182 research outputs found

    211. Cytometryczna analiza ploidii DNA komórek uzyskanych techniką aspiracyjnej biopsji cienkoigłowej (BAC) w pierwotnych rakach piersi

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    Założenia i cel pracyCelem badania było wykazanie przydatności aspiracyjnej biopsji cienkoigłowej, jako źródła materiału do analizy ploidii DNA komórek guzów nowotworowych oraz oceny stanu receptorów estrogenowych, progesteronowych i Ki-67 w pierwotnych rakach piersi.Materiał i metodykaMateriał do analizy ploidii DNA w cytometrze przepływowym stanowiła zawiesina komórek guzów piersi pobierana przez lekarzy patomorfologów metodą BAC. Badania immunocytochemiczne i preparaty cytologiczne przygotowywano w sposób typowy.WynikiW latach (1999–2002 r.) wykonano badania u 275 kobiet w wieku od 24 do 85 lat. W tej grupie znalazło się 195 przypadków guzów o typie aneuploidalnym cyklu komórkowego, gdzie wartość CV mieściła się w granicach od 1.4 – 9.0 (śr. 4,76), a liczba komórek będących w fazie S cyklu aneuploidalnego wynosiła od 0.4% – 87.4%. W 80 przypadkach guzów piersi o wyłącznie diploidalnym typie cyklu komórkowego, wartość CV mieściła się w granicach od 2.1 – 7.8 (śr. 4.7), a liczba komórek będących w fazie S cyklu diploidalnego wynosiła od 0.1% – 28.5%. Ploidię DNA porównywano ze stanem receptorowym badanych komórek. Aneuploidia DNA korelowała ze słabą reakcją (27 przypadków) lub brakiem reakcji (81 przypadków) na obecność receptora estrogenowego oraz progesteronowego (odpowiednio 26 i 96 przypadków), natomiast towarzyszyła silnej reakcji na obecność Ki-67 (15 – 60%).WnioskiNiskie wartości CV w parametrach zarówno guzów aneuploidalnych jak i diploidalnych wskazują na przydatność metody oceny ploidii DNA oraz fazy S cyklu aneuploidalnego w materiale cytologicznym uzyskanym na drodze BAC. Badania wskazują, że cytometryczna analiza zawartości komórkowego DNA oraz fazy S cyklu aneuploidalnego, korelują z wynikami immunocytochemicznymi (PgR, ER, Ki-67). Metody te mogą być szczególnie użyteczne klinicznie przy prognozowaniu i przewidywaniu odpowiedzi na indywidualne leczenie pacjentek, kwalifikujących się do wcześniejszej chemioterapii lub/i hormonoterapii. Oznaczanie wymienionych markerów przy użyciu BAC jest bardzo przydatne dla leczenia pacjentów (gdy nie dysponujemy materiałem tkankowym a tylko cytologicznym) z np. nieoperacyjnym rakiem piersi lub w przypadku małych zmian pierwotnych

    Increased levels of type VIII collagen in human brain tumours compared to normal brain tissue and non-neoplastic cerebral disorders.

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    The expression of type VIII collagen was examined in the normal and diseased human brain. Focal immunoreactivity was seen in histologically abnormal vessels of all four angiomas and 40 of 52 brain tumours (gliomas, meningiomas and schwannomas). An extended staining pattern, as well as a punctate distribution, was frequently observed in affected vessels. Staining was not apparent in nine normal brains and in 15 pathologic brains showing various cerebrovascular abnormalities, including Alzheimer's, Leigh's and Wernicke's diseases. Immunoblotting of glioblastomas revealed two bands at 56 kD and 67 kD which were also present at low levels in normal frontal cortex. The extracellular distribution of type VIII collagen was different from that of the other collagen types which have been described in brain and resembles patterns of expression described for certain tissues during mammalian embryogenesis (Kapoor et al., 1988). Our results provide additional evidence for the participation of type VIII collagen in some types of angiogenesis

    Animistic pragmatism and native ways of knowing: adaptive strategies for overcoming the struggle for food in the sub-Arctic

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    Background. Subsistence norms are part of the “ecosophy” or ecological philosophy of Alaska Native Peoples in the sub-Arctic, such as the Inupiat of Seward Peninsula. This kind of animistic pragmatism is a special source of practical wisdom that spans over thousands of years and which has been instrumental in the Iñupiat’s struggle to survive and thrive in harsh and evolving environments. Objective. I hope to show how narrative in relationship to the “ecosophy” of Alaska Native peoples can help to promote a more ecological orientation to address food insecurity in rural communities in Alaska. Alaska Native ecosophy recommends central values and virtues necessary to help address concerns in Alaska’s rural communities. Design. Here, I will tease out the nature of this “ecosophy” in terms of animistic pragmatism and then show why this form of pragmatism can be instrumental for problematizing multi-scalar, intergenerational, uncertain and complex environmental challenges like food security. Results. Native elders have been the embodiment of trans-generational distributed cognition,1 for example, collective memory, norms, information, knowledge, technical skills and experimental adaptive strategies. They are human “supercomputers,” historical epistemologists and moral philosophers of a sort who use narrative, a form of moral testimony, to help their communities face challenges and seize opportunities in the wake of an ever-changing landscape. Conclusions. The “ecosophy” of the Iñupiat of Seward Peninsula offers examples of “focal practices”, which are essential for environmental education. These focal practices instil key virtues, namely humility, gratitude, self-reliance, attentiveness, responsibility and responsiveness, that are necessary for subsistence living

