23 research outputs found

    Recreational Development at Pelican Lake, Minnesota: An Analysis of Factors Affecting Site Selection

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    In order to better predict those areas whicd\u27 have the po tential to be developed more rapidly than others, research concerning physical land use character isti ;s which determine current lakeshore patterns needs to be implemented. This study is designed to assess which physics . land use/cover characteristics have affected lake home development at Peli can Lake in north central Minnesota. Analysis involves the interpretation of aerial photo graphs from the years 1939, I960, 1969, and 1978 which were used to map location and extent of land use/cover change in the Pelican Lake area. Archival data is utilized in order to determine number and location of recreational homes ex isting on the shoreline of Pelican Lake. Finally, correla tion and regression techniques are used in order to ascer tain relationships between the physical parameters of the watershed and location of lakeshore homes. Length of shoreline is found to be the leading indicator in number of homes in each section bordering Pelican Lake. Distance to nearest improved road also proves to be a sig nificant factor. Of the land use/cover data obtained from aerial photographs, only acres of that land covered by water and.acres in Pelican. Lake are determined to be of signifi cance in location of lakeshore homes

    VivaSight single-lumen tube as an intubation method. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised simulation trials

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    INTRODUCTION: Endotracheal intubation is one of the basic procedures performed in emergency medicine in patients with respiratory insufficiency, inability to maintain airway patency, or apnoea. Rapid performance of the procedure and implementation of ventilation are among the basic principles of rescue procedures. The primary aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to compare the VivaSight SL tube-mounted camera with a standard endotracheal single-lumen tube and direct laryngoscope for endotracheal intubation based on randomised controlled trials of simulation or cadaver trials. The analysis was based on the hypothesis that the use of videolaryngoscopy based on VivaSight SL tube increases the effectiveness of endotracheal intubation, reducing the risk of ineffectiveness of the first intubation attempt and the risk of adverse events, such as dental compression.  MATERIAL AND METHODS: We searched the MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, Cochrane, and Google Scholar databases for randomised, controlled trials and observational studies from 1985 until October 2019, without language restrictions. Grey literature, clinicaltrials.gov, and reference lists of articles were hand searched. We conducted a meta-analysis with random-effects models to evaluate time to intubation, first-pass success rates, overall success rates, dental compression, and glottic view.  RESULTS: The search located 12 eligible studies. The time of intubation using VivaSight was significantly shorter than that of direct laryngoscopy (MD = –11.29 [–13.10, –9.49], p < 0.001). The efficacy of the first intubation attempt was higher for VivaSight than for DL (96.0% vs. 61.7%; RR = 1.62 [1.40, 1.88], p < 0.001). The meta-analysis showed that the total efficacy of VivaSight intubation compared to direct laryngoscopy was statistically significantly higher (100% vs. 88.9%, RR = 1.11 [1.02, 1.20]; p = 0.02). The glottis visibility assessed as Cormack-Lehane grade I or II was better in VivaSight intubation compared to direct laryngoscopy (100% vs. 90.9%, RR = 1.05 [0.99, 1.12]; p = 0.08).  CONCLUSIONS: Our meta-analysis suggests that the VivaSight SL provided better glottic visualisation and shorter intubation time, with improved success rates during different simulated intubation scenarios

    Administracja, zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w warunkach integracji. Materiały konferencyjne - Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem

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    Ze wstępu: "Bezpieczeństwo jest w coraz wyższej cenie. Zajmują się nim naukowcy oraz praktycy z różnych dziedzin. W najszerszym wymiarze pojęcie „bezpieczeństwo” sprowadzić można do słów: stan niezagrożenia, spokoju, pewności. Takie ogólne ujęcie problematyki bezpieczeństwa sprawia, że różne podmioty podchodzą wybiórczo do tych bardzo ważnych zarówno dla pojedynczych ludzi, jak i społeczeństwa zagadnień. Inaczej postrzegają i interpretują bezpieczeństwo politycy, prawnicy, ekonomiści, wojskowi, policjanci, lekarze, pedagodzy, a inaczej zwyczajni ludzie. W ich ujęciu bezpieczeństwo to: 1) stan świadomości człowieka, w którym czuje się on wolny od jakichkolwiek zagrożeń, pociągający za sobą poczucie spokoju i komfortu; 2) niczym niezakłócone współistnienie człowieka z innymi ludźmi i środowiskiem przyrodniczym; 3) stan bez lęku i niepokoju o siebie i innych, pewność jutra; 4) brak zagrożenia utraty zdrowia, mienia i życia, komfort psychiczny umożliwiający realizację życiowych marzeń i celów; 5) sytuacja, w której człowiekowi nic nie zagraża, a w nagłych i nieprzewidzianych sytuacjach może liczyć na pomoc i wsparcie innych."(...

