7 research outputs found

    Dampak Pertambangan terhadap Lingkungan Hidup di Kalimantan Selatan dan Implikasinya Bagi Hak-hak Warga Negara

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    The legal issues in this paper is about the mining activities increasingly uncontrollable that cause various effects for society and the life around of mine, including: environmental demage, high of pollution (soil, water and air) and resulting in disruption to the wide of society such as damage of houses and public facilities, mainly by the action of blasting dynamite to open the mine site. Disruption aspects of community life, when the viewed of side of Human Rights, which is mainly related to economic rights, social and cultural, surely very related to the impact of this coal mining. Because of human rights involve aspects the right of life and good life, safe and healthy which is the right to a good environment, healthy and regulated in the laws of the republic Indonesia of 1945

    Reconstruction of Prisoners Development System Into Correctional System

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    Legal issues in this paper is about prisoners development originally oriented to prisoners development system that amanded into correctional system by Keputusan Menteri kehakiman Republik Indonesia Nomor M.02-PK.04.10 tahun 1990. Using normative law sociological research methods analyzerd that Correctional Institute of banjarmasin, South of Borneo, oriented to the new system of prisoners development although not all of it can be adopted in practice. The small number of correctional officers which is inversely proportional to over capacitu condition of prisoners become the main detention factor in achiieving the development patterns of prisoners and detainess based on correctional system prisoners, correctional officers, and society is the component of it which have their own role basically in pracice

    Penormaan Pengawasan Izin Lingkungan dalam Pencegahan Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup dalam Eksploitasi Sumber Daya Alam

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    In environmental protection and management, the main effort is to prevent pollution and damage on environment instead of repressing the damages occurred. Permit is one of preventive measures and becomes a principle in Administrative Law. Permits can be seen as government\u27s tool as judicial preventive and used as an administrative instrument to control people\u27s behavior. Environmental permit can be seen as preventive measure, because it always related to orders and obligations that must be obeyed by the holder. On the other hand, environmental permit also function as repressive instrument to counter environmental problems due to human activities, including mining. The norm\u27s obscurity on the supervision of environmental permits in in Law No. 32 Year 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management (hereafter will refer as UUPPLH) is an indicator for the lack of the objective results.Based on type, this research focuses the study on the Environmental permit as an absolute requirement. Normatively, the principle of environmental permit as stipulated in Environmental Law regulates that every business and/or activity which required an Environmental Impact Analysis document or UKL-UPL should also hold an environmental permit. The purpose of Environmental permits is to maintain the preservation of environmental functions while also prevent and counter environmental pollution and damage due to human activities. Based on this construction, permits plays a very important role in environmental activity. Exploitation of natural resources has a significant impact on the environment, thus based on Article 22 paragraph (1) of Environmental Law these activities requires an Environment Impact Analysis. Important impacts as detailed in Article 22 paragraph (2) at empirical level still occurs so the goal of preventing pollution and damage as the objective of environmental permits still has not been achieved

    Konsep Perizinan Terpadu sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Korupsir Sektor Pertambangan

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    Isu Hukum yang diangkat berkaitan dengan persoalan tidak terpadunya penyelenggaraan perizinan di Indonesia yang salah satu indikatornya disebabkan ketidakkonsistenan penerapan konsep lingkungan hidup sebagaimana makna dan ruang lingkupnya. Dengan ketidakterpaduan pengaturan perizinan tersebut, maka masing-masing sektor memiliki kewenangan sendiri untuk mengatur persyaratan, prosedur, waktu dan biaya pengurusan perizinan. Melalui pendekatan Perudang-undangan dan konseptual, peneliti mengkaji problematika perizinan dalam kegiatan pertambangan yang memberikan celah terjadinya tindak pidana korupsi tersebut. Ketidakterpaduan membuat proses penerbitan izin pertambangan yang panjang dan rumit. Perizinan yang terpadu dengan penyatuan wewenang (fusion of competence) yang dilaksanakan dengan cara koordinasi, yakni kerjasama dalam pelaksanaan wewenang yang bersifat mandiri (working together in the exertion of autonomous competences). diharapkan menjadi langkah untuk mencegah terjadinya praktek gratifikasi yang dilakukan oleh pemohon izin usaha pertambangan kepada pejabat yang berwenang untuk mengeluarkan izin tersebut