    Phosphorylcholine and KR12-Containing Corneal Implants in HSV-1-Infected Rabbit Corneas

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    Severe HSV-1 infection can cause blindness due to tissue damage from severe inflammation. Due to the high risk of graft failure in HSV-1-infected individuals, cornea transplantation to restore vision is often contraindicated. We tested the capacity for cell-free biosynthetic implants made from recombinant human collagen type III and 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (RHCIII-MPC) to suppress inflammation and promote tissue regeneration in the damaged corneas. To block viral reactivation, we incorporated silica dioxide nanoparticles releasing KR12, the small bioactive core fragment of LL37, an innate cationic host defense peptide produced by corneal cells. KR12 is more reactive and smaller than LL37, so more KR12 molecules can be incorporated into nanoparticles for delivery. Unlike LL37, which was cytotoxic, KR12 was cell-friendly and showed little cytotoxicity at doses that blocked HSV-1 activity in vitro, instead enabling rapid wound closure in cultures of human epithelial cells. Composite implants released KR12 for up to 3 weeks in vitro. The implant was also tested in vivo on HSV-1-infected rabbit corneas where it was grafted by anterior lamellar keratoplasty. Adding KR12 to RHCIII-MPC did not reduce HSV-1 viral loads or the inflammation resulting in neovascularization. Nevertheless, the composite implants reduced viral spread sufficiently to allow stable corneal epithelium, stroma, and nerve regeneration over a 6-month observation period

    Precursor lesions of early onset pancreatic cancer

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    Early onset pancreatic cancer (EOPC) constitutes less than 5% of all newly diagnosed cases of pancreatic cancer (PC). Although histopathological characteristics of EOPC have been described, no detailed reports on precursor lesions of EOPC are available. In the present study, we aimed to describe histopathological picture of extratumoral parenchyma in 23 cases of EOPCs (definition based on the threshold value of 45 years of age) with particular emphasis on two types of precursor lesions of PC: pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs). The types, grades, and densities of precursor lesions of PC were compared in patients with EOPCs, in young patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), and in older (at the age of 46 or more) patients with PC. PanINs were found in 95.6% of cases of EOPCs. PanINs-3 were found in 39.1% of EOPC cases. Densities of all PanIN grades in EOPC cases were larger than in young patients with NENs. Density of PanINs-1A in EOPC cases was larger than in older patients with PC, but densities of PanINs of other grades were comparable. IPMN was found only in a single patient with EOPC but in 20% of older patients with PC. PanINs are the most prevalent precursor lesions of EOPC. IPMNs are rarely precursor lesions of EOPC. Relatively high density of low-grade PanINs-1 in extratumoral parenchyma of patients with EOPC may result from unknown multifocal genetic alterations in pancreatic tissue in patients with EOPCs

    The impact on sleep of a multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural pain management programme: a pilot study

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    Background: Reduced sleep quality is a common complaint among patients with chronic pain, with 50-80% of patients reporting sleep disturbance. Improvements in pain and quality of life measures have been achieved using a multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural therapy pain management programme (CBT-PMP) that aims to recondition attitudes to pain, and improve patients' self-management of their condition. Despite its high prevalence in patients with chronic pain, there is very limited objective evidence for the effect of this intervention on sleep quality. The primary research objective is to investigate the short-term effect of a multidisciplinary CBTPMP on subjective (measured by Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index) and objective sleep quality (measured by Actigraphy) in patients with chronic pain by comparison with a control group. The secondary objectives will investigate changes in function and mood, and then explore the relationship between objective and subjective sleep quality and physical and psychological outcome measures. Methods/Design: Patients who fulfil the inclusion criteria for attendance on the multidisciplinary CBT-PMP in the Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin and are currently listed on the PMP waiting list will be invited to participate in this pilot study. Potential patients will be screened for sleep disturbance [determined by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)]. Those patients with a sleep disturbance (PSQI >5) will be assigned to either the intervention group (immediate treatment), or control group (deferred treatment, i.e. the PMP they are listed for is more than six months away) based on where they appear on the waiting list. Baseline measures of sleep, function, and mood will be obtained using a combination of self-report questionnaires (the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Short Form 36 health survey, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia), and functional outcome measures. Sleep will be measured for seven days using actigraphy (Actiwatch 7). These measures will be repeated after the four week multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural therapy pain management programme, and at a two month follow-up. The waiting list control group will be assessed at baseline, and two months later. Analysis for the primary outcome will include between group differences of subjective and objective sleep parameters from baseline to follow-up using Independent T-tests or Mann-Whitney U tests. The secondary outcomes establishing relationships between the sleep variables and physical and psychological outcome measures will be established using multiple linear regression models. Discussion: This pilot study will evaluate the impact of a multidisciplinary CBT-PMP on both subjective and objective measures of sleep in patients with chronic pain and provide guidance for a larger clinical trial. Trial Registration: Current controlled trial ISRCTN: ISRCTN7491359

