2,437 research outputs found

    Generalized parton distributions and double distributions for q q-bar pions

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    We consider two simple covariant models for pions (one with scalar and the other with spin-1/2 constituents). Pion generalized parton distributions are derived by integration over the light-cone energy. The model distributions are consistent with all known properties of generalized parton distributions, including positivity. We also construct the corresponding double distributions by appealing to Lorentz invariance. These ostensibly constructed double distributions lead to different generalized parton distributions that need not respect the positivity constraints. This inconsistency arises from the ambiguity inherent in defining double distributions in a one-component formalism (even in the absence of the Polyakov-Weiss term). We demonstrate that the correct model double distributions can be calculated from non-diagonal matrix elements of twist-two operators.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, RevTex4, reference added, typos correcte

    Improving heat resistance of polycrystalline diamond compact cutters with co–si–b binder for rock drilling

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    Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutters are widely utilized in oil and gas exploitation and geological drilling works, as their excellent comprehensive properties. The cobalt as binders exists in PDC is also the catalyst for diamond transforming into graphite under the high temperature, which will decrease the thermal stability of PDC seriously. So it is necessary to improving the heat resistance of PDC for drilling works. In this paper, PDC sintered with 10Co–3Si–1B binders had been prepared to decrease the content of cobalt in PDC and improve the heat resistance by forming SiC and B4C. The thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGDSC) results indicated that the beginning of oxidizing temperature of well-sintered PDC with 10Co–3Si–1B is up to 840℃, which improve the heat resistance significantly. Key words: polycrystalline diamond, cutters, heat resistanceРізці з алмазних полікристалічних композитних матеріалів (АПКМ) широко використовуються в нафтогазовидобувних і геологічних бурових роботах, через їх відмінні комплексні властивості. Кобальт в якості зв’язки в АПКМ є каталізатором для перетворення алмазу в графіт при високій температурі, що серйозно погіршує термостабільність АПКМ. У цій роботі АПКМ, спікається із зв’язкою 10Co–3Si–1B, щоб зменшити вміст кобальту в АПКМ і поліпшити термостійкість шляхом утворення SiC і B4C. Результати термогравіметричного аналізу (TG-DSC) показали, що початок температури окислення спеченого АПКМ з 10Co–3Si–1B становить близько 840 ℃, що значно підвищує термостабільність. Ключові слова: полікристалічний алмаз, різці, термостабільністьРезцы из алмазных поликристаллических композитных материалов (АПКМ) широко используются в нефтегазодобывающих и геологических буровых работах, из-за их отличных комплексных свойств. Кобальт в качестве связующего в АПКМ является катализатором для превращения алмаза в графит при высокой температуре, что серьезно ухудшает термостабильность АПКМ. В этой работе АПКМ, спекали со связующим 10Co–3Si–1B, чтобы уменьшить содержание кобальта в АПКМ и улучшить термостабильность путем образования SiC и B4C. Результаты термогравиметрического анализа (TG-DSC) показали, что начало температуры окисления хорошо спеченного АПКМ с 10Co-3Si-1B составляет около 840 ℃, что значительно повышает термостабильгость. Ключевые слова: поликристаллический алмаз, резцы, термостабильност

    Relative Span weighted localization of uncooperative nodes in wireless networks

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    Increasingly ubiquitous wireless technologies require novel localization techniques to pinpoint the position of an uncooperative node, whether the target be a malicious device engaging in a security exploit or a low-battery handset in the middle of a critical emergency. Such scenarios necessitate that a radio signal source be localized by other network nodes efficiently, using minimal information. We propose two new algorithms for estimating the position of an uncooperative transmitter, based on the received signal strength (RSS) of a single target message at a set of receivers whose coordinates are known. As an extension to the concept of centroid localization, our mechanisms weigh each receiver's coordinates based on the message's relative RSS at that receiver, with respect to the span of RSS values over all receivers. The weights may decrease from the highest RSS receiver either linearly or exponentially. Our simulation results demonstrate that for all but the most sparsely populated wireless networks, our exponentially weighted mechanism localizes a target node within the regulations stipulated for emergency services location accuracy

    Mass formulas and thermodynamic treatment in the mass-density-dependent model of strange quark matter

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    The previous treatments for strange quark matter in the quark mass-density-dependent model have unreasonable vacuum limits. We provide a method to obtain the quark mass parametrizations and give a self-consistent thermodynamic treatment which includes the MIT bag model as an extreme. In this treatment, strange quark matter in bulk still has the possibility of absolute stability. However, the lower density behavior of the sound velocity is opposite to previous findings.Comment: Formatted in REVTeX 3.1, 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PRC6

