19 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Produk Tabungan dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Keputusan Menabung pada Kjks Bmt Binna Ummat Sejahtera Kec. Lasem

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    KJKS BMT BUS is one of principled Islamic financial institutions. One of the products offered by KJKS BMT BUS is a savings product. Any problems that occur in KJKS BMT BUS is the achievement of targets that can not be fulfilled. The factors thought to effect the saving decision is a savings product and service quality. If the attractive savings products and service quality the company is doing well, then the decision to save a high savings can be achieved. The purpose of this research was to determine whether there is influence between saving product and service quality of the saving decisions on KJKS BMT BUS district Lasem. The type of research is explanatory research. Sampling technique using the method of Simple Random Sampling that means the sampling a random member of the population without regard to strata in the population and members of the population is considered homogeneous. Therefore, the sample is totally contain 100 respondents. Data analysis technique used was simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis with the tools SPSS 17 for Windows programs. The analysis of this research prove that as partially savings products had positive effect of saving decision with determination coefficient value is 22.1%, and service quality had positive effect of saving decision with determination coefficient value is 30.9%. And simultaneously savings products and quality service had positive effect of saving decision with determination coefficient value is 38.9%. The conclusion of this research is that the product savings and service quality affect of saving decision a partial, and simultaneously saving product and service quality affects to the saving decision. Advice that can be delivered is KJKS BMT BUS should improve the quality of products to attract savings in order to save. KJKS BMT BUS also needs and further improve the quality of service to customers, although the quality of service is good

    Game Sejarah Perjuangan Kapitan Patimura Berbasis Android

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    Indonesia is one country with a history of struggle for independence long enough number of fighters and national figures who have fallen in battle and the amount of the value of history and the struggles of the fighters we're all more or less already started to be forgotten, especially among children in the current era many android based games, with the development of smartphone and tablet users in the world. Industry game makers also have many opportunities to produce games. Many of the benefits of producing the game because of the many enthusiasts of the game. In this paper the author will design and build applications gaming history of the struggle of national heroes Kapitan Pattimura android based in the design of this game using Adobe Flash CS6 which can then be run on android Smartphone. In this game later on the user or the user will play the character of a hero Kapitan Pattimura to fight its wars against the Dutch and the future until the end of powers to seize the occupied Netherlands. In the making of this game will use multimedia development method development, Steps in the research process is the stage of concept, design, collecting materials, assembly, testing, distribution

    Perawatan Diri Pasien Kusta

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    . Leprosy is a general health problem because can be causes of disability. Routine Self-care is needed prevent existing defects. This study is aim to describe self-care of leprosy patients in work area of Bendan and Jenggot Primary Health Care Pekalongan City, 2015. This study used descriptive study. Populations in this study were all of leprosy patients in work area of Bendan and Jenggot Primary Health Care about 42 patients. To select certain participant used total sampling technique. Result of this study showed 19 (52.8%) do not perform self-care and 17 (47.2%) perform self-care. Self-care is an act to maintain cleanliness and health of a personal's well-being, both of physical and psychological. Interest in self-care is no more affected than the desire itself and did not need any help from the family. They believe when self-care is done regularly will reduce the risk of a more severe disability. More families are expected to motivate lepers to always perform self-care by providing information about leprosy in particular on self-care

    Pengaruh Keragaman Menu, Kualitas Produk, Citra Merek, Dan Iklan Terhadap Keputusan Pemebelian

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    In the restaurant business, which is the key to success is the diversity of menu and the quality of products offered. Consumers will compare the suitability of the sacrifices made by the quality of products and the diversity of the menu offered by the restaurant, other attributes inherent in a product such as brand image and advertising needs to be developed to influence customer purchase. This study aims to determine effect of the diversity of menu, product quality, brand image, and advertising on consumer purchasing decisions McDonald\u27s Java Mall Semarang. Variable diversity of menu influence the purchase decision of 48.6 percent. Variables quality of the product influence purchase decisions at 54.2 percent. Variables of brand image influence purchase decisions for 47.3 percent. Variable advertising influence purchase decisions of 37.2 percent. Variable menu variety, product quality, brand image, and advertising on purchase decisions for 66.4 percent. This means that the increasing diversity of the menu, product quality, brand image, and advertising is expected to increase consumer purchasing decisions.Based on this research, the McDonald\u27s Java Mall innovation cause diversity menu, improving the ability of officers in the service, consistency in the application of Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value and create the image of a good, proper advertising as well as unique and interesting will positively impact to consumer purchasing decision

