299 research outputs found

    South London Community Education Provider Networks : evaluation report

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    Community Education Provider Networks (CEPNs) are innovative network organisations designed to support workforce transformation, through education and training, for a primary and community orientated National Health Service . In developing CEPNs, Health Education England (HEE) has been a pathfinder for innovation in primary care workforce development across a diverse health care system which covers a population of approximately three and quarter million people. This final evaluation report, following on from the interim report of 2015, offers a system wide assessment. It also identifies key issues and learning points for the development of such education and training network organisations

    Respiratory tract infection-related healthcare utilisation in children with Down's syndrome

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    Purpose: Children with Down’s syndrome (DS) are prone to respiratory tract infections (RTIs) due to anatomical variation, immune system immaturity and comorbidities. However, evidence on RTI-related healthcare utilisation, especially in primary care, is incomplete. In this retrospective cohort study, we use routinely collected primary and secondary care data to quantify RTI-related healthcare utilisation in children with DS and matched controls without DS. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 992 children with DS and 4874 matched controls attending English general practices and hospitals as identified in Clinical disease research using LInked Bespoke studies and Electronic health Records (CALIBER) from 1997 to 2010. Poisson regression was used to calculate consultation, hospitalisation and prescription rates, and rate ratios. Wald test was used to compare risk of admission following consultation. The Wilcoxon rank–sum test was used to compare length of stay by RTI type and time-to-hospitalisation. Results: RTI-related healthcare utilisation is significantly higher in children with DS than in controls in terms of GP consultations (adjusted RR 1.73; 95% CI 1.62–1.84), hospitalisations (adjusted RR 5.70; 95% CI 4.82–6.73), and antibiotic prescribing (adjusted RR 2.34; 95% CI 2.19–2.49). Two percent of children with DS presenting for an RTI-related GP consultation were subsequently admitted for an RTI-related hospitalisation, compared to 0.7% in controls. Conclusions: Children with DS have higher rates of GP consultations, hospitalisations and antibiotic prescribing compared to controls. This poses a significant burden on families. Further research is recommended to characterise healthcare behaviours and clinical decision-making, to optimise care for this at risk group

    Effect of antibiotics in preventing hospitalizations from respiratory tract infections in children with Down syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Children with Down Syndrome (DS) are at high risk of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) due to anatomical variations, comorbidities and immune system immaturity. Evidence on interventions to reduce this risk is incomplete. This study aims to quantify the effect of antibiotics prescribed for RTIs in primary care on the subsequent risk of RTI-related hospitalisation for children with DS versus controls. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 992 children with DS and 4,874 controls managed by UK National Health Service (NHS) General Practitioners (GPs) and hospitals as identified in CALIBER (Clinical disease research using LInked Bespoke studies and Electronic health Records), 1997-2010. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were undertaken. RESULTS: In children with DS, the prescription of antibiotics following an RTI-related GP consultation did not significantly reduce the risk of RTI-related hospitalisation in the subsequent 28 days (Risk with antibiotics 1.8%; without 2.5%; Risk Ratio (RR) 0.699, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.471-1.036). Subgroup analyses showed a risk reduction only in infants with DS, after adjustment for covariates. There was no reduction in risk for controls, overall or across subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, whilst prescription of antibiotics following RTI-related GP consultations were effective for infants with DS in reducing subsequent RTI-related hospitalisation, this was not the case for older children with DS. We would encourage further high-quality cohort and randomised controlled trials to interrogate this finding, and to examine the impact of antibiotics on other endpoints, including symptom duration. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Respiratory Tract Infection Related Healthcare Utilisation in UK Children with Down's Syndrome

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    Costs and Outcomes of Increasing Access to Bariatric Surgery: Cohort Study and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Using Electronic Health Records

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    Objectives: To estimate costs and outcomes of increasing access to bariatric surgery in obese adults and in population subgroups of age, sex, deprivation, comorbidity, and obesity category. Methods: A cohort study was conducted using primary care electronic health records, with linked hospital utilization data, for 3,045 participants who underwent bariatric surgery and 247,537 participants who did not undergo bariatric surgery. Epidemiological analyses informed a probabilistic Markov model to compare bariatric surgery, including equal proportions with adjustable gastric banding, gastric bypass, and sleeve gastrectomy, with standard nonsurgical management of obesity. Outcomes were quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) and net monetary benefits at a threshold of £30,000 per QALY. Results: In a UK population of 250,000 adults, there may be 7,163 people with morbid obesity including 1,406 with diabetes. The immediate cost of 1,000 bariatric surgical procedures is £9.16 million, with incremental discounted lifetime health care costs of £15.26 million (95% confidence interval £15.18–£15.36 million). Patient-years with diabetes mellitus will decrease by 8,320 (range 8,123–8,502). Incremental QALYs will increase by 2,142 (range 2,032–2,256). The estimated cost per QALY gained is £7,129 (range £6,775–£7,506). Net monetary benefits will be £49.02 million (range £45.72–£52.41 million). Estimates are similar for subgroups of age, sex, and deprivation. Bariatric surgery remains cost-effective if the procedure is twice as costly, or if intervention effect declines over time. Conclusions: Diverse obese individuals may benefit from bariatric surgery at acceptable cost. Bariatric surgery is not cost-saving, but increased health care costs are exceeded by health benefits to obese individuals

    Public Reasoning and Health-Care Priority Setting: The Case of NICE

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    Health systems that aim to secure universal patient access through a scheme of prepayments—whether through taxes, social insurance, or a combination of the two—need to make decisions on the scope of coverage that they guarantee: such tasks often falling to a priority-setting agency. This article analyzes the decision-making processes at one such agency in particular—the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)—and appraises their ethical justifiability. In particular, we consider the extent to which NICE’s model can be justified on the basis of Rawls’s conception of “reasonableness.” This test shares certain features with the well-known Accountability for Reasonableness (AfR) model but also offers an alternative to it, being concerned with how far the values used by priority-setting agencies such as NICE meet substantive conditions of reasonableness irrespective of their procedural virtues. We find that while there are areas in which NICE’s processes may be improved, NICE’s overall approach to evaluating health technologies and setting priorities for health-care coverage is a reasonable one, making it an exemplar for other health-care systems facing similar coverage dilemmas. In so doing we offer both a framework for analysing the ethical justifiability of NICE’s processes and one that might be used to evaluate others
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