28 research outputs found

    Policy-based management of medical devices and applications

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    Die Arbeit präsentiert einen erweiterten Ansatz zum autonomen technischen Management, der das innovative Modell-basierte Management mit dem etablierten Policy-basierten Management kombiniert. Zur Planung des Systems wird ein umfassendes Modell des Management- und des zu verwaltenden Systems entworfen. Beide Systeme werden auf drei Abstraktionsschichten („Use Cases“, „Services“, „Components“) modelliert. Auf Basis der vorgestellten Ableitungsmuster (Evaluierungs-, Kontroll- und Verfeinerungsmuster) und der Zwischenschichtassoziationen wird der Prozess der Ableitung der Management-Policies automatisiert mit Hilfe eines Modellierungstools durchgeführt. Am Ende werden die zur Laufzeit vom Management ausführbaren Policies generiert. Der Ansatz wird im Rahmen des medizinischen Anwendungsfeldes erprobt. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Ansatz die Entwicklung und Verlässlichkeit sowie den Betrieb des medizinischen Geräte- und Anwendungsensembles unterstützt.This work presents an extended approach to the autonomous technical management, which combines the innovative model-based management with the established policy-based management technique. A comprehensive model of the managed and the management system is created. Both systems are modeled on three abstraction layers („Use Cases“, „Services“, „Components“). On the basis of the introduced policy derivation patterns (evaluation, control and refinement patterns) and intra-layer associations the policy derivation process is conducted automated by means of a modeling tool. Finally, runnable policies are generated which are enforced by the management at runtime. The approach is applied within the medical application field. It is demonstrated, that the presented technical management supports the development and dependable behavior of medical devices and applications

    Compensation for non-pecuniary damage in case of death

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá institutem náhrady nemajetkové újmy sekundární oběti v případě smrti primární oběti. Cílem práce je analyzovat zvláštnosti fungování institutu náhrady nemajetkové újmy pro případ smrti, identifikovat aktuální problémy jeho vývoje a navrhnout způsoby jejich řešení. První kapitola se zabývá okolností a historií vzniku institutu náhrady nemajetkové újmy, který je datován až ke starověku, následně popisuje vývoj institutu přes středověk a novověk až k současné době. Druhá kapitola pojednává o pojmu "nemajetková újma", jeho definici a upřesnění druhů, které existují. Zaměřuje se na duševní útrapy, jakou roli hrají v životě člověka a jaký následek jejich prožívání má ve stanovení výše náhrady. Poté se popisuje institut náhrady nemajetkové újmy v rámci anglosaského a římsko-germánského práva. Uvádí se také rozlišení obětí na primární a sekundární. Třetí kapitola se věnuje vývoji institutu náhrady nemajetkové újmy v České republice, popisují se typy řízení: trestní, správní a občanskoprávní. Nastiňuje se problematika trestního a správního řízení, především se soustřeďuje na občanskoprávní problematiku. Následovně se analyzuje Metodika Nejvyššího soudu ČR k náhradě za bolest a ztížení společenského uplatnění, kde bylo zjištěno, že český právní řád dostatečně neodhaluje strukturu...Compensation for non-pecuniary damage in case of death ABSTRACT The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of institute of compensation for non-pecuniary damage to the secondary victim in the event of the death of the primary victim. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the peculiarities of the functioning of the institute for compensation of non- pecuniary damage in the event of death, to identify the current problems of its development and to propose ways of solving them. The first chapter describes the circumstances and history of the establishment of the institute for compensation for non-pecuniary damage, which dates to ancient times, then sets out the development of the institute through the Middle Ages and the modern era to the present day. The second chapter is about the concept of "non-pecuniary damage", its definition and specifying the types of this damage that exist. It focuses on mental suffering, what role they play in a person's life and what effect their experience has in determining the amount of compensation. Then the institute of compensation for non-pecuniary damage is described within the framework of Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic law. The distinction between primary and secondary victims is also presented. The third chapter is devoted to the development of the institute of...Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Male vs Female in the mirror of Russian Dual Christian Naming (16th–17th Centuries)

