10,283 research outputs found

    Waves of intermediate length through an array of vertical cylinders

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    We report a semi-analytical theory of wave propagation through a vegetated water. Our aim is to construct a mathematical model for waves propagating through a lattice-like array of vertical cylinders, where the macro-scale variation of waves is derived from the dynamics in the micro-scale cells. Assuming infinitesimal waves, periodic lattice configuration, and strong contrast between the lattice spacing and the typical wavelength, the perturbation theory of homogenization (multiple scales) is used to derive the effective equations governing the macro-scale wave dynamics. The constitutive coefficients are computed from the solution of micro-scale boundary-value problem for a finite number of unit cells. Eddy viscosity in a unit cell is determined by balancing the time-averaged rate of dissipation and the rate of work done by wave force on the forest at a finite number of macro stations. While the spirit is similar to RANS scheme, less computational effort is needed. Using one fitting parameter, the theory is used to simulate three existing experiments with encouraging results. Limitations of the present theory are also pointed out.Cornell University (Mary Upson visiting professorship

    Separate muscle bundles of the flexor digitorum superficialis overlying the ulnar nerve

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    Background: The aim of this study was to elucidate the morphological charac­teristics of the muscle bundles of the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) attached to the intermuscular aponeurosis (IMA) and any related structure that could potentially compress the ulnar nerve. Materials and methods: Fifty embalmed limbs of 34 adult cadavers were studied. Results: The FDS arose as multiple separate bundles from the IMA of the lateral surface of the flexor carpi ulnaris in 76% of specimens. Below their origin, these separate bundles became attached continuously as a single mass to form the muscle belly. There were 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 arising FDS muscle bundles in 28%, 30%, 4%, 10% and 4% of specimens, respectively. The muscle bundles were attached either only superficially (24% of cases) or across the entire width (20% of cases) of the IMA. In 32% of the specimens, bundles arose from the IMA in a combined fashion, being attached to the IMA superficially, deep and across the entire structure. The muscle bundles that arose from the deep part or entire width of the IMA were in contact with the ulnar nerve in 52% of specimens. In 11 (22%) specimens, the deep borders of the lowest muscle bundles close to the ulnar nerve were composed of tendinous fibres that divided from the IMA of the lateral surface of the flexor carpi ulnaris. The distance from the medial epicondyle to the lowest point of the FDS arising from the IMA was 62.0 ± 19.7 mm. Conclusions: The thick tendinous deep border of the lowest muscle bundle of the FDS where it attaches to the IMA is a potential cause of ulnar nerve compression

    Comparison of the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Between the Criteria for Taiwanese and Japanese and the Projected Probability of Stroke in Elderly Hypertensive Taiwanese

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    SummaryBackgroundThe cutoff of abdominal circumference for metabolic syndrome (MS) defined by the Bureau of Health Promotion (BHP) of Taiwan for Taiwanese (men, 90cm; women, 80cm) and by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) for Japanese (men, 85cm; women, 90cm) differs. This study aimed to examine the impact of this difference on the prevalence of MS and the impact of an MS diagnosis on the projected risk of stroke in hypertensive Taiwanese.MethodsMS was examined in a sample of 3,472 hypertensive patients (aged 55–80 years; 1,709 women) across Taiwan. The 10-year probability of stroke estimated from the Framingham equation was compared between MS and non-MS patients.ResultsThe prevalence of MS using the BHP criteria was 59.2% using the BHP criteria (95% confidence interval, CI, 57.6–60.8%; men, 52.5%; women, 66.1%) and 48.9% by the IDF criteria (95% CI, 47.2–50.5%; men, 61.3%; women, 36.1%). Both criteria showed that, compared with non-MS, MS has higher predicted 10-year probability of stroke (BHP, 0.153 ± 0.115 vs. 0.133 ± 0.105; IDF, 0.159 ± 0.109 vs. 0.132 ± 0.112; both p < 0.001) because of the difference in women (BHP, 0.143 ± 0.124 vs. 0.102 ± 0.091; IDF, 0.147 ± 0.121 vs. 0.118 ± 0.110; both p < 0.001) rather than men (BHP, p = 0.21; IDF, p = 0.29).ConclusionBoth criteria demonstrate that MS is highly prevalent in elderly hypertensive patients in Taiwan. Additionally in women, but not men, the predicted probability of stroke is higher in MS than in non-MS patients. The diagnosis of MS is potentially useful for identifying elderly hypertensive females with an elevated risk of stroke in Taiwan

