77 research outputs found

    Effect of differentiating agents (all-trans retinoic acid and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) on drug sensitivity of HL60 and NB4 cells in vitro.

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    In vitro studies have shown that human myeloid leukemia cell lines: HL60 and NB4 can be stimulated to differentiation by various agents, for example, all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether differentiation of HL60 and NB4 leukemia cell lines induced by ATRA and PMA alters their drug sensitivity. The differentiation along the neutrophil lineage (upon stimulation with ATRA) and along the monocyte/macrophage lineage (upon stimulation with PMA) was proved by decreased proliferative potential of cells, changes in their morphology, increased ability for NBT reduction and increased expression of CD11b and CD14 cell surface markers. The effect of drugs: cytosine arabinoside, daunorubicin, mitoxantrone and etoposide was examined by Alamar Blue test (proliferation and survival rates), as well as by evaluation of cell smears stained with Hoechst 33342 (apoptotic index). Differentiation resulted in the change of drug sensitivity in both cell lines: the differentiation along the neutrophil pathway (after stimulation with ATRA) increased sensitivity to cytosine arabinoside and mitoxantrone but decreased sensitivity to etoposide; the differentiation along the monocyte/macrophage pathway (induced by PMA) resulted in the decreased sensitivity of both cell lines to all drugs tested. In conclusion, we have shown that ATRA- and PMA-mediated differentiation of HL60 and NB4 cell lines results in the changes of their drug sensitivity. Our data may provide a contribution to a strategy aimed at a rational combination of differentiating agents and conventional anticancer drugs

    Immunohistochemical analysis of spinal cord components in mouse model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Introduction. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a widely used animal model for studying immunopathology of multiple sclerosis (MS) because it repeats the hallmarks of the human disease, such as focal inflammation and demyelination of the central nervous system, subsequently leading to axonal and neuronal loss. The interrelationships, timing and sequence of different pathological processes that lead to histologically observed lesions in SM are still incompletely understood.Material and methods. EAE was induced in female C57Bl/6 mice by active immunization with MOG35-55 antigen. Development of the neurological symptoms in the animals was monitored and on that basis spinal cords were collected in three successive phases of the disease (onset, peak, chronic). Total leukocytes, T cells, macrophages/microglia, oligodendrocytes, damaged axons and surviving neuronal cell bodies were visualized using appropriate immunohistochemical markers and their density was quantitatively assessed using image analysis software.Results. The density of all studied cells except neurons was significantly higher in EAE mice than in the control mice. The density of total leukocytes, T cells, and damaged axons increased from the onset to the peak phase and decreased in the chronic phase to reach values lower than those in the peak phase. The density of macrophages/microglia increased in the peak phase and remained at the elevated level in the chronic phase. Oligodendrocytes showed the highest density in the onset phase and gradually decreased afterwards. The density of neuronal cell bodies decreased only in the chronic phase of the disease.Conclusions. In mouse model of EAE, inflammatory cells predominate in the early phases of the disease. This study shows for the first time that inflammation precedes oligodendrocyte death and neuronal loss and that macrophages/ microglia are the only cells persisting in large numbers in the chronic phase of the disease, probably because of the switch from proinflammatory to anti-inflammatory phenotype

    Segmental distribution and morphometric features of primary sensory neurons projecting to the tibial periosteum in the rat.

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    Previous reports have demonstrated very rich innervation pattern in the periosteum. Most of the periosteal fibers were found to be sensory in nature. The aim of this study was to identify the primary sensory neurons that innervate the tibial periosteum in the adult rat and to describe the morphometric features of their perikarya. To this end, an axonal fluorescent carbocyanine tracer, DiI, was injected into the periosteum on the medial surface of the tibia. The perikarya of the sensory fibers were traced back in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) L1-L6 by means of fluorescent microscopy on cryosections. DiI-containing neurons were counted in each section and their segmental distribution was determined. Using PC-assisted image analysis system, the size and shape of the traced perikarya were analyzed. DiI-labeled sensory neurons innervating the periosteum of the tibia were located in the DRG ipsilateral to the injection site, with the highest distribution in L3 and L4 (57% and 23%, respectively). The majority of the traced neurons were of small size (area < 850 microm2), which is consistent with the size distribution of CGRP- and SP-containing cells, regarded as primary sensory neurons responsible for perception of pain and temperature. A small proportion of labeled cells had large perikarya and probably supplied corpuscular sense receptors observed in the periosteum. No differences were found in the shape distribution of neurons belonging to different size classes

    Macrophage-specific RAM11 monoclonal antibody cross-reacts with basal cells of stratified squamous epithelia.

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    RAM11 is a mouse monoclonal anti-rabbit macrophage antibody recognizing connective tissue and vascular (atheromatous tissue) macrophages. This study demonstrates a cross-reaction of RAM11 with an unknown antigen in rabbit normal epithelial cells. Formalin-fixed, paraffin sections of the New Zealand White rabbit normal skin, oral mucosa, esophagus, small intestine and lung were immunostained with RAM11 antibody followed by goat anti-mouse Cy-3-conjugated antiglobulin. RAM11-positive immunofluorescence was observed in basal layer cells of stratified squamous epithelia (skin, oral mucosa, esophagus). No RAM11 immunostaining was found in any cells of simple (intestinal, bronchial) epithelia. These findings show that basal cells of stratified squamous keratinized and non-keratinized epithelia of the rabbit express an antigenic epitope which is common with that of macrophage antigen recognized by RAM11 monoclonal antibody

    Expression of basal cell marker revealed by RAM11 antibody during epithelial regeneration in rabbits.

