4,015 research outputs found

    J0811+4730: the most metal-poor star-forming dwarf galaxy known

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    We report the discovery of the most metal-poor dwarf star-forming galaxy (SFG) known to date, J0811+4730. This galaxy, at a redshift z=0.04444, has a Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) g-band absolute magnitude M_g = -15.41 mag. It was selected by inspecting the spectroscopic data base in the Data Release 13 (DR13) of the SDSS. LBT/MODS spectroscopic observations reveal its oxygen abundance to be 12 + log O/H = 6.98 +/- 0.02, the lowest ever observed for a SFG. J0811+4730 strongly deviates from the main-sequence defined by SFGs in the emission-line diagnostic diagrams and the metallicity - luminosity diagram. These differences are caused mainly by the extremely low oxygen abundance in J0811++4730, which is ~10 times lower than that in main-sequence SFGs with similar luminosities. By fitting the spectral energy distributions of the SDSS and LBT spectra, we derive a stellar mass of M* = 10^6.24 - 10^6.29 Msun (statistical uncertainties only), and we find that a considerable fraction of the galaxy stellar mass was formed during the most recent burst of star formation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Widespread, Clumpy Starburst in the Isolated Ongoing Dwarf Galaxy Merger dm1647+21

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    Interactions between pairs of isolated dwarf galaxies provide a critical window into low-mass hierarchical, gas-dominated galaxy assembly and the buildup of stellar mass in low-metallicity systems. We present the first VLT/MUSE optical IFU observations of the interacting dwarf pair dm1647+21, selected from the TiNy Titans survey. The Hα\alpha emission is widespread and corresponds to a total unobscured star formation rate (SFR) of 0.44 M⊙_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}, 2.7 times higher than the SFR inferred from SDSS data. The implied specific SFR (sSFR) for the system is elevated by more than an order of magnitude above non-interacting dwarfs in the same mass range. This increase is dominated by the lower-mass galaxy, which has a sSFR enhancement of >> 50. Examining the spatially-resolved maps of classic optical line diagnostics, we find the ISM excitation can be fully explained by star formation. The velocity field of the ionized gas is not consistent with simple rotation. Dynamical simulations indicate that the irregular velocity field and the stellar structure is consistent with the identification of this system as an ongoing interaction between two dwarf galaxies. The widespread, clumpy enhancements in star formation in this system point to important differences in the effect of mergers on dwarf galaxies, compared to massive galaxies: rather than the funneling of gas to the nucleus and giving rise to a nuclear starburst, starbursts in low-mass galaxy mergers may be triggered by large-scale ISM compression, and thus be more distributed.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Figures slightly degraded to meet arXiv size restrictions. For more information about TiNy Titans see https://lavinia.as.arizona.edu/~tinytitans

    The use of remotely sensed environmental parameters for spatial and temporal schistosomiasis prediction across climate zones in Ghana

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    Schistosomiasis control in sub-Saharan Africa is enacted primarily through preventive chemotherapy. Predictive models can play an important role in filling knowledge gaps in the distribution of the disease and help guide the allocation of limited resources. Previous modeling approaches have used localized cross-sectional survey data and environmental data typically collected at a discrete point in time. In this analysis, 8 years (2008-2015) of monthly schistosomiasis cases reported into Ghana's national surveillance system were used to assess temporal and spatial relationships between disease rates and three remotely sensed environmental variables: land surface temperature (LST), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and accumulated precipitation (AP). Furthermore, the analysis was stratified by three major and nine minor climate zones, defined using a new climate classification method. Results showed a downward trend in reported disease rates (~ 1% per month) for all climate zones. Seasonality was present in the north with two peaks (March and September), and in the middle of the country with a single peak (July). Lowest disease rates were observed in December/January across climate zones. Seasonal patterns in the environmental variables and their associations with reported schistosomiasis infection rates varied across climate zones. Precipitation consistently demonstrated a positive association with disease outcome, with a 1-cm increase in rainfall contributing a 0.3-1.6% increase in monthly reported schistosomiasis infection rates. Generally, surveillance of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in low-income countries continues to suffer from data quality issues. However, with systematic improvements, our approach demonstrates a way for health departments to use routine surveillance data in combination with publicly available remote sensing data to analyze disease patterns with wide geographic coverage and varying levels of spatial and temporal aggregation.Accepted manuscrip

    Measuring the Pressure in the Superficial Inferior Epigastric Vein to Monitor for Venous Congestion in Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Breast Reconstructions: A Pilot Study

