperature and assess the risk for ulceration. The thermography for feet soles of patients with diagnosed diabetic foot complications were acquired before the ordinary foot examinations. Assessment from clinicians and thermography were compared and follow-up measurements were performed to investigate the prediction. A preliminary case study will be presented, indicating that dermal thermography in our proposed setup can be a screening modality to timely detect pre-signs of ulceration
