3,966 research outputs found

    Investigating possible decay modes of Y(4260)Y(4260) under the D1(2420)Dˉ+c.cD_1(2420)\bar D +c.c molecular state ansatz

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    By assuming that Y(4260)Y(4260) is a D1DΛ‰D_1\bar D molecular state, we investigate some hidden-charm and charmed pair decay channels of Y(4260)Y(4260) via intermediate D1DΛ‰D_1\bar D meson loops with an effective Lagrangian approach. Through investigating the Ξ±\alpha-dependence of branching ratios and ratios between different decay channels, we show that the intermediate D1DΛ‰D_1 \bar D meson loops are crucial for driving these transitions of Y(4260)Y(4260) studied here. The coupled channel effects turn out to be more important in Y(4260)β†’Dβˆ—DΛ‰βˆ—Y(4260) \to D^{*}\bar{D}^{*}, which can be tested in the future experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; The width effects of Y(4260) considered; Revised version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    More hidden heavy quarkonium molecules and their discovery decay modes

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    To validate the molecular description of the observed Zb(10610)/Zb(10650)Z_b(10610)/Z_b(10650) and Zc(3900)/Zc(4025)Z_c(3900)/Z_c(4025), it is valuable to investigate their counterparts, denoted as ZQV(β€²)Z_{QV}^{(\prime)} in this work, and the corresponding decay modes. In this work, we present an analysis of the ZQV(β€²)Z_{QV}^{(\prime)} using flavor symmetry. We also use the effective Lagrangian based on the heavy quark symmetry to explore the rescattering mechanism and calculate the partial widths for the isospin conserved channels ZQV(β€²)β†’Ξ·QVZ_{QV}^{(\prime)} \to \eta_Q V. The predicted partial widths are of an order of MeV for ZQVβ†’Ξ·QVZ_{QV} \to \eta_Q V, which correspond to branching ratios of the order of 10βˆ’2∼10βˆ’110^{-2}\sim 10^{-1}. For ZQVβ€²β†’Ξ·QVZ_{QV}^\prime \to \eta_Q V, the partial widths are a few hundreds of keV and the branching ratios are about 10βˆ’310^{-3}. Future experimental measurements can test our predictions on the partial widths and thus examine the molecule description of heavy quarkoniumlike exotic states.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; accepted by Phys. Rev.

    B_{s1}(5830) and B_{s2}^*(5840)

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    In this paper we investigate the strong decays of the two newly observed bottom-strange mesons Bs1(5830)B_{s1}(5830) and Bs2βˆ—(5840)B_{s2}^*(5840) in the framework of the quark pair creation model. The two-body strong decay widths of Bs1(5830)0β†’Bβˆ—+Kβˆ’B_{s1}(5830)^0\to B^{*+}K^- and Bs2βˆ—(5840)0β†’B+Kβˆ’,Bβˆ—+Kβˆ’B_{s2}^*(5840)^0\to B^+K^-, B^{*+}K^- are calculated by considering Bs1(5830)B_{s1}(5830) to be a mixture between ∣1P1>|^1P_1> and ∣3P1>|^3P_1> states, and Bs2βˆ—(5840)B_{s2}^*(5840) to be a ∣3P2>|^3P_2> state. The double pion decay of Bs1(5830)B_{s1}(5830) and Bs2βˆ—(5840)B_{s2}^*(5840) is supposed to occur via the intermediate state Οƒ\sigma and f0(980)f_0(980). Although the double pion decay widths of Bs1(5830)B_{s1}(5830) and Bs2βˆ—(5840)B_{s2}^*(5840) are smaller than the two-body strong decay widths of Bs1(5830)B_{s1}(5830) and Bs2βˆ—(5840)B_{s2}^*(5840), one suggests future experiments to search the double pion decays of Bs1(5830)B_{s1}(5830) and Bs2βˆ—(5840)B_{s2}^*(5840) due to their sizable decay widths.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures and 6 tables. More references and discussions added, typos corrected, some descriptions changed. Publication version in PR

    Further understanding of the non-DDΛ‰D\bar D decays of ψ(3770)\psi(3770)

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    We provide details of the study of ψ(3770)\psi(3770) non-DDΛ‰D\bar D decays into VPVP, where VV and PP denote light vector meson and pseudoscalar meson, respectively. We find that the electromagnetic (EM) interaction plays little role in these processes, while the strong interaction dominates. The strong interaction can be separated into two parts, i.e. the short-distance part probing the wave function at origin and the long-distance part reflecting the soft gluon exchanged dynamics. The long-distance part is thus described by the intermediate charmed meson loops. We show that the transition of ψ(3770)β†’VP\psi(3770)\to VP can be related to ψ(3686)β†’VP\psi(3686)\to VP such that the parameters in our model can be constrained by comparing the different parts in ψ(3770)β†’VP\psi(3770)\to VP to those in ψ(3686)β†’VP\psi(3686)\to VP. Our quantitative results confirm the findings of [Zhang {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 172001 (2009)] that the OZI-rule-evading long-distance strong interaction via the IML plays an important role in ψ(3770)\psi(3770) decays, and could be a key towards a full understanding of the mysterious ψ(3770)\psi(3770) non-DDΛ‰D\bar{D} decay mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Microscopic Realization of 2-Dimensional Bosonic Topological Insulators

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    It is well known that a Bosonic Mott insulator can be realized by condensing vortices of a bo- son condensate. Usually, a vortex becomes an anti-vortex (and vice-versa) under time reversal symmetry, and the condensation of vortices results in a trivial Mott insulator. However, if each vortex or anti-vortex interacts with a spin trapped at its core, the time reversal transformation of the composite vortex operator will contain an extra minus sign. It turns out that such a composite vortex condensed state is a bosonic topological insulator (BTI) with gapless boundary excitations protected by U(1)β‹ŠZ2TU(1)\rtimes Z_2^T symmetry. We point out that in BTI, an external Ο€\pi flux monodromy defect carries a Kramers doublet. We propose lattice model Hamiltonians to realize the BTI phase, which might be implemented in cold atom systems or spin-1 solid state systems.Comment: 5 pages + supplementary materia
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