13 research outputs found

    Addressing the clinical unmet needs in primary Sjögren's Syndrome through the sharing, harmonization and federated analysis of 21 European cohorts

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    For many decades, the clinical unmet needs of primary Sjögren's Syndrome (pSS) have been left unresolved due to the rareness of the disease and the complexity of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms, including the pSS-associated lymphomagenesis process. Here, we present the HarmonicSS cloud-computing exemplar which offers beyond the state-of-the-art data analytics services to address the pSS clinical unmet needs, including the development of lymphoma classification models and the identification of biomarkers for lymphomagenesis. The users of the platform have been able to successfully interlink, curate, and harmonize 21 regional, national, and international European cohorts of 7,551 pSS patients with respect to the ethical and legal issues for data sharing. Federated AI algorithms were trained across the harmonized databases, with reduced execution time complexity, yielding robust lymphoma classification models with 85% accuracy, 81.25% sensitivity, 85.4% specificity along with 5 biomarkers for lymphoma development. To our knowledge, this is the first GDPR compliant platform that provides federated AI services to address the pSS clinical unmet needs. © 2022 The Author(s

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки

    Удосконалення моделі гібридної фотоелектричної системи з акумулятором для потреб локального об’єкту з завданням потужності, що споживається з мережі

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    The object of research is energy processes in a hybrid photovoltaic system with a storage battery for the needs of a local object involving the setting of power consumed from the network. The task addressed was to build a mathematical model of energy processes with the function of determining control parameters providing for the possibility of changing control scenarios. The mathematical model of the storage battery has been improved, taking into account the charge modes and discharge currents in terms of accuracy of reproduction of the manufacturer’s specification not worse than 3 %. A structure of the model was proposed with separation of module, which defines control parameters, as well as the schedule of power setting for selected scenarios. A variable is introduced into the model description, which determines the specified power value and ensures the construction of SoС(t) schedule. An additional mode to increase the energy use of the photovoltaic battery and restrictions on the measured value of load power were taken into account. Modeling with a change in time scale was proposed: first, control parameters are determined, followed by modeling in the daily cycle. This eliminates the need for preliminary calculations before modeling and provides the ability to verify the determination of system parameters with subsequent adjustment. A procedure for determining control parameters with power setting and adjusting the model under different control scenarios has been devised. When using archival generation data for the location of the facility, this makes it possible at the design stage to choose an option for implementing the power supply system with the desired indicators. For specific uses, it has been shown that underestimating the power of a photovoltaic battery by only 9 % increases energy costs by 1.72–1.39 times. Overstating power by 16.7 % impairs usage by 13.7 % while reducing costs by 1.4 % to 2.5 %Об’єктом дослідження є енергетичні процеси в гібридній фотоелектричній системі з акумулятором для потреб локального об’єкту з завданням потужності, що споживається з мережі. Вирішувалось питання розробки математичної моделі енергетичних процесів з функцією визначення параметрів управління за можливістю змінювання сценаріїв управління. Удосконалено математичну модель акумуляторної батареї з урахуванням режимів заряду та струмів розряду за точністю відтворення характеристик виробника не гірше 3 %. Запропоновано структуру моделі з відокремленням модуля, що визначає параметри управління, та графік завдання потужності для обраних сценаріїв. До опису моделі введено змінну, що визначає задане значення потужності та забезпечує формування графіку SoС(t). Враховано додатковий режим для підвищення використання енергії фотоелектричної батареї і обмеження за вимірюваним значенням потужності навантаження. Запропоновано моделювання зі зміною масштабу часу: спочатку здійснюється визначення параметрів управління, потім реалізується моделювання в добовому циклі. Це виключає потребу попередніх розрахунків перед моделюванням і забезпечує можливість перевірки визначення параметрів системи з наступним коригуванням. Розроблена техніка визначення параметрів управління з завданням потужності та налаштування моделі за різних сценаріїв управління. За використання архівних даних генерації для локації об’єкту це дозволяє на стадії проєктування підібрати варіант реалізації системи електроживлення з потрібними показниками. Для конкретного використання показано, що заниження потужності фотоелектричної батареї всього на 9 % збільшує витрати на електроенергію в 1.72–1.39 разів. Завищення потужності на 16.7 % погіршує використання на 13.7 % за зменшення витрат на 1.4–2.5 