    The antiferromagnetic phi4 Model, II. The one-loop renormalization

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    It is shown that the four dimensional antiferromagnetic lattice phi4 model has the usual non-asymptotically free scaling law in the UV regime around the chiral symmetrical critical point. The theory describes a scalar and a pseudoscalar particle. A continuum effective theory is derived for low energies. A possibility of constructing a model with a single chiral boson is mentioned.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dexamethasone inhibits ozone-induced gene expression of macrophage inflammatory protein-2 in rat lung

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    AbstractTo address the potential role of the chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) in airway inflammation, we examined whether MIP-2 may play a role in ozone-induced neutrophilic inflammation of airways and its modulation by dexamethasone in rat lung. Following ozone exposure, MIP-2 mRNA expression in the lung peaked at 2 h after exposure and slowly declined thereafter. Dexamethasone suppressed ozone-induced MIP-2 mRNA expression and neutrophil accumulation in the lung. We suggest that the MIP-2 mRNA induction may switch on the neutrophilic influx observed in this model of lung inflammation. Furthermore, the MIP-2 expression is regulated by dexamethasone which may represent one of the mechanisms by which glucocorticoids exert their potent anti-inflammatory properties

    Four-quark Operators Relevant to B Meson Lifetimes from QCD Sum Rules

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    At the order of 1/m_b^3, the B meson lifetimes are controlled by the hadronic matrix elements of some four-quark operators. The nonfactorizable magnitudes of these four-quark operator matrix elements are analyzed by QCD sum rules in the framework of heavy quark effective theory. The vacuum saturation for color-singlet four-quark operators is justified at hadronic scale, and the nonfactorizable effect is at a few percent level. However for color-octet four-quark operators, the vacuum saturation is violated sizably that the nonfactorizable effect cannot be neglected for the B meson lifetimes. The implication to the extraction of some of the parameters from B decays is discussed. The B meson lifetime ratio is predicted as \tau(B^-)/\tau(B^0)=1.09\pm 0.02. However, the experimental result of the lifetime ratio \tau(\Lambda_b)/\tau(B^0) still cannot be explained.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 6 figures, discussion on non-factorizable effect of the four-quark condensate added, to appear in Phys. Rev. D57 (1998

    Enhancing National Chi Nan University Campus’s Ecological Friendliness by Creating a Butterfly Habitat Using Reclaimed Water

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    The campus of National Chi Nan University (NCNU), Taiwan is about 150 hectares, and surrounded by dense valleys and forests that provides a habitat for many wild animals. In order to further enhance the ecological friendliness of the campus, the school implemented courses to create habitats for butterflies around the Sun Pond in the campus. The reclaimed water, originated from Water Treatment Factory, in the Sun Pond is used to irrigate the vegetation in the habitat to enhance the ecological conservation value. From 2019 to 2020, a number of 17 species with 670 individuals and food plants for butterflies was planted, and special instruction signs focusing on butterfly ecology were set up, so that staff and students can better understand the actions and goals in ecological conservation of green university. From 2020 to mid-2021, a total of 6 courses with 750 students (13% of the total number of students) visited the wonderful habit. The number of 22 species of butterflies was recorded in the habitat and this number was an average of 132 per 30 minutes, which shows that the construction of the habitats is successful. The creation of the butterfly habitat is in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 and SDG 15. The habitat has become a distinguished place for environmental education in the university. In the future, more community residents and tourists can experience this fantastic place and realize the efforts and achievements in ecological conservation succeeded by NCNU.Keyword: Butterfly Habitat, Reclaimed Water, Green University, Environmental Education, Community Resident
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