724 research outputs found

    Do the Herschel cold clouds in the Galactic halo embody its dark matter?

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    Recent Herschel/SPIRE maps of the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds (SMC, LMC) exhibit in each thousands of clouds. Observed at 250 microns, they must be cold, T ~ 15 K, hence the name "Herschel cold clouds" (HCCs). From the observed rotational velocity profile and the assumption of spherical symmetry, the Galactic mass density is modeled in a form close to that of an isothermal sphere. If the HCCs constitute a certain fraction of it, their angular size distribution has a specified shape. A fit to the data deduced from the SMC/LMC maps supports this and yields for their radius 2.5 pc, with a small change when allowing for a spread in HCC radii. There are so many HCCs that they will make up all the missing Halo mass density if there is spherical symmetry and their average mass is of order 15,000 Mo. This compares well with the Jeans mass of circa 40,000 Mo and puts forward that the HCCs are in fact Jeans clusters, constituting all the Galactic dark matter and much of its missing baryons, a conclusion deduced before from a different field of the sky (Nieuwenhuizen, Schild and Gibson 2011). A preliminary analysis of the intensities yields that the Jeans clusters themselves may consist of some billion MACHOs of a few dozen Earth masses. With a size of dozens of solar radii, they would mostly obscure stars in the LMC, SMC and towards the Galactic center, and may thus have been overlooked in microlensing.Comment: Revised and corrected version, matches published version. Conclusions unchange

    RR Lyrae stars in eclipsing systems - historical candidates

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    Discovery of binary systems among RR Lyrae stars belongs to challenges of present astronomy. So far, none of classical RR Lyrae stars was clearly confirmed that it is a part of an eclipsing system. For this reason we studied two RR Lyrae stars, VX Her and RW Ari, in which changes assigned to eclipses were detected in sixties and seventies of the 20th century. In this paper our preliminary results based on analysis of new photometric measurements are presented as well as the results from the detailed analysis of original measurements. A new possible eclipsing system, RZ Cet was identified in the archive data. Our analysis rather indicates errors in measurements and reductions of the old data than real changes for all three stars.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the 47th Conference on Variable Stars Researc

    Szokatlan kísérleti közgazdaságtan = Unusual Experimental Economics

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    Liska Tibor (1925-1994) azt kutatta, hogyan működhet egy társadalom minden központi irányítás nélkül, önszabályozó módon. A LisKaLand diáktáborok is erre keresik a választ. E kísérletekben egy minitársadalom gazdasága működik. A szabályok mindenkire egyformán érvényesek. Senki nem mondja meg, hogy kinek, mit kell csinálnia. Az „állam” csak a működési feltételeket biztosítja, de nem szól bele a gazdaság működésébe. Minden tranzakció kölcsönös megegyezésen (piaci megoldásokon) alapul, senki sincs kényszerítve, mindenki önszántából vesz részt az együttműködésekben. E kísérletek – még ha nem is bizonyító erejűek – nem mondanak ellent az eredeti koncepciónak és talán nem teljesen reménytelen megvalósítani a teljes konszenzusra épülő, önszabályozó társadalmat. = Tibor Liska (1925-1994) he researched how a society can function without any central control, in a self-regulating way. The LisKaLand camps for students are also looking for the same answer. These experiments operates the economy of a mini-society. The rules are equally valid for everyone. No one can tell anyone what to do. The „state” only ensures the operational conditions, but does not interfere in the workings of the economy. All transactions are based on mutual agreements (market solutions), no one is forced, everyone is taking part in the cooperation of his own free will. These experiments - although not proving anything - do not contradict the original concept and perhaps not entirely hopeless to achieve a self-regulating society based on full consensus

    TRILLA : Felhasználói kézikönyv

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    Macropinocytotic uptake and infection of human epithelial cells with species B2 adenovirus type 35

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    The human adenovirus serotype 35 (HAdV-35, short Ad35) causes kidney and urinary tract infections, and infects respiratory organs of immunocompromised individuals. Unlike other adenoviruses, Ad35 has a low seroprevalence which makes Ad35-based vectors promising candidates for gene therapy. Ad35 utilizes CD46 and integrins as receptors for infection of epithelial and hematopoietic cells. Here, we show that infectious entry of Ad35 into HeLa, human kidney HK-2 cells and normal human lung fibroblasts strongly depended on CD46 and integrins but not heparan sulfate, and variably required the large GTPase dynamin. Ad35 infections were independent of expression of the carboxy-terminal domain of AP180 which effectively blocks clathrin-mediated uptake. Ad35 infections were inhibited by small chemicals against the serine/threonine kinase Pak1 (p21-activated kinase), protein kinase C (PKC), sodium-proton exchangers, actin and acidic organelles. Remarkably, the F-actin inhibitor jasplakinolide, the Pak1 inhibitor IPA-3 or the sodium-proton exchange inhibitor EIPA blocked the endocytic uptake of Ad35. Dominant-negative proteins or small interfering RNAs against factors driving macropinocytosis, including the small GTPase Rac1, Pak1 or the Pak1 effector C-terminal binding protein 1 (CtBP1) potently inhibited Ad35 infection. Confocal laser scanning microscopy, electron microscopy and live cell imaging showed that Ad35 colocalized with fluid phase markers in large endocytic structures that were positive for CD46, alpha v integrins and also CtBP1. Our results extend earlier observations with HAdV-3 (Ad3), and establish macropinocytosis as an infectious pathway for species B human adenoviruses in epithelial and hematopoietic cells
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