228 research outputs found

    Offloading in Software Defined Network at Edge with Information Asymmetry: A Contract Theoretical Approach

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    The proliferation of highly capable mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has significantly increased the demand for wireless access. Software defined network (SDN) at edge is viewed as one promising technology to simplify the traffic offloading process for current wireless networks. In this paper, we investigate the incentive problem in SDN-at-edge of how to motivate a third party access points (APs) such as WiFi and smallcells to offload traffic for the central base stations (BSs). The APs will only admit the traffic from the BS under the precondition that their own traffic demand is satisfied. Under the information asymmetry that the APs know more about own traffic demands, the BS needs to distribute the payment in accordance with the APs' idle capacity to maintain a compatible incentive. First, we apply a contract-theoretic approach to model and analyze the service trading between the BS and APs. Furthermore, other two incentive mechanisms: optimal discrimination contract and linear pricing contract are introduced to serve as the comparisons of the anti adverse selection contract. Finally, the simulation results show that the contract can effectively incentivize APs' participation and offload the cellular network traffic. Furthermore, the anti adverse selection contract achieves the optimal outcome under the information asymmetry scenario.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    On the Effectiveness of Spectral Discriminators for Perceptual Quality Improvement

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    Several recent studies advocate the use of spectral discriminators, which evaluate the Fourier spectra of images for generative modeling. However, the effectiveness of the spectral discriminators is not well interpreted yet. We tackle this issue by examining the spectral discriminators in the context of perceptual image super-resolution (i.e., GAN-based SR), as SR image quality is susceptible to spectral changes. Our analyses reveal that the spectral discriminator indeed performs better than the ordinary (a.k.a. spatial) discriminator in identifying the differences in the high-frequency range; however, the spatial discriminator holds an advantage in the low-frequency range. Thus, we suggest that the spectral and spatial discriminators shall be used simultaneously. Moreover, we improve the spectral discriminators by first calculating the patch-wise Fourier spectrum and then aggregating the spectra by Transformer. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed method twofold. On the one hand, thanks to the additional spectral discriminator, our obtained SR images have their spectra better aligned to those of the real images, which leads to a better PD tradeoff. On the other hand, our ensembled discriminator predicts the perceptual quality more accurately, as evidenced in the no-reference image quality assessment task.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2023. Code and Models are publicly available at https://github.com/Luciennnnnnn/DualForme

    Adaptive Preconditioned Gradient Descent with Energy

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    We propose an adaptive time step with energy for a large class of preconditioned gradient descent methods, mainly applied to constrained optimization problems. Our strategy relies on representing the usual descent direction by the product of an energy variable and a transformed gradient, with a preconditioning matrix, for example, to reflect the natural gradient induced by the underlying metric in parameter space or to endow a projection operator when linear equality constraints are present. We present theoretical results on both unconditional stability and convergence rates for three respective classes of objective functions. In addition, our numerical results shed light on the excellent performance of the proposed method on several benchmark optimization problems.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    A fluid approximation for large-scale service systems

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    Inter-generational consequences for growing Caenorhabditis elegans in liquid

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    In recent years, studies in Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes have shown that different stresses can generate multigenerational changes. Here, we show that worms that grow in liquid media, and also their plate-grown progeny, are different from worms whose ancestors were grown on plates. It has been suggested that C. elegans might encounter liquid environments in nature, although actual observations in the wild are few and far between. By contrast, in the laboratory, growing worms in liquid is commonplace, and often used as an alternative to growing worms on agar plates, to control the composition of the worms’ diet, to starve (and synchronize) worms or to grow large populations for biochemical assays. We found that plate-grown descendants of M9 liquid medium-grown worms were longer than control worms, and the heritable effects were already apparent very early in development. We tested for the involvement of different known epigenetic inheritance mechanisms, but could not find a single mutant in which these inter-generational effects are cancelled. While we found that growing in liquid always leads to inter-generational changes in the worms’ size, trans-generational effects were found to be variable, and in some cases, the effects were gone after one to two generations. These results demonstrate that standard cultivation conditions in early life can dramatically change the worms’ physiology in adulthood, and can also affect the next generations. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Developing differences: early-life effects and evolutionary medicine’.Fil: Lev, Itamar. Universitat Tel Aviv; IsraelFil: Bril, Roberta. Universitat Tel Aviv; IsraelFil: Liu, Yunan. Universitat Tel Aviv; IsraelFil: CerĂ©, Lucila InĂ©s. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias BioquĂ­micas y FarmacĂ©uticas. Instituto de FisiologĂ­a Experimental; Argentina. Universitat Tel Aviv; IsraelFil: Rechavi, Oded. Universitat Tel Aviv; Israel. Tufts University; Estados Unido