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    The paper deals with the special features of Russian dual Christian naming—that is, the practice of giving a lay person an additional Christian name, other than his/her baptismal name. In the Middle Ages in Russia, a man could not under any circumstances get a female anthroponym as a second Christian name, and a woman, respectively, could not get a male anthroponym. In particular, no variations with respect to the calendar tradition, which transform male names into female names and vice versa, were allowed. This markedly contraposes the choice of the second Christian name for a lay woman to the choice of the monastic name for a nun. The work examines a number of incidents that would seem to violate this rigor of the gender distribution of anthroponyms, and discusses a number of related problems associated with the multiplicity of personal names in pre-Petrine Rus’

    The True and Fake Names of Boris Godunov

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    This paper takes a new look at the “anthroponymical dossier” of Boris Godunov and his family. Insufficient familiarity with the structure of the Medieval Russian polyonymy (that is, the practice of using many names for the same person) has been known to lead not only to the introduction of redundant and never-existing people to research papers, but also to real people taking redundant, imaginary names, which they did not and often could not have taken in reality. This paper takes a look at both the names the tsar had, without a doubt, and the names under which he existed in previous research (Boris, Bogolep, Iakov, Bogdan, Theodot). Special attention is given to the personal patron saints’ cult in Godunov’s family, mostly to St. Theodotus. Some problems of attribution and dating of several artifacts are raised

    Именины в пространстве летописного нарратива

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    The article investigates the ways in which the celebration of the name day (imeniny) of Russian princes or their entourages was presented in the Russian chronicles. The custom of celebrating the name day was firmly rooted in the Russian princely environment. For a chronicle narrative, the very rootedness of this custom and the number of its associated actions plays an important role—it is this rootedness that makes stories told in the chronicles quite opaque to the modern reader. A prince’s Christian name and the day of his patron saint were considered to be important background knowledge for the audience of the medieval compiler. There were, apparently, clear ideas about appropriate behavior for prince or a person from his environment on his name day or on the eve of this day but, on the other hand, such assumptions explain why this kind of “normal” behavior rarely forms the subject of special reflection in the chronicles. It is not only a description of the celebration itself that might be very informative, whether it be a church service, a ceremonial feast with various relatives, or an exchange of gifts, but also the description of acts and deeds that were undertaken specifically on a prince’s name day. Therefore, particular attention is given here to stories about undue or inappropriate behavior on this special day. The paper deals with the function and nature of such episodes in the broader context of historiographical narrative.Статья посвящена тому, как в летописном нарративе могут изображаться именины русских князей или их приближенных. Особое внимание уделяется рассказам о недолжном, неподобающем поведении на именинах, своих и чужих. В работе рассматривается функция и характер такого рода эпизодов в более широком контексте историографического повествования

    The Veneration of the Mother of God and Some Aspects of Naming Tradition in pre-Petrine Russia

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    The paper explores a specific name-giving pattern that came from the ban on appellation after Virgin Mary. In Russia, the name of the Mother of God could neither be given at christening nor, apparently, could it be acquired with the monastic tonsure, with this prohibition being strictly and rigorously observed from pre-Mongolian times to our days. Yet it is also well known that the name Mary could be given in honor of the multitude of saints sharing the same name as the Mother of God. The study illustrates that in the 16th–17th centuries the name Mary could be given on the day one of the numerous icons of the Mother of God was celebrated. Thus, the designated person became the namesake of one of the venerated images of the Mother of God while avoiding a direct violation of the prohibition on the name’s use. The cult surrounding the icons of the Mother of God was part of a complex system of significant dates which determined the choice of personal names for a single person, not only regulating their life from birth to death but also predisposing practices of their posthumous commemoration. It is worth noting that such pattern of naming by the icon did not in any way extend to the name of Christ; however, it may have played a particular role in the cult of St Nikolaos of Myra, whose name in Russia at that time was also included in nomina sacra

    Мужское vs женское в контексте светской христианской двуименности на Руси XVI–XVII вв.