    Ecotoxicological Hazard of Pesticide Use in Traditional Agricultural Technologies

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    The ecotoxicological hazard assessment of pesticide use on crops was performed. The study was conducted in 2021-2023 at the experimental field of the Skvyra Research Farm of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, located in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. The influence of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides on the formation of environmental hazards in crop agrocenoses was studied: experiment 1 - peas, winter wheat, buckwheat; experiment 2 - winter wheat, buckwheat, oats. The ecological risk was assessed taking into account the ecotoxic properties of the chemical active ingredients of pesticides. It was found that the main parameters characterizing the occurrence of environmental risks are: 1) the pesticide load, i.e. the amount of toxicant applied per unit of sown area; 2) the ecotoxicity of the pesticide (LD50), which is established by hygienic standards; 3) the persistence of the pesticide in the soil, namely, its half-life (DT50), etc. The calculations proved that the pesticides used had a low environmental risk of impact on agrocenoses. This is evidenced by the ecotoxicity index (E). The total pesticide load (ΣE) on the agrocenosis of each crop during the three years of the study (2021-2023) was calculated. It was found that in experiment 1 - ΣExperiment 1 = 0.23 conventional units (c.u.); in experiment 2 - ΣEexperiment 2 = 0.04 c.u. The results obtained indicate an insignificant environmental risk of pesticide use for experimental plots of crops of the studied farm. However, prolonged use of pesticides certainly leads to the concentration of their persistent residues in the soil. This can lead to contamination of crop products and environmental. The cereals (buckwheat and oats) grown on the farm are intended for dietary consumption. To confirm the reliability of the hypothesis of the safety of the obtained grain and cereal products, it is advisable to further study their quality in terms of pesticide residues. It is shown that this methodology can be used to assess the risk of pesticide contamination of an agroecosystem. The ecotoxicity criterion (E) can be considered as a management tool for reducing environmental risks in agroecosystems

    The general trends of laboratory diagnostic of drug hypersensitivity reactions

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    BACKGROUND: Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) are estimated to account for 3% to 6% of all hospital admissions and to occur in 10% to 15% of hospitalized patients resulting in morbidity, prolonged hospitalization, and increased risk of mortality. AIM: This review aims: 1) to cast a look on DHRs drug hypersensitivity reactions as allergic and non-allergic; 2) to establish of immunopathogenesis of various DHRs; 3) to create of new laboratory trends for diagnostic of allergic and non-alergic DHRs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinically patients with DHRs can be classified as a) immediate (urticaria, angioedema, anaphylaxis etc.); b) non-immediate (delayed maculopapular eruptions, SJS/TEN, DRESS, vasculitis and cytopenia). Laboratory diagnostic of DHRs generally starts with in vivo tests (skin prick tests/ skin testing or intradermal testing) and continue with in vitro tests (radio immunoassays, fluor immunoassays, flow cytometry). RESULT: We propose the new trends to differential diagnostic of DHRs. In vitro testing for immediate IgE-dependent allergies 1) tryptase; 2) histamine release test; 3) specific IgE; 4) cellular in vitro tests - BAT, CAST-ELISA; for drug-specific T cell-mediated reactions 1) classical LTT with detecting of stimulation index; b) modern flow cytometry analysis with measuring the expression of activation surface markers on basophils; 2) ELISpot, which determines the number of cells that release relevant cytokines and cytotoxicity markers; 3) ELISA to measure released cytokines. In vitro testing for non-allergic reactions: 1) biochemical investigation of hepatic and renal metabolism; 2) detecting of the level of arachidonic acid metabolites - leukotrienes, prostaglandins; 3) components of complement C3a, C5a, and C5b-9; bradykinin; factor XII of coagulation system; 4) IgG; 5) infections; 6) active products of nitrosative and oxidative stress etc. CONCLUSION: We may conclude, that the various endotypes of DHRs identifying characteristics defined by specific mechanisms with each phenotype, diagnostic in vitro algorithm should be based on the new laboratory technologies. The results of various laboratory tests in DHRs-diagnostic will be taken into consideration to assign modern treatment

