- Publication venue
- 'New Prairie Press'
- Publication date
- 17/10/1997
- Field of study
Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1996. 239 p
- Publication venue
- 'New Prairie Press'
- Publication date
- 17/10/1997
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- ViewPoints Project of the Five Colleges of Ohio
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
Michael answering the question: When is one old and what do you think about old people
- Publication venue
- The Five Colleges of Ohio ViewPoints Project
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
First of a three-part discussion with Bennet and Samir about alcohol comsumption among young people in Germany: why alcohol is a problem
- Publication venue
- ViewPoints Project of the Five Colleges of Ohio
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
Andreas on what he considers typically masculine and feminine
- Publication venue
- ViewPoints Project of the Five Colleges of Ohio
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
Michael on what should be done for the environmen
- Publication venue
- ViewPoints Project of the Five Colleges of Ohio
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
Bennet talking about what it means to be Germa
- Publication venue
- ViewPoints Project of the Five Colleges of Ohio
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
"Samir answering the question, ""To what extent do you consider yourself dependent on technology?""
- Publication venue
- ViewPoints Project of the Five Colleges of Ohio
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
Bennet on the German Gymnasiu
- Publication venue
- ViewPoints Project of the Five Colleges of Ohio
- Publication date
- 26/11/2008
- Field of study
Uwe talking about his relationship to his ca