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    The paper deals with the special features of Russian dual Christian naming—that is, the practice of giving a lay person an additional Christian name, other than his/her baptismal name. In the Middle Ages in Russia, a man could not under any circumstances get a female anthroponym as a second Christian name, and a woman, respectively, could not get a male anthroponym. In particular, no variations with respect to the calendar tradition, which transform male names into female names and vice versa, were allowed. This markedly contraposes the choice of the second Christian name for a lay woman to the choice of the monastic name for a nun. The work examines a number of incidents that would seem to violate this rigor of the gender distribution of anthroponyms, and discusses a number of related problems associated with the multiplicity of personal names in pre-Petrine Rus’. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.5Данная работа посвящена особым чертам русской христианской двуименности, выделяющей ее на фоне других традиций полиномии. В эпоху Средневековья на Руси мужчина не мог ни при каких условиях получить в качестве второго христианского имени женский антропоним, а женщина, соответственно, мужской. Не допускались, в частности, никакие новые по отношению к месяцесловной традиции вариации, трансформирующие мужские имена в женские и наоборот. Это заметным образом противопоставляет выбор второго христианского имени для мирянки выбору монашеского имени для инокини. В работе рассматривается ряд казусов, казалось бы, нарушающих эту строгость гендерного распределения антропонимов и обсуждается ряд смежных проблем, связанных с многоименностью в допетровской Руси. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.

    Подлинные и мнимые имена Бориса Годунова

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    This paper takes a new look at the “anthroponymical dossier” of Boris Godunov and his family. Insufficient familiarity with the structure of the Medieval Russian polyonymy (that is, the practice of using many names for the same person) has been known to lead not only to the introduction of redundant and never-existing people to research papers, but also to real people taking redundant, imaginary names, which they did not and often could not have taken in reality. This paper takes a look at both the names the tsar had, without a doubt, and the names under which he existed in previous research (Boris, Bogolep, Iakov, Bogdan, Theodot). Special attention is given to the personal patron saints’ cult in Godunov’s family, mostly to St. Theodotus. Some problems of attribution and dating of several artifacts are raised. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2020.9.1.7В первой части работы предложен общий обзор моделей одноименности и многоименности в средневековой Руси, причем авторы стремились сосредоточиться в первую очередь на антропонимических практиках XVI — начала XVII столетия. Далее была предпринята попытка показать, каковы были системные возможности для наречения царя Бориса Годунова и как они были реализованы на деле. В частности, были рассмотрены все имена, которыми царь обладал бесспорно, и те, что ему приписывались (Борис, Боголеп, Иаков, Богдан, Феодот). Особое внимание уделено истории культа личных патрональных святых членов царской семьи, прежде всего св. Феодоту. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2020.9.1.

    Светская христианская двуименность в эпитафиях Московской Руси (вокруг трех неопубликованных надписей XVI–XVII вв.)

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    The article analyses the little-explored cultural practice of dual Christian naming as reflected on 16th and 17th century gravestones. The study focuses on key linguistic aspects of representing several names of the deceased; the principles of name-giving and dual name functioning – both during a person's life and after their passing—are reconstructed with special attention to epitaphic texts. By adopting an onomastic approach, the authors are able to attribute several gravestones; a number of inscriptions, previously unstudied, are researched for the first time. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2022.11.2.14Настоящая работа посвящена малоизученному феномену запечатления светской христианской двуименности на надгробных плитах XVI–XVII вв. В исследовании анализируются основные лингвистические параметры репрезентации нескольких имен усопшего и воссоздаются те принципы имянаречения и функционирования разных имен одного и того же человека при его жизни и после кончины, которые можно проследить, опираясь на эпитафии. Благодаря ономастическому ракурсу авторам удалось атрибутировать несколько надгробных плит, в научный оборот вводятся ряд ранее не публиковавшихся надписей. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2022.11.2.1