    Prevalence of prehypertension and associated cardiovascular risk profiles among prediabetic Omani adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The importance of prediabetes and prehypertension has been demonstrated in several studies especially for primary prevention of CVD. A recent community based cross-sectional study revealed that 40.9 percent Omani adults are prediabetics. This study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of prehypertension and associated cardiovascular risk profiles in prediabetics. To best of our knowledge, this is the first report on this subject.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study included 327 confirmed pre-diabetic Omani adults, who were analysed for their demographic, metabolic and behavioral characteristics. These characteristics were compared between the three different blood pressure groups to determine the CVD risk factors. Univariate and step-wise multiple logistic regression methods were used to carry out the analysis of the data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, the prevalence of prehypertension was 54.1 percent. Males were at higher risk of developing prehypertension as compared to females (OR = 2.30, 95% CI: 1.21, 4.38; P < 0.01). The individuals with higher BMI have two fold more risk of developing prehypertension (OR = 2.25, 95% CI: 1.26, 4.02; P < 0.01). The increased level of OGT enhanced the risk of developing prehypertension (OR = 1.26, 95% CI: 1.06, 1.50; P < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A high prevalence of prehypertension (54.1%) exists in this study population. The major determinants of prehypertension in these prediabetic subjects were male gender, increasing dysglycemia and BMI. Appropriate intervention strategies have been suggested.</p

    Application of ecological momentary assessment in stress-related diseases

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    Many physical diseases have been reported to be associated with psychosocial factors. In these diseases, assessment relies mainly on subjective symptoms in natural settings. Therefore, it is important to assess symptoms and/or relationships between psychosocial factors and symptoms in natural settings. Symptoms are usually assessed by self-report when patients visit their doctors. However, self-report by recall has an intrinsic problem; "recall bias". Recently, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) has been proposed as a reliable method to assess and record events and subjective symptoms as well as physiological and behavioral variables in natural settings. Although EMA is a useful method to assess stress-related diseases, it has not been fully acknowledged, especially by clinicians. Therefore, the present brief review introduces the application and future direction of EMA for the assessment and intervention for stress-related diseases

    PTEN as a Prognostic and Predictive Marker in Postoperative Radiotherapy for Squamous Cell Cancer of the Head and Neck

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor suppressor PTEN is known to control a variety of processes related to cell survival, proliferation, and growth. PTEN expression is considered as a prognostic factor in some human neoplasms like breast, prostate, and thyroid cancer. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study we analyzed the influence of PTEN expression on the outcome of a randomized clinical trial of conventional versus 7-days-a-week postoperative radiotherapy for squamous cell cancer of the head and neck. The patients with cancer of the oral cavity, oropharynx, and larynx were randomized to receive 63 Gy in fractions of 1.8 Gy given 5 days a week (CF) or 7 days a week (p-CAIR). Out of 279 patients enrolled in the study, 147 paraffin blocks were available for an immunohistochemical assessment of PTEN. To evaluate the prognostic value of PTEN expression and the effect of fractionation relative to PTEN, the data on the outcome of a randomized clinical trial were analyzed. Tumors with a high intensity of PTEN staining had significant gain in the loco-regional control (LRC) from p-CAIR (5-year LRC 92.7% vs. 70.8%, for p-CAIR vs. CF, p = 0.016, RR = 0.26). By contrast, tumors with low intensity of PTEN did not gain from p-CAIR (5-year LRC 56.2% vs. 47.2%, p = 0.49, RR = 0.94). The intensity of PTEN highly affected the LRC in a whole group of 147 patients (5-year LRC 80.9% vs. 52.3% for high vs. low PTEN, p = 0.0007, RR = 0.32). In multivariate Cox analysis, including neck node involvement, EGFR, nm23, Ki-67, p53, cyclin D1, tumor site and margins, PTEN remained an independent predictor of LRC (RR = 2.8 p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that PTEN may serve as a potent prognostic and predictive marker in postoperative radiotherapy for high-risk squamous cell cancer of the head and neck