395 research outputs found

    Satellite Retrieval of Surface Evapotranspiration with Nonparametric Approach: Accuracy Assessment over a Semiarid Region

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    Surface evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the key surface processes. Reliable estimation of regional ET solely from satellite data remains a challenge. This study applies recently proposed nonparametric (NP) approach to retrieve surface ET, in terms of latent heat flux (LE), over a semiarid region. The involved input parameters are surface net radiation, land surface temperature, near-surface air temperature, and soil heat flux, all of which are retrievals or products of the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Field observations are used as ground references, which were obtained from six eddy covariance (EC) sites with different land covers including desert, Gobi, village, orchard, vegetable field, and wetland. Our results show that the accuracy of LE retrievals varies with EC sites with a determination of coefficient from 0.02 to 0.76, a bias from −221.56 W/m2 to 143.77 W/m2, a relative error from 8.82% to 48.35%, and a root mean square error from 67.97 W/m2 to 239.55 W/m2. The error mainly resulted from the uncertainties from MODIS products or the retrieval of net radiation and soil heat flux in nonvegetated region. It highlights the importance of accurate retrieval of the input parameters from satellite data, which are the ongoing tasks of remote sensing community

    Carrier Aggregation Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication Signal Design and Processing

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    The future mobile communication systems will support intelligent applications such as Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and Extended Reality (XR). Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) is regarded as one of the key technologies satisfying the high data rate communication and highly accurate sensing for these intelligent applications in future mobile communication systems. With the explosive growth of wireless devices and services, the shortage of spectrum resources leads to the fragmentation of available frequency bands for ISAC systems, which degrades sensing performance. Facing the above challenges, this paper proposes a Carrier Aggregation (CA)-based ISAC signal aggregating high and low-frequency bands to improve the sensing performance, where the CA-based ISAC signal can use four different aggregated pilot structures for sensing. Then, an ISAC signal processing algorithm with Compressed Sensing (CS) is proposed and the Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA) is used to solve the reconfiguration convex optimization problem. Finally, the Cram'er-Rao Lower Bounds (CRLBs) are derived for the CA-based ISAC signal. Simulation results show that CA efficiently improves the accuracy of range and velocity estimation

    Numerical analysis of evaluation methods and influencing factors for dynamic stability of bedding rock slope

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    As the inclination of a bedding surface is consistent with the inclination of a slope, the stability of a bedding rock slope is relatively poor, especially under dynamic loads such as earthquake and blasting. In the dynamic stability analysis of slope, the evaluation methods and influence factors of slope stability are two important concerns. Therefore, two typical bedding rock slopes are respectively established by FLAC3D to study the above concerns. The pseudo-static method, dynamic time-history method and dynamic strength reduction method is used to evaluate the dynamic stability of the model slope, and the applicability of the three methods is compared. The influence of five parameters including dynamic load frequency, slope angle, slope height, strata inclination and strata thickness on the dynamic stability is considered in the model slope with a set of bedding planes. The results show that the dynamic strength reduction method has good suitability for the stability evaluation of a bedding rock slope due to its good solution in the instability judgment and evaluation index. The dynamic stability of a slope becomes worse when the load frequency is close to the natural frequency of the slope. Due to the “elevation effect” and “bedding surface effect” in the dynamic slope response, the slope stability decreases with the increase of slope height and the reduction of strata thickness. The slope stability decreases with the increase of strata inclination and slope angle, and the strata inclination is the most sensitive parameter influencing the slope stability. When the slope angle and height increase to a certain value, the downward trend of slope stability gradually become gentle. For the model slope in this paper, when the slope angle reaches 55° and the slope height reaches 200 m, the reduction of slope stability will be no longer obvious with the increase of a slope angle and slope height

    Influence of Ag micro-alloying on the thermal stability and ageing characteristics of a Cu–14Fe in-situ composite

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    This paper studied the influence of Ag micro-alloying on the thermal stability and ageing characteristics of a deformation-processed Cu–14Fe in-situ composite prepared by thermo-mechanical processing. Heat treatment caused (i) edge recession, longitudinal splitting, cylinderization, break-up and spheroidisation of the Fe fibres in the Ag micro-alloyed Cu–14Fe in-situ composite, and (ii) recovery, recrystallisation and precipitation in the Cu matrix. Ag micro-alloying caused these processes to occur at lower temperatures. The index Z (a combination figure of merit that assesses the service performance) reached the peak value of 3.3×10 MPa·% IACS after isothermal heat treatment at 500 °C for 1 h, where IACS is the International Annealed Copper Standard, a measure of conductivity. The optimum combinations of tensile strength and conductivity were 1033 MPa and 56.6% IACS; 931 MPa and 58.9% IACS; or 851 MPa and 60.6% IACS. The tensile strength and conductivity of Ag micro-alloyed Cu–14Fe in-situ composite at η=7.8 after isochronal heat treatments were higher than those of the Cu–14Fe in-situ composite at each temperature
