2,857 research outputs found

    Explaining Disparities between Actual and Hypothetical Stated Values: Further Investigation Using Meta-Analysis

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    Spurred by the need to account for non-market values in various policy applications, a lively and extended debate has surrounded the presence and magnitude of hypothetical bias in stated value studies (e.g., applications of the survey-based contingent valuation method). Using the rapidly accumulating set of comparison studies, List and Gallet (2001) conducted an initial meta-analysis of the experimental protocol that may be influencing the disparity between real and hypothetical values in stated value studies. We expand the original meta-analysis by using a significantly larger (29%) data set, including variables to account for referendum formats, certainty corrections, and cheap talk scripts.

    Global Imbalances-Just How Dangerous?

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    The combination of rising current account surpluses in Asia and a growing current account deficit in the United States has raised concerns that the resulting imbalances pose a threat to the world economy, especially if they are reversed in a disorderly manner. Some experts believe that normal market forces will resolve these imbalances over time; others argue that policy-makers should facilitate the adjustment with policies that curb domestic demand in deficit countries and stimulate it in surplus countries. Little and Lafrance provide a guide to the major issues and controversies involved in the debate.

    The impact of demographic change on U. S. labor markets

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    According to the U. S. Census Bureau projections, the United States will face dramatic demographic changes over the next one hundred years. Indeed, the country will be entering largely uncharted territory. In the twenty-first century, the population is expected to grow more slowly than ever before over an extended period. The population will also age rapidly, with the share of the population over 65 climbing to a succession of new record highs. Finally, the United States will once again become a nation of immigrants. Over the past decade, the wave of new immigrants has already neared proportions last seen in the early 1900s at the end of the Great Migrations. And this inflow is projected to persist throughout the coming century, with new immigrants and the children of those immigrants contributing well over half of the increase in the U. S. population. Because the source of this inflow has shifted from Europe to Latin America and Asia, this new wave will change the voice and face of America forever.Demography ; Economic conditions ; Labor market

    Seismic shifts: the economic impact of demographic change: an overview

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    Most economic developments are hard to predict. Considerable uncertainty surrounds forecasts for output growth, inflation, and unemployment a year from now, for instance. But demographic developments are different in this respect. Although demographic surprises abound, the major trends build slowly, and the broad contours of medium-term outcomes become discernible well in advance.Demography ; Economic conditions

    Synthesis of FMSP Experience and Lessons Learned for Fisheries Co-Management, Final Technical Report

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    In November 2012, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) set the terms of reference for a commissioned assessment of fisheries and aquaculture science. The task was to complete a "scoping review", consisting of an in-depth assessment of the existing evidence related to fisheries and aquaculture activities in developing countries and their contribution to economic growth, food security and nutrition. For this the assessment was expected to identify the existing evidence and 'evidence in the pipeline' (i.e. to be published imminently) from the existing literature, compile it, and provide an assessment of the strength (in the sense, scientific rigor) of that evidence, and identify knowledge or evidence gaps. In addition the assessment was to be complemented by a mapping of existing relevant interventions in fisheries and aquaculture. In order to conduct this assessment, the team of consultants adopted a six step methodological protocol that allowed them to assess in a consistent manner the scientific quality of the documents included in the assessment, based on quality, size and consistency of the evidence. After scanning, 202 documents were retained. The main evidences from these 202 documents were organised under two main threads: (i) Developmental outcomes, including food security; nutrition; health; economic growth and (ii) Mediating factors focusing on governance; and gender

    A computer model to simulate scoliosis surgery

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    Use of patient-specific computer models as a pre-operative planning tool permits predictions of the likely deformity correction and allows a more detailed investigation of the biomechanical influence of different surgical procedures on the scoliotic spinal anatomy. In this paper, patient-specific computer models are used of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients who underwent a single rod anterior procedure at the Mater Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, to predict deformity correction and to investigate the change in biomechanics of the scoliotic spine due to surgical compressive forces applied during implant placement

    A Peer Outreach Initiative to Increase the Registration of Minorities as Organ Donors

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    Background Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities are disproportionately affected by inequalities in transplant services in the UK. There are some indications from pilot programmes that appeals for BAME organ donors may be more effectively communicated by employing grassroots, community-networking approaches, but such initiatives have not been adequately described or evaluated. Methods Lay individuals from BAME communities were trained as peer outreach workers. They attended a series of public events to promote knowledge of organ donation and transplantation among the public. Information was gathered from 806 evaluation forms completed by event attendees at 34 separate events. From these, 54 follow-up interviews were conducted with event attendees who completed evaluation forms, indicated that they intended to sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register (ODR) within the next month and consented to follow-up. Results Peer outreach initiatives of the type evaluated are associated with increased numbers of BAME people registering as organ donors. A total of 8.8% of event attendees signed up to the NHS ODR. The programme was most effective with people who had previously considered becoming organ donors but who did not know how to go about it. It was less effective with people who had not previously considered it, or who were scared about signing up, or who feared family or religious disapproval. Conclusions Peer outreach programmes with BAME communities can be an effective way of reducing inequalities by increasing the number of people on the NHS ODR and encouraging people to think about the issue

    Comments: Rights of the Maryland Probationer: A Primer for the Practitioner

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    Until relatively recently, persons placed on probation were denied even the most basic of due process protections. Beginning in the late 1960\u27s, a series of Supreme Court decisions made it clear that many of the rights afforded the average citizen were equally applicable to the probationer. Since that time the rights afforded the Maryland probation have expanded greatly. This comment presents the current state of those rights and its author concludes that although burdened by many restrictions, the Maryland probationer is nonetheless in an advantageous position when compared with his counterpart in other jurisdictions