291,837 research outputs found

    Doppler effects on velocity spectra observed by MST radars

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    Recently, wind data from mesophere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radars have been used to study the spectra of gravity waves in the atmosphere (Scheffler and Liu, 1985; VanZandt et al., 1985). Since MST radar measures the line-of-sight Doppler velocities, it senses the components of the wave-associated velocities along its beam directions. These components are related through the polarization relations which depend on the frequency and wave number of the wave. Therfore, the radar-observed velocity spectrum will be different from the original gravity-wave spectrum. Their relationship depends on the frequency and wave number of the wave as well as the propagation geometry. This relation can be used to interpret the observed data. It can also be used to test the assumption of gravity-wave spectrum (Scheffler and Liu, 1985). In deriving this relation, the background atmosphere has been assumed to be motionless. Obviously, the Doppler shift due to the background wind will change the shape of the gravity-wave power spectrum as well as its relation with the radar-observed spectrum. Here, researcher's investigate these changes

    Substantial gain enhancement for optical parametric amplification and oscillation in two-dimensional χ(2) nonlinear photonic crystals

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    We have analyzed optical parametric interaction in a 2D NPC. While in general the nonlinear coefficient is small compared to a 1D NPC, we show that at numerous orientations a multitude of reciprocal vectors contribute additively to enhance the gain in optical parametric amplification and oscillation in a 2D patterned crystal. In particular, we have derived the effective nonlinear coefficients for common-signal amplification and common-idler amplification for a tetragonal inverted domain pattern. We show that in the specific case of signal amplification with QPM by both G10 and G11, symmetry of the crystal results in coupled interaction with the corresponding signal amplification by G10 and G1,-1. As a consequence, this coupled utilization of all three reciprocal vectors leads to a substantial increase in parametric gain. Using PPLN we demonstrate numerically that a gain that comes close to that of a 1D QPM crystal could be realized in a 2D NPC with an inverted tetragonal domain pattern. This special mechanism produces two pairs of identical signal and idler beams propagating in mirror-imaged forward directions. In conjunction with this gain enhancement and multiple beams output we predict that there is a large pulling effect on the output wavelength due to dynamic signal build-up in the intrinsic noncollinear geometry of a 2D NPC OPO

    Water resources planning for rivers draining into Mobile Bay. Part 2: Non-conservative species transport models

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    Total coliform group bacteria were selected to expand the mathematical modeling capabilities of the hydrodynamic and salinity models to understand their relationship to commercial fishing ventures within bay waters and to gain a clear insight into the effect that rivers draining into the bay have on water quality conditions. Parametric observations revealed that temperature factors and river flow rate have a pronounced effect on the concentration profiles, while wind conditions showed only slight effects. An examination of coliform group loading concentrations at constant river flow rates and temperature shows these loading changes have an appreciable influence on total coliform distribution within Mobile Bay

    Photonic band structure of ZnO photonic crystal slab laser

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    We recently reported on the first realization of ultraviolet photonic crystal laser based on zinc oxide [Appl. Phys. Lett. {\bf 85}, 3657 (2004)]. Here we present the details of structural design and its optimization. We develop a computational super-cell technique, that allows a straightforward calculation of the photonic band structure of ZnO photonic crystal slab on sapphire substrate. We find that despite of small index contrast between the substrate and the photonic layer, the low order eigenmodes have predominantly transverse-electric (TE) or transverse-magnetic (TM) polarization. Because emission from ZnO thin film shows strong TE preference, we are able to limit our consideration to TE bands, spectrum of which can possess a complete photonic band gap with an appropriate choice of structure parameters. We demonstrate that the geometry of the system may be optimized so that a sizable band gap is achieved.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Gravity-wave spectra in the atmosphere observed by MST radar, part 4.2B

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    A universal spectrum of atmospheric buoyancy waves is proposed based on data from radiosonde, Doppler navigation, not-wire anemometer and Jimsphere balloon. The possible existence of such a universal spectrum clearly will have significant impact on several areas in the study of the middle atmosphere dynamics such as the parameterization of sub-grid scale gravity waves in global circulation models; the transport of trace constituents and heat in the middle atmosphere, etc. Therefore, it is important to examine more global wind data with temporal and spatial resolutions suitable for the investigation of the wave spectra. Mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radar observations offer an excellent opportunity for such studies. It is important to realize that radar measures the line-of-sight velocity which, in general, contains the combination of the vertical and horizontal components of the wave-associated particle velocity. Starting from a general oblique radar observation configuration, applying the dispersion relation for the gravity waves, the spectrum for the observed fluctuations in the line-of-sight gravity-wave spectrum is investigated through a filter function. The consequence of the filter function on data analysis is discussed

    Shock Waves and Cosmological Matrix Models

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    We find the shock wave solutions in a class of cosmological backgrounds with a null singularity, each of these backgrounds admits a matrix description. A shock wave solution breaks all supersymmetry meanwhile indicates that the interaction between two static D0-branes cancel, thus provides basic evidence for the matrix description. The probe action of a D0-brane in the background of another suggests that the usual perturbative expansion of matrix model breaks down.Comment: 10 pages, harvmav, v2: some comments on instability added, v3: version to appear in JHE