479 research outputs found

    Coherent phenomena in mesoscopic systems

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    A mesoscopic system of cylindrical geometry made of a metal or a semiconductor is shown to exhibit features of a quantum coherent state. It is shown that magnetostatic interaction can play an important role in mesoscopic systems leading to an ordered ground state. The temperature TT^{*} below the system exhibits long-range order is determined. The self-consistent mean field approximation of the magnetostatic interaction is performed giving the effective Hamiltonian from which the self-sustaining currents can be obtained. The relation of quantum coherent state in mesoscopic cylinders to other coherent systems like superconductors is discussed.Comment: REVTeX, 4 figures, in print in Supercond. Sci. Techno

    Possibility of long-range order in clean mesoscopic cylinders

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian of the magnetostatic interaction is discussed. This long-range interaction can play an important role in mesoscopic systems leading to an ordered ground state. The self-consistent mean field approximation of the magnetostatic interaction is performed to give an effective Hamiltonian from which the spontaneous, self-sustaining currents can be obtained. To go beyond the mean field approximation the mean square fluctuation of the total momentum is calculated and its influence on self-sustaining currents in mesoscopic cylinders with quasi-1D and quasi-2D conduction is considered. Then, by the use of the microscopic Hamiltonian of the magnetostatic interaction for a set of stacked rings, the problem of long-range order is discussed. The temperature TT^{*} below which the system is in an ordered state is determined.Comment: 14 pages, REVTeX, 5 figures, in print in Phys. Rev.

    Distribution and thickness of the surface contaminations on STM tungsten tips, studied by AES/SEM and ARXPS

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    The combination of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ARXPS) has been applied to the analysis of the distribution of elements at the surface region of electrochemically etched tungsten tips and the determination of the thickness of a layer with oxygen and carbon contamination. Auger line profiling revealed a homogeneous distribution of oxygen and significant enrichment of carbon on the W tip between 0 and 1.5 μm from the top. The thickness of the contamination layer on various W materials, electrochemically etched, was found to be 1.35±0.15 nm as measured using ARXPS, and was estimated to be about 1–3 nm as measured by AES

    Electromagnetic Calorimeter for HADES

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    We propose to build the Electromagnetic calorimeter for the HADES di-lepton spectrometer. It will enable to measure the data on neutral meson production from nucleus-nucleus collisions, which are essential for interpretation of dilepton data, but are unknown in the energy range of planned experiments (2-10 GeV per nucleon). The calorimeter will improve the electron-hadron separation, and will be used for detection of photons from strange resonances in elementary and HI reactions. Detailed description of the detector layout, the support structure, the electronic readout and its performance studied via Monte Carlo simulations and series of dedicated test experiments is presented. The device will cover the total area of about 8 m^2 at polar angles between 12 and 45 degrees with almost full azimuthal coverage. The photon and electron energy resolution achieved in test experiments amounts to 5-6%/sqrt(E[GeV]) which is sufficient for the eta meson reconstruction with S/B ratio of 0.4% in Ni+Ni collisions at 8 AGeV. A purity of the identified leptons after the hadron rejection, resulting from simulations based on the test measurements, is better than 80% at momenta above 500 MeV/c, where time-of-flight cannot be used.Comment: 40 pages, 38 figures version2 - the time schedule added, information about PMTs in Sec.III update

    Spin measurements for 147Sm+n resonances: Further evidence for non-statistical effects

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    We have determined the spins J of resonances in the 147Sm(n,gamma) reaction by measuring multiplicities of gamma-ray cascades following neutron capture. Using this technique, we were able to determine J values for all but 14 of the 140 known resonances below En = 1 keV, including 41 firm J assignments for resonances whose spins previously were either unknown or tentative. These new spin assignments, together with previously determined resonance parameters, allowed us to extract separate level spacings and neutron strength functions for J = 3 and 4 resonances. Furthermore, several statistical test of the data indicate that very few resonances of either spin have been missed below En = 700eV. Because a non-statistical effect recently was reported near En = 350 eV from an analysis of 147Sm(n,alpha) data, we divided the data into two regions; 0 < En < 350 eV and 350 < En < 700 eV. Using neutron widths from a previous measurement and published techniques for correcting for missed resonances and for testing whether data are consistent with a Porter-Thomas distribution, we found that the reduced-neutron-width distribution for resonances below 350 eV is consistent with the expected Porter-Thomas distribution. On the other hand, we found that reduced-neutron-width data in the 350 < En < 700 eV region are inconsistent with a Porter-Thomas distribution, but in good agreement with a chi-squared distribution having two or more degrees of freedom. We discuss possible explanations for these observed non-statistical effects and their possible relation to similar effects previously observed in other nuclides.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Dark resonances as a probe for the motional state of a single ion