    Management of Citizens Safety

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    National safety system is an important element ensuring safe functioning of the state and its citizens. For this reason it is and has to be subjected to permanent identyfication and analysis covering various aspects. Identyfication in the field of real and possible treats to national safety is increasing. For the overall observation of how national safety system operates, the best seems to be a system analysis, which also make it possible to search for, construct and evaluate solutions for the near and further future in a more rational way

    Insurance Companies in the System of Citizens' Safety – their Life, Health, and Properties

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    The paper has confirmed the important role of economic insurance, broadly understood, for citizens' safety. It has been indicated that the quality of insurance services must constantly be improved, so that will better satisfy clients' needs. The persons under study have confirmed that there must be both state institutions accountable for citizens' safety (financed from taxes) and commercial insurance companies

    Assessment of a Company's Innovativeness

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    A lot of changes are made in companies. However, not all of them can be called innovative. The degree to which they are, may be assessed both by general approach and with respect to a narrow aspect only. Assessment has always been and will be a difficult task. A fully objective opinion can never be reached. Consciousness of it is crucial both from the point of view of strategic, operational management and from the point of view of making decisions about changes in the company (evolutionary, and especially revolutionary ones)

    The Place and Role of Control in Contemporary Management

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    The paper discusses the changing role of control in the processes of management over the period of the last decades. It has been proven that the broadly understood control (including strategic and operational controls) is on the one hand a process that corrects the current and future actions, and on the other it inspires to search for proper ways of functioning in the future. It also warns of any threats. Today in the time of strategic management and situational management the second, broader, meaning of control becomes a necessity

    Efficiency of Managing Public Organisations Functioning for the Safety of Citizens

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    In first part of the article was introduced the complexity of the management public organizations functioning for the citizens safety. It was showed in second part of the article on basic threats for people. The ways of estimating the efficiency of the management public organizations functioning for citizens safety were introduced in third part of the article

    A healthy family in healthy organizations

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    Wychodząc z założenia, że zdrowie – to stan pełnego fizycznego, umysłowego i społecznego dobrostanu, że jest to sprawność do prowadzenia produktywnego życia społecznego i ekonomicznego, a także wymiar duchowy oraz że na zdrowie wpływają takie czynniki, jak – uwarunkowania biologiczne, środowiskowe, opieka zdrowotna, można stwierdzić, że na stan zdrowia człowieka, jego rodziny ma wpływ stan „zdrowia” naszego otoczenia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego – w tym „zdrowia” organizacji, z którymi jesteśmy bezpośrednio i pośrednio związani w codziennym życiu. Są to organizacje, w których bądź jesteśmy, jako pracownicy, wytwórcami konkretnych produktów (wyrobów, usług), bądź nabywcami tych produktów. Termin „zdrowie organizacji” pojawia się dość rzadko w literaturze przedmiotu. Częściej, szczególnie w kulturze polskiej, słyszymy o patologiach, nieprawidłowościach, dysfunkcjach – czyli o odchyleniach – ale od czego? Co jest wzorcem? Czy można skonstruować wzorzec uniwersalny? Konstruowanie sumarycznych wzorców i na ich postawie dokonywanie ocen zawsze będzie dyskusyjne. Sytuację komplikuje fakt, że nie ma na świecie dwóch jednakowych organizacji, otoczeń, w jakich te organizacje funkcjonują, nie ma też jednakowych zdarzeń. Wszystko to jest to siebie bardziej lub mniej podobne – ale nie tożsame. W niniejszym artykule zdrowie organizacji – w aspekcie zdrowia człowieka, rodziny – jest prezentowane w kontekście dorobku naukowego i praktycznego szkoły behawioralnej oraz szkoły projakościowej nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości.Assuming that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, that it is the ability to lead a productive social and economic life, as well as a spiritual dimension, and that health is influenced by factors such as biological, environmental and healthcare, it can be concluded that the health of a person and his family is influenced by the “health” of our internal and external environment – including the “health” of organizations with which we are directly and indirectly connected in everyday life. These are organizations in which we are either, as employees, producers of specific products (products, services) or buyers of these products. The term “organizational health” appears quite rarely in the literature on the subject. More often, especially in Polish culture, we hear about pathologies, irregularities, dysfunctions – that is, deviations – but from what? What is the pattern? Can a universal pattern be constructed? Constructing summary patterns and making judgments on their basis will always be debatable. The situation is complicated by the fact that there are no two identical organizations in the world, the environments in which these organizations operate, and there are no identical events. These are all more or less similar to each other – but not the same. In this article, the health of an organization – in terms of human and family health – is presented in the context of the scientific and practical achievements of the behavioral school and the pro-quality management and quality school

    Controlling as an Instrument of Contemporary Management

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    Development, or just staying in the market, requires using various methods of organization and management. One of the most popular methods used in recent times is controlling. It has been spreading to ever new areas of organization management. It allows detecting critical situations that may appear in the future. Controlling allows not only keeping up with the best ones, but also overtaking them. It can be used both for strategic management and for operational one