    Effective R-parity violation from supersymmetry breaking

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    We present a scenario in which Yukawa-like R-parity violating (RPV) couplings are naturally suppressed. In our framework, RPV is assumed to originate from the SUSY breaking mechanism and then transmitted into the SUSY Lagrangian only through soft SUSY breaking operators in the scalar potential. The RPV Yukawa-like operators of the superpotential, conventionally parametrized by the couplings \lambda, \lambda' and \lambda'', are then generated through loops containing the SUSY scalars, the gauginos and the soft RPV interactions and are, therefore, manifest as effective operators with a typical strength of order 10^{-3}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revtex4. Main changes with respect to Version 1 are: improved discussions on RGE effects, discussion added on neutrino masses, a toy model added for the proposed scenario. Conclusions remain unchanged. As will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum evolution across singularities: the case of geometrical resolutions

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    We continue the study of time-dependent Hamiltonians with an isolated singularity in their time dependence, describing propagation on singular space-times. In previous work, two of us have proposed a "minimal subtraction" prescription for the simplest class of such systems, involving Hamiltonians with only one singular term. On the other hand, Hamiltonians corresponding to geometrical resolutions of space-time tend to involve multiple operator structures (multiple types of dependence on the canonical variables) in an essential way. We consider some of the general properties of such (near-)singular Hamiltonian systems, and further specialize to the case of a free scalar field on a two-parameter generalization of the null-brane space-time. We find that the singular limit of free scalar field evolution exists for a discrete subset of the possible values of the two parameters. The coordinates we introduce reveal a peculiar reflection property of scalar field propagation on the generalized (as well as the original) null-brane. We further present a simple family of pp-wave geometries whose singular limit is a light-like hyperplane (discontinuously) reflecting the positions of particles as they pass through it.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Critical Exponents for Three-Dimensional Superfluid--Bose-Glass Phase Transition

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    The critical phenomenon of the zero temperature superfluid--Bose-glass phase transition for hard-core bosons on a three-dimensional disordered lattice is studied using a quantum real-space renormalization-group method. The correlation-length exponent ν\nu and the dynamic exponent z are computed. The critical exponent z is found to be 2.5 for compressible states and 1.3 for incompressible states. The exponent ν\nu is shown to be insensitive to z as that in the two-dimensional case, and has value roughly equal to 1.Comment: 11 pages, REVTE

    An Open Data and Citizen Science Approach to Building Resilience to Natural Hazards in a Data-Scarce Remote Mountainous Part of Nepal

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    The citizen science approach has gained momentum in recent years. It can enable both experts and citizen scientists to co-create new knowledge. Better understanding of local environmental, social, and geographical contexts can help in designing appropriate plans for sustainable development. However, a lack of geospatial data, especially in the context of developing countries, often precludes context-specific development planning. This study therefore tests an innovative approach of volunteer citizen science and an open mapping platform to build resilience to natural hazards in the remote mountainous parts of western Nepal. In this study, citizen scientists and mapping experts jointly mapped two districts of Nepal (Bajhang and Bajura) using the OpenStreetMap (OSM) platform. Remote mapping based on satellite imagery, capacity building, and mobilization of citizen scientists was performed to collect the data. These data were then uploaded to OSM and later retrieved in ArcGIS to produce a usable map that could be exploited as a reference resource for evidence-based decision-making. The collected data are freely accessible to community members as well as government and humanitarian actors, and can be used for development planning and risk reduction. By piloting in two communities of western Nepal, we found that using open data platforms for collecting and analyzing location-based data has a mutual benefit for researchers and communities. Such data could be vital in understanding the local landscape, environmental risk, and distribution of resources. Furthermore, they enable both researchers and local people to transfer technical knowledge, collect location-specific data, and use them for better decision-making

    Superfluid phase transition and strong-coupling effects in an ultracold Fermi gas with mass imbalance

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    We investigate the superfluid phase transition and effects of mass imbalance in the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer)-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover regime of an cold Fermi gas. We point out that the Gaussian fluctuation theory developed by Nozi\`eres and Schmitt-Rink and the TT-matrix theory, that are now widely used to study strong-coupling physics of cold Fermi gases, give unphysical results in the presence of mass imbalance. To overcome this problem, we extend the TT-matrix theory to include higher-order pairing fluctuations. Using this, we examine how the mass imbalance affects the superfluid phase transition. Since the mass imbalance is an important key in various Fermi superfluids, such as 40^{40}K-6^6Li Fermi gas mixture, exciton condensate, and color superconductivity in a dense quark matter, our results would be useful for the study of these recently developing superfluid systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of QFS-201

    Fermions from Half-BPS Supergravity

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    We discuss collective coordinate quantization of the half-BPS geometries of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena (hep-th/0409174). The LLM geometries are parameterized by a single function uu on a plane. We treat this function as a collective coordinate. We arrive at the collective coordinate action as well as path integral measure by considering D3 branes in an arbitrary LLM geometry. The resulting functional integral is shown, using known methods (hep-th/9309028), to be the classical limit of a functional integral for free fermions in a harmonic oscillator. The function uu gets identified with the classical limit of the Wigner phase space distribution of the fermion theory which satisfies u * u = u. The calculation shows how configuration space of supergravity becomes a phase space (hence noncommutative) in the half-BPS sector. Our method sheds new light on counting supersymmetric configurations in supergravity.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, epsf;(v3) eq. (3.3) clarified and notationally simplified; version to appear in JHE