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    Single, rf-trapped ions find various applications ranging from metrology to quantum computation. High-resolution interrogation of an extremely weak transition under best observation conditions requires an ion almost at rest. To avoid line-broadening effects such as the second order Doppler effect or rf heating in the absence of laser cooling, excess micromotion has to be eliminated as far as possible. In this work the motional state of a confined three-level ion is probed, taking advantage of the high sensitivity of observed dark resonances to the trapped ion's velocity. Excess micromotion is controlled by monitoring the dark resonance contrast with varying laser beam geometry. The influence of different parameters such as the cooling laser intensity has been investigated experimentally and numerically

    Evaluation of the ultimate performances of a Ca+ single-ion frequency standard

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    We numerically evaluate the expected performances of an optical frequency standard at 729 nm based on a single calcium ion. The frequency stability is studied through the Allan deviation and its dependence on the excitation method (single Rabi pulse or two Ramsey pulses schemes) and the laser linewidth are discussed. The minimum Allan deviation that can be expected is estimated to σy(τ)2.5×1015/τ\sigma_y(\tau) \approx 2.5\times 10^{-15}/\sqrt{\tau} with τ\tau the integration time. The frequency shifts induced by the environmental conditions are evaluated to minimize the uncertainty of the proposed standard by chosing the most suited environment for the ion. If using the odd isotope 43^{43}Ca+^{+} and a vessel cooled to 77 K, the expected relative shift is 2×1016-2 \times 10^{-16} with an uncertainty of ±4×1016\pm 4\times10^{-16}, mainly due to the quadrupole shift induced by the unknown static electric field gradient .Comment: soumis le 27/07/04 a Physics Letters

    Electroproduction of the d* dibaryon

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    The unpolarized cross section for the electroproduction of the isoscalar Jπ=3+J^\pi = 3^+ di-delta dibaryon dd^* is calculated for deuteron target using a simple picture of elastic electron-baryon scattering from the ΔΔ(7D1)\Delta \Delta (^7D_1) and the NN(3S1)NN (^3S_1) components of the deuteron. The calculated differential cross section at the electron lab energy of 1 GeV has the value of about 0.24 (0.05) nb/sr at the lab angle of 10^\circ (30^\circ) for the Bonn B potential when the dibaryon mass is taken to be 2.1 GeV. The cross section decreases rapidly with increasing dibaryon mass. A large calculated width of 40 MeV for d(ΔΔ7S3)d^*(\Delta\Delta ^7S_3) combined with a small experimental upper bound of 0.08 MeV for the dd^* decay width appears to have excluded any low-mass dd^* model containing a significant admixture of the ΔΔ(7S3)\Delta\Delta (^7S_3) configuration.Comment: 11 journal-style pages, 8 figure

    The s Process: Nuclear Physics, Stellar Models, Observations

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    Nucleosynthesis in the s process takes place in the He burning layers of low mass AGB stars and during the He and C burning phases of massive stars. The s process contributes about half of the element abundances between Cu and Bi in solar system material. Depending on stellar mass and metallicity the resulting s-abundance patterns exhibit characteristic features, which provide comprehensive information for our understanding of the stellar life cycle and for the chemical evolution of galaxies. The rapidly growing body of detailed abundance observations, in particular for AGB and post-AGB stars, for objects in binary systems, and for the very faint metal-poor population represents exciting challenges and constraints for stellar model calculations. Based on updated and improved nuclear physics data for the s-process reaction network, current models are aiming at ab initio solution for the stellar physics related to convection and mixing processes. Progress in the intimately related areas of observations, nuclear and atomic physics, and stellar modeling is reviewed and the corresponding interplay is illustrated by the general abundance patterns of the elements beyond iron and by the effect of sensitive branching points along the s-process path. The strong variations of the s-process efficiency with metallicity bear also interesting consequences for Galactic chemical evolution.Comment: 53 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables; Reviews of Modern Physics, accepte