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    RAM11 is a mouse monoclonal anti-rabbit macrophage antibody recognizing connective tissue and vascular macrophages. Our previous report showed that RAM11 reacted with basal cells of stratified squamous epithelia of rabbit skin, oral mucosa and esophagus. The aim of the present study was to follow the appearance of RAM11 immunoreactivity in basal cells of regenerating oral epithelium in rabbits. No RAM11 immunostaining was observed in the regenerating epithelium examined on days 1 and 3 of wound healing. A weak immunofluorescence first appeared on day 7 in single basal cells and 32% of RAM11- positive basal cells were observed on day 14. These findings indicate that expression of the antigen recognized by RAM11 antibody is a transient event in the differentiation of oral keratinocytes which not always occurs during epithelial repair, although it is a constant feature of epithelial turnover in mature epithelium. Therefore this antigen can be regarded as basal cell marker only in mature stratified squamous epithelia

    Triple immunofluorescence labeling of atherosclerotic plaque components in apoE/LDLR -/- mice.

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    This paper presents a simple and reliable method of triple immunofluorescence staining that allows simultaneous detection of various cell types present in atherosclerotic plaque of apolipoprotein E and LDL receptor-double knockout (apoE/LDLR -/-) mice. We used combined direct and indirect procedures applying commercially available primary antibodies raised in different species to detect smooth muscle cells (Cy3-conjugated mouse anti-smooth muscle actin, SMA), macrophages (rat anti-CD68) and T lymphocytes (rabbit anti-CD3). Fixation of the material in acetone and modified incubation protocol employing nonfat dry milk in preincubation and incubation media significantly increased the intensity of labeling and effectively quenched the background. Our method offers an efficient way to detect qualitative as well as quantitative changes of macrophages, T lymphocytes and smooth muscle cells in atherosclerotic plaque of apoE/LDLR -/- mice during atherosclerosis development or in response to pharmacological treatment

    Impact of Interatrial Shunts on Invasive Hemodynamics and Exercise Tolerance in Patients With Heart Failure

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    Approximately 50% of patients with heart failure have preserved ejection fraction. Although a wide variety of conditions cause or contribute to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, elevated left ventricular filling pressures, particularly during exercise, are common to all causes. Acute elevation in left-sided filling pressures promotes lung congestion and symptoms of dyspnea, while chronic elevations often lead to pulmonary vascular remodeling, right heart failure, and increased risk of mortality. Pharmacologic therapies, including neurohormonal modulation and drugs that modify the nitric oxide/cyclic GMP-protein kinase G pathway have thus far been limited in reducing symptoms or improving outcomes in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Hence, alternative means of reducing the detrimental rise in left-sided heart pressures are being explored. One proposed method of achieving this is to create an interatrial shunt, thus unloading the left heart at rest and during exercise. Currently available studies have shown 3- to 5-mm Hg decreases of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure during exercise despite increased workload. The mechanisms underlying the hemodynamic changes are just starting to be understood. In this review we summarize results of recent studies aimed at elucidating the potential mechanisms of improved hemodynamics during exercise tolerance following interatrial shunt implantation and the current interatrial shunt devices under investigation

    Cyclin D1 and D3 expression in melanocytic skin lesions

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    Cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, as well as proteins cooperating with them are responsible for cell cycle regulation which is crucial for normal development, injury repair, and tumorigenesis. D-type cyclins regulate G1 cell cycle progression by enhancing the activities of cyclin-dependent kinases, and their expression is frequently altered in tumors. Disturbances in cyclin expression were also reported in melanocytic skin lesions. The objective of the study was to evaluate the expression of cyclins D1 and D3 in common, dysplastic, and malignant melanocytic skin lesions. Forty-eight melanocytic skin lesions including common nevi (10), dysplastic nevi (24), and melanomas (14) were diagnosed by dermoscopy and excised. Expression of cyclin D1 and D3 was detected by immunohistochemistry and quantified as percentage of immunostained cell nuclei in each sample. In normal skin, expression of cyclins D1 and D3 was not detected. The mean percentage of cyclin D1-positive nuclei was 7.75% for melanoma samples, 5% for dysplastic nevi samples, and 0.34% for common nevi samples. For cyclin D3, the respective values were 17.8, 6.4, and 1.8%. Statistically significant differences in cyclin D1 expression were observed between melanomas and common nevi as well as between dysplastic and common nevi (p = 0.0001), but not between melanomas and dysplastic nevi. Cyclin D3 expression revealed significant differences between all investigated lesion types (p = 0.0000). The mean cyclin D1 and D3 scores of melanomas with Breslow thickness <1 mm and >1 mm were not significantly different. G1/S abnormalities are crucial for the progression of malignant melanoma, and enhanced cyclin D1 and D3 expression leading to increased melanocyte proliferation is observed in both melanoma and dysplastic nevi. In histopathologically ambiguous cases, lower cyclin D3 expression in dysplastic nevi can be a diagnostic marker for that lesion type