    Zastosowanie testów aktywacji bazofilów w badaniach kliniczno-laboratoryjnych u pacjentów z alergią na beta-laktamy (badanie pilotażowe)

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    BACKGROUND: Beta (β)-lactam antibiotics (BLAs) are the first-line therapy for non-nosocomial and nosocomial bacterial infections and are most commonly reported to cause allergic reactions. Approximately 50% of all allergic patients in Europe and the USA suffer from drug allergies and BLA allergies. The AIM of the study was to assess cross-reactivity reactions between 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins in patients with a medical history of BLA reactions and the risk of adverse reactions to BLAs based on the results of the basophil activation test. MATERIALS AND METHODS: we examined 48 females and 8 males (in all 56 patients) aged 26 to 61 with primary reactions to BLAs and 24 healthy volunteers (control group). 19 (34%) patients were treated with amoxicillin, 18 (32,1%) patients were receiving amoxicillin+clavulanic acid, 6 (10,7%) patients were treated with cefuroxime, and 13 (23,2%) patients with ceftriaxone. Quantitative determination of the CD63 marker of basophil degranulation upon antigen stimulation in whole blood was performed with the use of Flow CAST (FK-CCR) (Bühlmann Laboratories AG, Switzerland). Based on the obtained ВАТ results, the patients were divided into two subgroups: the first group included 33 patients with positive stimulation index but lower CD63 expression (10 %). THE RESULT: We showed that patients from the second subgroup had the highest level of CD63 expression and stimulation index when amoxicillin, whereas the level of CD63 expression and stimulation index were lower whith ceftriaxone; at the same time, the level of CD63 expression and stimulation index were the lowest with cefuroxime. The patients who treated with and reacted to amoxicillin, as shown by high BAT, also had high CD63 expresiion after ceftriaxone and cefuroxime stimulation. In the first subgroup, urticarial and bronchospasm disappeared within 3 hours of the onset of symptoms in 51.5% of patients, the symptoms persisted for 2-3 days in 42.4% of patients with urticaria and angioedema, whereas maculopapular exanthema persisted for more than a week in 6.1% of the patients. Patients from the first subgroup (with low CD63 expression) had a weak reaction to the culprit antibiotic. Patients from the second subgroup had the strongest reaction to culprit antibiotics: anaphylaxis – 60.0%; Stevens-Johnson syndrome – 6.7%. We established that in patients with hypersensitivity to antibiotics the higher the baseline test scores after in vitro stimulation, the more severe clinical symptoms. CONCLUSION: for patients with clinical manifestations of BLA in case of conflicting anamnesis data, it is recommended to establish true sensitization to antibiotics and to predict the occurrence of cross-reactions between penicillins and cephalosporins not only of the 2nd but also of the 3rd generation. The results of BAT for antibiotics can be used to formulate future antibacterial treatments recommendation.WPROWADZENIE: Antybiotyki beta(β)-laktamowe (BLA) są terapią pierwszego rzutu w pozaszpitalnych i szpitalnych zakażeniach bakteryjnych i są najczęściej zgłaszane jako wywołujące reakcje alergiczne. Około 50% wszystkich alergików w Europie i USA cierpi na alergie na leki, w tym na alergie na BLA. Celem badania była ocena reakcji krzyżowych między cefalosporyną II i III generacji u pacjentów z klinicznym wywiadem reakcji na BLA i ryzyka wystąpienia niepożądanych reakcji BLA na podstawie wyników testu aktywacji bazofilów. MATERIAŁ I METODY: przebadaliśmy 48 kobiet i 8 mężczyzn (razem 56) z pierwotnymi reakcjami BLA w wieku od 26 do 61 lat oraz 24 zdrowych ochotników (grupa kontrolna). Pacjentów 19 (34%) bylo leczonych amoksycyliną, 18 (32,1%) – amoksycylina + kwasem klawulanowym, 6 (10,7%) – cefuroksymem i 13 (23,2%) – ceftriaksonem. W celu oceny markera degranulacji bazofili CD 63 po stymulacji antygenem w pełnej krwi wykorzystano oznaczenie Flow CAST (FK-CCR) (Bühlmann Laboratories AG, Szwajcaria). Na podstawie wyników ВАТ pacjentów podzielono na dwie podgrupy: w pierwszej grupie było 33 pacjentów z dodatnim niższym wynikiem indeksu stymulacji (10%). WYNIK: Nasze wyniki wykazały, że pacjenci z drugiej podgrupy mieli najwyższe wyniki ekspresji CD63 i wskaźnika stymulacji dla amoksycyliny, następnie dla ceftriaksonu, a ostatni dla cefuroksymu. Byli leczeni amoksycyliną i odpowiadali na nią, jak wykazały wysokie wartości ekspresji CD63 w BAT, ci pacjenci mieli również wysoką ekspresję CD63 po stymulacji ceftriaksonem i cefuroksymem. W pierwszej podgrupie u 51,5% pacjentów pokrzywka i skurcz oskrzeli ustąpiły w ciągu 3 godzin od wystąpienia objawów, u 42,4% pacjentów z pokrzywką i obrzękiem naczynioruchowym objawy utrzymywały się przez 2-3 dni, a u 6,1% osutka plamkowo-grudkowa - przez ponad tydzień. Pacjenci z pierwszej podgrupy (z niską ekspresją CD63) wykazywali klinicznie słabe objawy reakcji. Po leczeniu antybiotykami pacjenci z drugiej podgrupy wykazywali silniejsze objawy: u 60,0% - anafilaksja; 6,7% - zespół Stevensa-Johnsona. Wykazaliśmy, że u pacjentów z reakcja nadwrażliwości na leczenie antybiotykami im wyższe wyjściowe wyniki testu po stymulacji in vitro, tym bardziej nasilone są ich objawy kliniczne. WNIOSEK: u pacjentów z klinicznymi objawami BLA w przypadku sprzecznych danych z wywiadu zaleca się ustalenie rzeczywistego uczulenia na antybiotyki i przewidywanie występowania reakcji krzyżowych między penicylinami i cefalosporynami nie tylko drugiej, ale i trzeciej generacji. Wyniki BAT z antybiotykami mogą być wykorzystane do opracowania zaleceń przyszłych terapii przeciwbakteryjnych