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    During deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap dissection, we noted that in many cases the superficial vein on the ipsilateral side of the flap was engorged and tense, and in others, it was empty. This led us to believe that the pressure is increased as the result of preferential outflow through the superficial vein in some cases, which could result in venous congestion of the flap if this vessel was not anastomosed. To test this hypothesis, we measured the venous pressure in the superficial venous system before and after flap dissection. The pressure in the superficial inferior epigastic vein of a DIEP flap was measured in 26 consecutive flaps to investigate the correlation between the pressure and venous congestion of the flap. The first measurement was performed at the beginning of the dissection, and the second measurement was taken after the flap had been completely raised on a single perforator. The mean increase in pressure after flap dissection was 10.6 mm Hg (mu = 10.6; range -1 to 31; O +/- 7.0 mm Hg). Clinical signs of venous congestion were observed in one case. In this case, the increase in venous pressure was with 31 mm Hg, also the highest. Although the results of this report are preliminary, they indicate that the pressure in the superficial vein of DIEP flaps might be of predictive value for venous congestion

    First normal stress difference and crystallization in a dense sheared granular fluid

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    The first normal stress difference (N1{\mathcal N}_1) and the microstructure in a dense sheared granular fluid of smooth inelastic hard-disks are probed using event-driven simulations. While the anisotropy in the second moment of fluctuation velocity, which is a Burnett-order effect, is known to be the progenitor of normal stress differences in {\it dilute} granular fluids, we show here that the collisional anisotropies are responsible for the normal stress behaviour in the {\it dense} limit. As in the elastic hard-sphere fluids, N1{\mathcal N}_1 remains {\it positive} (if the stress is defined in the {\it compressive} sense) for dilute and moderately dense flows, but becomes {\it negative} above a critical density, depending on the restitution coefficient. This sign-reversal of N1{\mathcal N}_1 occurs due to the {\it microstructural} reorganization of the particles, which can be correlated with a preferred value of the {\it average} collision angle θav=π/4±π/2\theta_{av}=\pi/4 \pm \pi/2 in the direction opposing the shear. We also report on the shear-induced {\it crystal}-formation, signalling the onset of fluid-solid coexistence in dense granular fluids. Different approaches to take into account the normal stress differences are discussed in the framework of the relaxation-type rheological models.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Phrenologyand the Insanity Defence: Medical Jurisprudence in the McNaughtan Trial

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    This thesis argues that phrenology shaped the defence argument in the McNaughtan trial. The role of this now-discredited science exemplifies the negotiation of scientific, legal and lay knowledge in the early nineteenth century, at a time when science was challenging the primacy of lay understandings of insanity. Phrenological ideas allowed the defence to privilege medical opinion over lay opinion, and propose a model of the mind that could account for McNaughtan’s insanity. This was possible because the medical and professional communities accepted some elements of the science. They applied these principles when explaining and verifying insanity in a courtroom setting

    Housekeeping genes for quantitative expression studies in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

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    Background During the last years the quantification of immune response under immunological challenges, e.g. parasitation, has been a major focus of research. In this context, the expression of immune response genes in teleost fish has been surveyed for scientific and commercial purposes. Despite the fact that it was shown in teleostei and other taxa that the gene for beta-actin is not the most stably expressed housekeeping gene (HKG), depending on the tissue and experimental treatment, the gene has been us Results To establish a reliable method for the measurement of immune gene expression in Gasterosteus aculeatus, sequences from the now available genome database and an EST library of the same species were used to select oligonucleotide primers for HKG, in order to perform quantitative reverse-transcription (RT) PCR. The expression stability of ten candidate reference genes was evaluated in three different tissues, and in five parasite treatment groups, using the three algorithms BestKeeper, geNorm and N Conclusion As they were the most stably expressed genes in all tissues examined, we suggest using the genes for the L13a ribosomal binding protein and ubiquitin as alternative or additional reference genes in expression analysis in Gasterosteus aculeatus.

    From Monodisciplinary via Multidisciplinary to an Interdisciplinary Approach Investigating Air-Sea Interactions – a SOLAS Initiative

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    Understanding the physical and biogeochemical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere is a vital component of environmental and Earth system research. The ability to predict and respond to future environmental change relies on a detailed understanding of these processes. The Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) is an international research platform that focuses on the study of ocean-atmosphere interactions, for which Future Earth is a sponsor. SOLAS instigated a collaborative initiative process to connect efforts in the natural and social sciences related to these processes, as a contribution to the emerging Future Earth Ocean Knowledge-Action Network (Ocean KAN). This is imperative because many of the recent changes in the Earth system are anthropogenic. An understanding of adaptation and counteracting measures requires an alliance of scientists from both domains to bridge the gap between science and policy. To this end, three SOLAS research areas were targeted for a case study to determine a more effective method of interdisciplinary research: valuing carbon and the ocean’s role; air-sea interactions, policy and stewardship; and, air-sea interactions and the shipping industry
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