7 research outputs found

    Study and industrial promotion of halophytes from the Brittany coast : chemical and biological biodiversity

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    Quatre espèces halophyles, Silene maritima, Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio cineraria et Limonium latifolium, ont fait l’objet d’études phytochimiques en procédant par fractionnement bioguidé. Nous avons ainsi identifié une trentaine de métabolites bioactifs, capables de limiter la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène qui interviennent dans le stress radicalaire et/ou inflammatoire et/ou de favoriser la lipolyse adipocytaire. La visualisation de l’impact du biotope sur le métabolome de Silene maritima nous a permis d’identifier des marqueurs jouant un rôle important dans la capacité adaptative de cette halophyte sous l’effet de stress environnementaux. L’analyse de profils métaboliques montre clairement qu’un même individu, récolté à des moments différents et/ou dans des biotopes différents, possède une composition phytochimique variable. Afin de tester l’effet d’éliciteurs sur la capacité biosynthétique de suspensions cellulaires de Silene maritima, nous avons eu recours à la biotechnologie végétale. Nous avons également développé des conditions de culture in vitro permettant l’initiation de cals à partir d’une halophyte protégée, Crambe maritima. Ces cals pourront in fine servir à initier des suspensions cellulaires, valorisables industriellement.Four halophile species, Silene maritima, Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio cineraria and Limonium latifolium have been studied phytochemically by bioguided fractionation. This work led to the discovery of thirty biologically active compounds able to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species that occur during inflammatory and/or radical stress, and to promote the adipocytary lipolysis. The visualization of the biotope’s impact on the halophyte Silene maritima metabolome helped us to identify markers playing an important role in the adaptative capacity of plants under environmental stress. Analysis of metabolite profiles clearly shows that the same individual harvested at a different moment and/or from a different biotope possesses an extremely variable chemical composition. In order to test elicitor effect, we used plant biotechnology. Finally, we were able to develop in vitro culture conditions permitting initiation of callus from the protected halophile Crambe maritima. The obtained callus could serve to initiate cell suspension, which is suitable for industrial purposes

    Study and industrial promotion of halophytes from the Brittany coast : chemical and biological biodiversity

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    Quatre espèces halophyles, Silene maritima, Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio cineraria et Limonium latifolium, ont fait l’objet d’études phytochimiques en procédant par fractionnement bioguidé. Nous avons ainsi identifié une trentaine de métabolites bioactifs, capables de limiter la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène qui interviennent dans le stress radicalaire et/ou inflammatoire et/ou de favoriser la lipolyse adipocytaire. La visualisation de l’impact du biotope sur le métabolome de Silene maritima nous a permis d’identifier des marqueurs jouant un rôle important dans la capacité adaptative de cette halophyte sous l’effet de stress environnementaux. L’analyse de profils métaboliques montre clairement qu’un même individu, récolté à des moments différents et/ou dans des biotopes différents, possède une composition phytochimique variable. Afin de tester l’effet d’éliciteurs sur la capacité biosynthétique de suspensions cellulaires de Silene maritima, nous avons eu recours à la biotechnologie végétale. Nous avons également développé des conditions de culture in vitro permettant l’initiation de cals à partir d’une halophyte protégée, Crambe maritima. Ces cals pourront in fine servir à initier des suspensions cellulaires, valorisables industriellement.Four halophile species, Silene maritima, Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio cineraria and Limonium latifolium have been studied phytochemically by bioguided fractionation. This work led to the discovery of thirty biologically active compounds able to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species that occur during inflammatory and/or radical stress, and to promote the adipocytary lipolysis. The visualization of the biotope’s impact on the halophyte Silene maritima metabolome helped us to identify markers playing an important role in the adaptative capacity of plants under environmental stress. Analysis of metabolite profiles clearly shows that the same individual harvested at a different moment and/or from a different biotope possesses an extremely variable chemical composition. In order to test elicitor effect, we used plant biotechnology. Finally, we were able to develop in vitro culture conditions permitting initiation of callus from the protected halophile Crambe maritima. The obtained callus could serve to initiate cell suspension, which is suitable for industrial purposes

    L'archéologie du Vexin français en 4 sites

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    Présentation de parcours archéologiques dans le Vexin français (Val d'Oise)

    L'archéologie du Vexin français en 4 sites

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    Présentation de parcours archéologiques dans le Vexin français (Val d'Oise)

    (10E,12E,14E)-9,16-Dioxooctadeca-10,12,14-trienoic acid

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    The title octadecatrienoic acid derivative, C18H26O4, was isolated from Silene maritima With. (Caryophyllaceae), the first time this natural compound has been found in the Caryophyllales order. This fatty acid has an 18-carbon backbone with three double bonds on trans (E) conformation and two carbonyl. In the crystal, molecules are linked via pairs of O—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming inversion dimers

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on antifungal consumption: a multicenter retrospective analysis

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    Abstract Background In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, antifungal overuse may have occurred in our hospitals as it has been previously reported for antibacterials. Methods To investigate the impact of COVID-19 on antifungal consumption, a multicenter retrospective study including four medical sites and 14 intensive care units (ICU) was performed. Antifungal consumption and incidences of invasive fungal diseases before and during COVID-19 pandemic, for non-COVID-19 patients and COVID-19 patients, were described. Results An increase in voriconazole consumption was observed in 2020 compared with 2019 for both the whole hospital and the ICU (+ 40.3% and + 63.7%, respectively), whereas the incidence of invasive aspergillosis significantly increased in slightly lower proportions in the ICU (+ 46%). Caspofungin consumption also increased in 2020 compared to 2019 for both the whole hospital and the ICU (+ 34.9% and + 17.0%, respectively) with an increased incidence of invasive candidiasis in the whole hospital and the ICU but in lower proportions (+ 20.0% and + 10.9%, respectively). Conclusions We observed an increased consumption of antifungals including voriconazole and caspofungin in our hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic and explained in part by an increased incidence of invasive fungal diseases in COVID-19 patients. These results are of utmost importance as it raises concern about the urgent need for appropriate antifungal stewardship activities to control antifungal consumption