    Best Practice and Definitions of Data-centric and Big Data : Science, Society, Law, Industry, and Engineering

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    Post-Summit Results of the Delegates' Summit, September 19, 2016, The Sixth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS) at The 14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), September 19-25, 2016, Rhodes, Greec

    Correction to: An ethico-legal framework for social data science (International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, (2021), 11, 4, (377-390), 10.1007/s41060-020-00211-7)

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    The article ‘‘An ethico-legal framework for social data science’’, written by Nikolaus Forgó, Stefanie Hänold, Jeroen van den Hoven, Tina Krügel, Iryna Lishchuk, René Mahieu, Anna Monreale, Dino Pedreschi, Francesca Pratesi, David van Putten originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on April 10, 2021 without open access. The copyright of the article changed t

    An ethico-legal framework for social data science

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    This paper presents a framework for research infrastructures enabling ethically sensitive and legally compliant data science in Europe. Our goal is to describe how to design and implement an open platform for big data social science, including, in particular, personal data. To this end, we discuss a number of infrastructural, organizational and methodological principles to be developed for a concrete implementation. These include not only systematically tools and methodologies that effectively enable both the empirical evaluation of the privacy risk and data transformations by using privacy-preserving approaches, but also the development of training materials (a massive open online course) and organizational instruments based on legal and ethical principles. This paper provides, by way of example, the implementation that was adopted within the context of the SoBigData Research Infrastructure.Correction + DOI 10.1007/s41060-021-00261-5Ethics & Philosophy of Technolog

    Correction to: An ethico-legal framework for social data science (International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, (2021), 11, 4, (377-390), 10.1007/s41060-020-00211-7)

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    The article ‘‘An ethico-legal framework for social data science’’, written by Nikolaus Forgó, Stefanie Hänold, Jeroen van den Hoven, Tina Krügel, Iryna Lishchuk, René Mahieu, Anna Monreale, Dino Pedreschi, Francesca Pratesi, David van Putten originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on April 10, 2021 without open access. The copyright of the article changed toCorrection DOI 10.1007/s41060-020-00211-7Ethics & Philosophy of Technolog