559 research outputs found

    The Two-fluid Description of a Mesoscopic Cylinder

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    Quantum coherence of electrons interacting via the magnetostatic coupling and confined to a mesoscopic cylinder is discussed. The electromagnetic response of a system is studied. It is shown that the electromagnetic kernel has finite low frequency limit what implies infinite conductivity. It means that part of the electrons is in a coherent state and the system can be in general described by a two-fluid model. The coherent behavior is determind by the interplay between finite size effects and the correlations coming from the magnetostatic interactions (the interaction is considered in the mean field approximation). The related persistent currents depend on the geometry of the Fermi Surface. If the Fermi Surface has some flat portions the self-sustaining currents can be obtained. The relation of the quantum coherent state in mesoscopic cylinders to other coherent phenomena is discussed.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 4 figures, in print in Eur. Phys. J. B (Z. Phys. B

    Orbital Magnetic Ordering in Disordered Mesoscopic Systems

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    We present some model calculations of persistent currents in disordered one- and two-dimensional mesoscopic systems. We use the tight-binding model and calculate numerically the currents in small systems for several values of disorder. Next we fit appropriate analytical formulae, and using them we find self- -sustaining currents and critical fields in larger, more realistic systems with different shapes of the Fermi surfaces.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, in print in J. Magn. Magn. Ma

    Vacuum annealing phenomena in ultrathin TiDy/Pd bi-layer films evaporated on Si(100) as studied by TEM and XPS

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    Using a combination of TEM and XPS, we made an analysis of the complex high-temperature annealing effect on ultrathin titanium deuteride (TiDy) films evaporated on a Si(100) substrate and covered by an ultrathin palladium layer. Both the preparation and annealing of the TiDy/Pd bi-layer films were performed in situ under UHV conditions. It was found that the surface and bulk morphology of the bi-layer film as well as that of the Si substrate material undergo a microstructural and chemical conversion after annealing and annealing-induced deuterium evolution from the TiDy phase. Energy-filtered TEM (EFTEM) mapping of cross-section images and argon ion sputter depth profiling XPS analysis revealed both a broad intermixing between the Ti and Pd layers and an extensive inter-diffusion of Si from the substrate into the film bulk area. Segregation of Ti at the Pd top layer surface was found to occur by means of angle-resolved XPS (ARXPS) and the EFTEM analyses. Selected area diffraction (SAD) and XPS provided evidence for the formation of a new PdTi2 bimetallic phase within the top region of the annealed film. Moreover, these techniques allowed to detect the initial stages of TiSi phase formation within the film–substrate interlayer

    Coherent phenomena in mesoscopic systems

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    A mesoscopic system of cylindrical geometry made of a metal or a semiconductor is shown to exhibit features of a quantum coherent state. It is shown that magnetostatic interaction can play an important role in mesoscopic systems leading to an ordered ground state. The temperature T∗T^{*} below the system exhibits long-range order is determined. The self-consistent mean field approximation of the magnetostatic interaction is performed giving the effective Hamiltonian from which the self-sustaining currents can be obtained. The relation of quantum coherent state in mesoscopic cylinders to other coherent systems like superconductors is discussed.Comment: REVTeX, 4 figures, in print in Supercond. Sci. Techno

    Possibility of long-range order in clean mesoscopic cylinders

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian of the magnetostatic interaction is discussed. This long-range interaction can play an important role in mesoscopic systems leading to an ordered ground state. The self-consistent mean field approximation of the magnetostatic interaction is performed to give an effective Hamiltonian from which the spontaneous, self-sustaining currents can be obtained. To go beyond the mean field approximation the mean square fluctuation of the total momentum is calculated and its influence on self-sustaining currents in mesoscopic cylinders with quasi-1D and quasi-2D conduction is considered. Then, by the use of the microscopic Hamiltonian of the magnetostatic interaction for a set of stacked rings, the problem of long-range order is discussed. The temperature T∗T^{*} below which the system is in an ordered state is determined.Comment: 14 pages, REVTeX, 5 figures, in print in Phys. Rev.

    Fast-Neutron Activation of Long-Lived Isotopes in Enriched Ge

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    We measured the production of \nuc{57}{Co}, \nuc{54}{Mn}, \nuc{68}{Ge}, \nuc{65}{Zn}, and \nuc{60}{Co} in a sample of Ge enriched in isotope 76 due to high-energy neutron interactions. These isotopes, especially \nuc{68}{Ge}, are critical in understanding background in Ge detectors used for double-beta decay experiments. They are produced by cosmogenic-neutron interactions in the detectors while they reside on the Earth's surface. These production rates were measured at neutron energies of a few hundred MeV. We compared the measured production to that predicted by cross-section calculations based on CEM03.02. The cross section calculations over-predict our measurements by approximately a factor of three depending on isotope. We then use the measured cosmic-ray neutron flux, our measurements, and the CEM03.02 cross sections to predict the cosmogenic production rate of these isotopes. The uncertainty in extrapolating the cross section model to higher energies dominates the total uncertainty in the cosmogenic production rate.Comment: Revised after feedback and further work on extrapolating cross sections to higher energies in order to estimate cosmic production rates. Also a numerical error was found and fixed in the estimate of the Co-57 production rat

    Electromagnetic Calorimeter for HADES

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    We propose to build the Electromagnetic calorimeter for the HADES di-lepton spectrometer. It will enable to measure the data on neutral meson production from nucleus-nucleus collisions, which are essential for interpretation of dilepton data, but are unknown in the energy range of planned experiments (2-10 GeV per nucleon). The calorimeter will improve the electron-hadron separation, and will be used for detection of photons from strange resonances in elementary and HI reactions. Detailed description of the detector layout, the support structure, the electronic readout and its performance studied via Monte Carlo simulations and series of dedicated test experiments is presented. The device will cover the total area of about 8 m^2 at polar angles between 12 and 45 degrees with almost full azimuthal coverage. The photon and electron energy resolution achieved in test experiments amounts to 5-6%/sqrt(E[GeV]) which is sufficient for the eta meson reconstruction with S/B ratio of 0.4% in Ni+Ni collisions at 8 AGeV. A purity of the identified leptons after the hadron rejection, resulting from simulations based on the test measurements, is better than 80% at momenta above 500 MeV/c, where time-of-flight cannot be used.Comment: 40 pages, 38 figures version2 - the time schedule added, information about PMTs in Sec.III update
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