6,043 research outputs found

    Health Reform: What\u27s Next? How Pennsylvania is Preparing for Reform

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    Are SAT Scores a Strong Predictor of Student Success? A Study of Education Majors, Admission Variables and the Impact of Leadership Development

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    This research looks at the use of SAT scores in the college admission process in regards to their ability to accurately predict the success of a student in pursuit of their undergraduate degree – specifically in the academic area of teacher preparation

    Perceived Barriers to Higher Education in STEM Among Disadvantaged Rural Students: A Case Study

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    This case study examined the perceptions of scholarship recipients participating in Southwest Virginia Community College’s (SWCC’s) S-STEM scholarship program which examined whether the program helped remove barriers to students’ educational goals and STEM career aspirations. The study used a focus group and a survey to elicit responses from student participants in the SWCC S-STEM program. Participants were low-income residents of rural Appalachia, and many were first generation college students. Results indicated that students in the SWCC S-STEM program experienced a wide variety of barriers to STEM educational and career success, including economic, geographic, social, and educational barriers, and that the S-STEM program assisted students in overcoming these barriers. This study may inform efforts to further increase the number of underrepresented students who enroll in and complete STEM education programs

    Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (Pai) di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMA) 11 Bandung

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    Kementerian Agama bekerjasama dengan ACDP telah memberikan fasilitas 40 guru pendidikan agama Islam mengikuti pelatihan metode pembelajaran PAI di Oxford Inggris. Diantara metode pembelajaran yang diimplementasikan di Oxford adalah metode Market Place Activites, Expert Group, dan Group Investigation. Metode-metode pembelajaran tersebut masih belum familliar dikalangan guru PAI di Indonesia, sehingga timbul pertanyaan bagaimana implementasi tiga metode PAI pasca pelatihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode Market Place Activities, Expert Group, dan Group Investigation pada pembelajaran PAI telah diimplementasikan oleh Guru PAI SMA Negeri 11 Bandung; Respon siswa terhadap tiga metode mengatakan baik, materi dengan metode Market Place Actifitties pada umumnya siswa mengatakan sangat mudah, Expet Group dan Group Invergation siswa mengatakan mudah. Hasil uji signifikansi dari tiga metode tersebut sebesar 0,008, ini menunjukkan ketiga metode berdasarkan hasil pre tes dan post tes prestasi siswa meningkat dan tidak ada perbedaan diantara ketiga metode pembelajaran tersebut. Faktor pendukung dalam penerapan ketiga metode tersebut adalah Guru menguasai metode pembelajaran, siswa terbiasa menerima pembelajaran melalui penerapan berbagai metode pembelajaran, manajemen sekolah mendorong setiap guru untuk mengembangkan berbagai metode pembelajaran, sarana prasarana, sumber belajar dan media pembelajaran mendukung dalam mengimplementasikan metode pembelajaran tersebut

    Sikap Keberagamaan Siswa di Sekolah Islam Terpadu

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    Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SIT) menganut prinsip muwasafat yang merupakan corak gerakan militan Tarbiyatul al-Islamiah. Corak keagamaan ini nampak tidak terlalu berpengaruh, bila dilihat bagaimana besarnya minat masyarakat pada SIT, meskipun sebagian besar siswa berasal dari latar belakang ideologi keagamaan berbeda. Perbedaan ini melahirkan kemungkinan khusus bagi tumbuhnya sikap keberagamaan siswa. Penerimaan terhadap SIT dapat terbentuk karena SIT mampu menguasai faktor-faktor pemasaran jasa pendidikan, atau SIT memang terbuka terhadap keragaman. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keberagamaan dipraktikkan di SIT dan pengaruhnya bagi sikap keberagamaan siswa. Penelitian menggunakan metode silang antara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi untuk memotret praktik keberagamaan SIT, dan metode angket untuk mengukur sikap siswa. Sikap keberagamaan siswa dianalisa menggunakan skala Gutaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prinsip keagamaan di SIT dipraktikkan secara terbuka. Keterbukaan keberagamaan diterapkan melalui penamaan, manajerial dan kurikulum. Sikap keberagaamaan siswa di SIT menunjukkan cenderung terbuka 50,54% lebih banyak, dibadingkan dengan sikap siswa yang tertutup sebanyak 49,46%. Penelitian ini berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan teori sikap keberagamaan siswa dalam dunia pendidikan Islam

    Differentiation state-specific mitochondrial dynamic regulatory networks are revealed by global transcriptional analysis of the developing chicken lens.