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja dan Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Pustaka Rizki Putra Semarang

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    Work discipline and leadership are factors supporting factor for achieving good performance. PT. Pustaka Rizki Putra Semarang is a company engaged in printing, always providing the best in order to compete. Therefore, it is need of human resources with good performance. In the course of its business activities can not be separated from the problem pinangkatan employee performance by increasing work discipline and leadership. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and leadership on employee performance. Type of research is explanatory. In the study population there were 30 people and all samples used by census. Techniques of data collection using questionnaires, interviews, literature study. Data analysis method used is correlation, simple linear regression and multiple linear regression. The conclusion of this research is the discipline of work and leadership at PT. Pustaka Rizki Putra Semarang is good. Test results with SPSS shows that discipline and leadership have a significant impact on employee performance either simultaneously or partially. Suggestions can be submitted is working discipline should be more attention to the company should be increased. The conclusion of this study is compensation, work environment, workload and leadership on the Main PT Windika quite good. SPSS test result shows that the compensation, work environment, workload and leadership significantly influence job satisfaction either simultaneously or partially. The suggestion that the company should be given more attention is the level of employee discipline. For example, by giving rewards both tangible and intangible for employees to improve disciplin

    Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Blackberry (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa S1 Fisip Universitas Diponegoro Semarang)

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    This research aims to know the influence of the brand image and product quality of the purchasing decisions and POLITICAL SCIENCE undergraduates Blackberry UNDIP Semarang. This research type is explanatory research. The population in this research is the undergraduate student and POLITICAL SCIENCE UNDIP Semarang. The number of samples in the study amounted to 100 students. Sampling techniques in the study using a purposive sampling. Engineering data collection using the questionnaire and the study of the literature. The scale of measurement using Likert scale. On data analysis using simple linear regression test and test multiple regression with application programs SPSS 16.0. Results of the study suggested that there is a positive influence and strong brand image among variables of a purchase Blackberry, indicated by the coefficient of the correlation coefficients and regression 1,246 0,718 and contributing 51,67 51,67%.In addition there is a very strong and positive influence of the variable quality of products towards purchasing decision Blackberry, indicated by the coefficient of the correlation coefficients and regression 0,302 0,943 and contributes 89,0. While together the brand image and product quality has a positive influence on the buying decision of linear regression coefficients shown duality of the brand image and product quality 0,292 0,072, besides its influence is very strong, brand image and product quality together affects the purchasing decisions of the correlation coefficient is shown by the 0,944 and contributing 89.1

    Identification of Javan Langur (Trachypithecus Auratus) in Javan Langur CENTER (Jlc) Coban Talun-batu Based on D-loop Sequences

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    Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus) is one of endemic primates in Indonesia and classified into vulnerable level. Based on its morphological characteristic and geographic area, Javan Langur divided into 2 subspecies, those are Trachypithecus auratus auratus and Trachypithecus auratus Mauritius. The identification of its morphological characteristic and genetic in species or subspecies level is important before releasing because it is correlated with inbreeding grouping and releasing place. The aim of this study is to identify the Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus) in Javan Langur Center (JLC) Coban Talun-Batu based on D-Loop sequence. The blood sample used in this study was taken from two adult female Javan Langur named Ijem and Embun, that have different morphological characteristics. Both (primates) are suggested to be T.a.Mauritius and T.a.auratus respectively. The amplification of D-Loop sequence by mean of PCR technique was performed using specific designed primers forward D-LoopRs 5'-GTACTTAACTCCACCACCAA-3' and reverse D-LoopRs 5'-GTTGAGTTGGGTATGCTCGA-3'. The phylogenetic tree reconstruction based on MEGA 5 using Maximum Likelihood (ML) method and pairwise distance analysis with Kimura-2 parameter model shows that Ijem and Embun are placed in different clade. Pairwise distance from those samples value is 11,4%, it prove that they are interspecies. This result supports the morphological characteristic and previous research used Cyt-b sequence, Ijem is Trachypithecus auratus Mauritius and Embun is Trachypithecus auratus auratus