21 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani Karet Pada Sistem Peremajaan Bertahap

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    Peremajaan di perkebunan rakyat adalah terbatasnya modal petani dan kekhawatiran petani kehilangan pendapatan selama peremajaan. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan sistem peremajaan yang lebih murah dan efisien, serta menjamin kesinambungan pendapatan petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan Januari 2012 – Juni 2014 di Kecamatan Way Tuba, Kabupaten Way Kanan, Lampung. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan 8 sistem peremajaan, yaitu (1) 30%-30%-40% + jagung, (2) 30%-30%-40% + kacang tanah, (3) 50%-50% + jagung, (4) 50%-50% + kacang tanah, (5) 70%-30% + jagung, (6) 70%-30% + kacang tanah, (7) 100% + jagung, (8) 100% + kacang tanah. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi penerimaan dari hasil penjualan lump tanaman karet tua, penjualan kayu tanaman karet yang ditebang, penjualan produksi tanaman sela selama dua kali musim tanam/tahun, biaya USAha tani dan pendapatan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model peremajaan tebang 100% memberikan pendapatan yang terbesar pada umur karet TBM, namun memerlukan biaya tunai yang juga lebih besar. Jumlah pendapatan atas biaya tunai selama 3 tahun dari model peremajaan 100% antara Rp46.412.000,00 (R/C=3,83)–Rp55.080.000,00 (R/C=3,83). Berdasarkan nilai R/C yang diperoleh maka alternatif model peremajaan dipilih model peremajaan 70%-30% atau 50%-50%. Jumlah pendapatan biaya tunai yang diperoleh dari model peremajaan 70%-30% sebesar Rp45.035.000,00 (R/C=4,88)–Rp52.144.000,00 (R/C=4,87), sedangkan model peremajaan 50%-50%, sebesar Rp44.213.000,00 (R/C=5,07)–Rp50.944.000,00 (R/C=4,90). Pada peremajaan karet rakyat, peran tenaga kerja dalam keluarga sangat penting, selain mempercepat pekerjaan juga lebih hemat

    Nilai Tambah Ekonomi Pengolahan Jambu Mete Indonesia

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    Economic value added of cashew processing in Indonesia. Cashew is one of the commodities that have significance for Indonesia's economy.Besides the country foreign exchange earner and source of income of farmers, cashew nuts contribute for land conservation. In Indonesia, cashew mostlycultivated by smallholders. The main problem is the low productivity of Indonesian cashew crop and quality of products. The development of thecashew processing industry faced with the constraint of continuity of availability of raw materials. This is because cashew harvest season is generallyonly four months (July-October) per year. Indonesia cashew exports still largely in the raw form, especially to India and Vietnam which is a majorproducer of cashew in the world market. The dominant raw form of cashew export is not benefeting farmers, processing industry and the government(central and local). The loss potential lost opportunity to obtain economic value added, the amount of Rp 1.8 to 2.9 trillion per year. Opportunitycomes from the processing of cashew nuts and CNSL. This product price is stabilize, the market outlook is still very open, both domestic andinternational markets. Demand for exports and growing domestic market, it should be an incentive for farmers, processing industry, and government toexploit its full potential. Besides the increase farmers' income, this step will open new employment opportunities in rural as well as opportunitiesincrease foreign exchange. This potential will only materialize if the processing performed by the industry to involve farmers as partners

    Analisis Risiko Kehilangan Hasil Dari Lada Hibrida Tahan Busuk Pangkal Batang

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    Serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) pada tanaman lada merupakan penyebab utama rendahnya produktivitas lada Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tingkat risiko kehilangan hasil lada akibat penyakit BPB dan peluang penggunaan lada hibrida tahan BPB untuk menekan risiko produksi lada. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Juli – Oktober 2010 di Kabupaten Lampung Utara melalui survey terhadap petani lada. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis risiko dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa petani menghadapi risiko produksi lada yang cukup besar akibat serangan penyakit BPB dengan tingkat serangan rata-rata 26 persen dan standar deviasi 23 persen. Selain itu, terjadi korelasi yang cukup siginifikan antara produktivitas lada dengan tingkat serangan penyakit BPB. Sebagai respon terhadap risiko kehilangan hasil lada terutama yang disebabkan oleh penyakit BPB, introduksi teknologi lada hibrida tahan BPB memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk menekan risiko tersebut

    Genetic Relationship Of Cashew Germplasm Based On Random Amplified Polymorphic Dna

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    Cashew production in Indonesia still low (300-463 kg/ha/year) caused by genetic materials used for the cultivation were not superior variety, therefore, some effort to find superior variety with high production must be improved. To support those efforts needs wide variation of plant genetic resources. Nowdays, characteristic data of cashew germplasm in BALITTRI based on morphological characters, so needed molecular approach to get genetic characteristics, genetic relationship and specific characters such as high production marker, one of some techniques that we can use is RAPD marker. Additionally, RAPD marker is simple, efficient and accurate. The purpose of this study was to know the genetic variation and relationship among cashew germplasm based on band pattern of DNA by using RAPD technique. The experiment was conducted at Molecular Biology Laboratory of BB-Biogen, Bogor since May till November 2009. Genetic material used were MR 851, PK 36, GG1, Laode Kase, Laode Kapala, JT 27, Arsyad Labone, Wonogiri Merah, A x S, F x M, SM 9, C x M, F x A and BO2 by using 25 primers. The activity consisting germplasm collecting of cashew (14 accessions), followed laboratory activities such as: DNA extraction and purification, loading and running of PCR product, RAPD and data analysis. Results shows that 25 primers used are 16 primers shown DNA band pattern, one of them was monomorphism and one specific primer which shown DNA band pattern of cashew, i.e: BO2, SM9 and JT27. Germplasm collection of cashew has wide variation. At 70% coefficient, 14 accessions of cashew were divided to three groups where first group were content 11 individual (MR 851, PK 36, Laode Kase, GG1, Laode Kapala, A x S, F x A, C x M, Arsyad Labone, Wonogiri Merah, and F x M), while second group were content two individuals (BO2 and SM9). Moreover, in first group itself sh own wide variation among 11 accessions