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    The mature eye lens contains a surface layer of epithelial cells called the lens epithelium that requires a functional mitochondrial population to maintain the homeostasis and transparency of the entire lens. The lens epithelium overlies a core of terminally differentiated fiber cells that must degrade their mitochondria to achieve lens transparency. These distinct mitochondrial populations make the lens a useful model system to identify those genes that regulate the balance between mitochondrial homeostasis and elimination. Here we used an RNA sequencing and bioinformatics approach to identify the transcript levels of all genes expressed by distinct regions of the lens epithelium and maturing fiber cells of the embryonic Gallus gallus (chicken) lens. Our analysis detected more than 15,000 unique transcripts expressed by the embryonic chicken lens. Of these, more than 3000 transcripts exhibited significant differences in expression between lens epithelial cells and fiber cells. Multiple transcripts coding for separate mitochondrial homeostatic and degradation mechanisms were identified to exhibit preferred patterns of expression in lens epithelial cells that require mitochondria relative to lens fiber cells that require mitochondrial elimination. These included differences in the expression levels of metabolic (DUT, PDK1, SNPH), autophagy (ATG3, ATG4B, BECN1, FYCO1, WIPI1), and mitophagy (BNIP3L/NIX, BNIP3, PARK2, p62/SQSTM1) transcripts between lens epithelial cells and lens fiber cells. These data provide a comprehensive window into all genes transcribed by the lens and those mitochondrial regulatory and degradation pathways that function to maintain mitochondrial populations in the lens epithelium and to eliminate mitochondria in maturing lens fiber cells

    Foot ulcers associated with external trauma among people with diabetes: An integrative review of the origin of trauma and outcomes

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    Background Foot ulcers are common among people with diabetes. These ulcers are caused by a number of factors including trauma. To date, research findings on the origin of external trauma and the outcome of foot ulcers resulting from an external trauma have not been summarised. Objective To examine the origin of external trauma that contribute to the development of foot ulcers among people with diabetes and the outcome of such ulcers. Design An integrative review. Settings Hospital/community. Participants Patients with diabetes and foot ulcer. Method The Joanna Briggs framework was used to underpin this integrative review. Six different databases (CINAHL +, Medline, SCOPUS, Embase, ProQuest and Web of Science databases) were searched systematically to find research publications reporting traumas that contributed to foot ulcers sustained by people with diabetes. The search was limited to articles published in English. The search revealed 3193 articles that were filtered to 78 articles to be assessed at the full-text level and 45 articles were subsequently included. Quality appraisal was conducted independently by two reviewers, using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal tools. Data were extracted into a form developed for the purpose of this review. Narrative synthesis was used to manage the extracted verbatim details on the origin of external trauma contributing to foot ulcers and the outcomes. Results The origins of external trauma were summarised into two domains and further specified into 16 categories. The identified traumas were mainly minor and originated within the home environment. The most commonly reported origins of external trauma were puncture wounds, ill-fitting shoes and self-care practices that caused foot ulcers. Twenty-seven studies reported outcomes following the development of an ulcer. Twenty-two studies reported amputation as an outcome and mortality was reported in 10 studies. It was not clear whether these outcomes were directly related to the foot ulcer or related to other diabetes-related complications. Conclusions The majority of ulcers occurred in the home environment and were preventable in nature. The assessment of an individual\u27s local context, particularly the home and actions to reduce risk is a priority. The extent of the risks related to external trauma need to be more widely communicated through clinical guidelines and training opportunities for frontline staff. Tweetable abstract The main origins of external foot trauma among people with diabetes were puncture wounds, ill-fitting footwear and self-care practices
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