174 research outputs found

    Skrzeplina w lewym przedsionku po krótkotrwałym przerwaniu leczenia riwaroksabanem

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    Planning an invasive procedure with a high risk of bleeding is the most common reason for the temporary interruptions of anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation. The bridging therapy is strongly recommended only in patients with mechanical heart valves. The case report presents a 75-year-old patient with ischemic stroke and left atrial thrombus occurred after a short treatment interruption with rivaroxaban without bridging therapy in a patient with “nonvalvular” atrial fibrillation.Planowanie procedury inwazyjnej o wysokim ryzyku krwawienia stanowi najczęstszą przyczynę czasowego przerwania leczenia przeciwzakrzepowego u pacjentów z migotaniem przedsionków. Terapia pomostowa jest zdecydowanie zalecana jedynie u pacjentów z mechanicznymi zastawkami serca. Opis przypadku prezentuje 75-letniego pacjenta z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu i skrzepliną w lewym przedsionku, które wystąpiły po krótkim przerwaniu leczenia riwaroksabanem bez zastosowania leczenia pomostowego u pacjenta z "niezastawkowym" migotaniem przedsionków

    The integration of optical interconnections on ceramic substrates

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    High heat conductivity and high heat capacity make ceramic substrates indispensable to the manufacture of Multi-Chip Modules (MCM) and power electronics. In this paper a detailed description of the integration process of optical lines on to ceramic substrates is presented. The manufacturing of microgrooves in ceramic substrates and the process of integration of optical fibres and active elements is described. Coupling active elements to optical fibre is also presented. Through such an integrated optical line a 4 Gbps signal was transmitted. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The use of anticoagulants in chronic kidney disease: Common point of view of cardiologists and nephrologists

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    In patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD), atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated withan increased risk of thromboembolism and stroke. Moreover, patients with CKD — especially those inend-stage renal disease — also present an increased risk of bleeding. Oral anticoagulation is the mosteffective form of thromboprophylaxis in patients with AF and an increased risk of stroke. However, theunderuse of these drugs was observed, mainly due to safety reasons and restricted evidence on efficacy.Much evidence suggests that non-vitamin K-dependent oral anticoagulant agents significantly reducethe risk of stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, and mortality, with lower to similar major bleeding ratescompared with vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin, in normal renal function subjects. Thus, theyare currently recommended for that group of patients. However, their metabolism is largely dependenton the kidneys for elimination, and current knowledge in this area is limited due to patients witha decreased glomerular filtration rate are usually excluded from clinical trials. The present review articlefocuses on currently available data on oral anticoagulants in patients with moderate to advancedchronic kidney disease and those with end stage renal disease

    Molekularne podłoże zespołu wydłużonego QT

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    Molekularne podłoże zespołu wydłużonego QT

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    Der Prozess bei Klageänderung

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    Der Beitrag beleuchtet die prozessuale Behandlung der Klageänderung. Dazu wird das Verfahren bei einer zulässigen und unzulässigen Klageänderung erläutert, wobei unter anderem die Rechtshängigkeit, die Art und Weise der Erledigung, die Streitwertberechnung, die Kostenverlegung sowie das Rechtsmittelverfahren behandelt werden

    Підхід міжнародного кримінального трибуналу для колишньої Югославії до визначення поняття "цивільна особа"

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    Лисик В. М. Підхід міжнародного кримінального трибуналу для колишньої Югославії до визначення поняття "цивільна особа" / В. М. Лисик // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П.Є. Казанського : матер. третьої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 2–3 листопада 2012 р.) / відп. за випуск М. І. Пашковський ; НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 668-670.Автор статті вважає, що в контексті серйозних порушень гуманітарного права поняття "цивільна особа" слід трактувати вужче, виключивши із його складу комбатантів, в той час як говорячи про злочини проти людства ця категорія за певних умов і може включати і осіб, що приймають безпосередню участь у збройному конфлікті

    On the origin of noncollinear magnetization coupling across RuX layers

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    We present a simple atomistic model for the description of noncollinear coupling in magnetic multilayers with hybrid spacer layers made of Ru alloyed to ferromagnetic atoms such as Fe. In contrast to previous analytical and micromagnetic models that explain the noncollinear coupling by means of lateral fluctuations in the coupling constant, the presented model accounts for atom-atom coupling in all three spatial dimensions within the spacer layer. The new model is able to accurately predict the dependence of the macroscopic bilinear and biquadratic coupling constants on the spacer-layer composition and thickness, showing much better quantitative agreement than lateral-fluctuation models. Moreover, it predicts noncollinear coupling even for infinitely stiff ferromagnetic layers which goes beyond the predictions of previous models

    Optical interconnections in future VLSI systems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 3

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    This paper is focused on the latency and power dissipation in clock systems, which should be lower when the optical interconnects are applied. Simulation shows that the power consumed by an optical system is lower than that consumed by an electrical one, however the advantages of optics drastically decrease with the number of output nodes in H-tree. Additionally, simple replacement of an electrical system by an optical clock distribution network (CDN) results in high clock skew, which will be higher than 10% of the clock period for the 32 nm technology node