35 research outputs found

    Evaluating Tidal Marsh Sustainability in the Face of Sea-Level Rise: A Hybrid Modeling Approach Applied to San Francisco Bay

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    Tidal marshes will be threatened by increasing rates of sea-level rise (SLR) over the next century. Managers seek guidance on whether existing and restored marshes will be resilient under a range of potential future conditions, and on prioritizing marsh restoration and conservation activities.Building upon established models, we developed a hybrid approach that involves a mechanistic treatment of marsh accretion dynamics and incorporates spatial variation at a scale relevant for conservation and restoration decision-making. We applied this model to San Francisco Bay, using best-available elevation data and estimates of sediment supply and organic matter accumulation developed for 15 Bay subregions. Accretion models were run over 100 years for 70 combinations of starting elevation, mineral sediment, organic matter, and SLR assumptions. Results were applied spatially to evaluate eight Bay-wide climate change scenarios.Model results indicated that under a high rate of SLR (1.65 m/century), short-term restoration of diked subtidal baylands to mid marsh elevations (-0.2 m MHHW) could be achieved over the next century with sediment concentrations greater than 200 mg/L. However, suspended sediment concentrations greater than 300 mg/L would be required for 100-year mid marsh sustainability (i.e., no elevation loss). Organic matter accumulation had minimal impacts on this threshold. Bay-wide projections of marsh habitat area varied substantially, depending primarily on SLR and sediment assumptions. Across all scenarios, however, the model projected a shift in the mix of intertidal habitats, with a loss of high marsh and gains in low marsh and mudflats.Results suggest a bleak prognosis for long-term natural tidal marsh sustainability under a high-SLR scenario. To minimize marsh loss, we recommend conserving adjacent uplands for marsh migration, redistributing dredged sediment to raise elevations, and concentrating restoration efforts in sediment-rich areas. To assist land managers, we developed a web-based decision support tool (www.prbo.org/sfbayslr)

    Accuracy and precision of tidal wetland soil carbon mapping in the conterminous United States

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 8 (2018): 9478, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-26948-7.Tidal wetlands produce long-term soil organic carbon (C) stocks. Thus for carbon accounting purposes, we need accurate and precise information on the magnitude and spatial distribution of those stocks. We assembled and analyzed an unprecedented soil core dataset, and tested three strategies for mapping carbon stocks: applying the average value from the synthesis to mapped tidal wetlands, applying models fit using empirical data and applied using soil, vegetation and salinity maps, and relying on independently generated soil carbon maps. Soil carbon stocks were far lower on average and varied less spatially and with depth than stocks calculated from available soils maps. Further, variation in carbon density was not well-predicted based on climate, salinity, vegetation, or soil classes. Instead, the assembled dataset showed that carbon density across the conterminous united states (CONUS) was normally distributed, with a predictable range of observations. We identified the simplest strategy, applying mean carbon density (27.0 kg C m−3), as the best performing strategy, and conservatively estimated that the top meter of CONUS tidal wetland soil contains 0.72 petagrams C. This strategy could provide standardization in CONUS tidal carbon accounting until such a time as modeling and mapping advancements can quantitatively improve accuracy and precision.Synthesis efforts were funded by NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS; NNH14AY67I), USGS LandCarbon and the Smithsonian Institution. J.R.H. was additionally supported by the NSF-funded Coastal Carbon Research Coordination Network while completing this manuscript (DEB-1655622). J.M.S. coring efforts were funded by NSF (EAR-1204079). B.P.H. coring efforts were funded by Earth Observatory (Publication Number 197)

    Dataset: Mangrove, tidal wetland and seagrass soil carbon stocks along latitudinal gradients

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    Coastal and marine ecosystems have the potential to produce and sequester organic carbon at rates that exceed tropical and temperate forests. Recent recognition of the value of these ecosystems as significant carbon sinks has strengthened worldwide interest in their management, conservation, and restoration for the purpose of climate change mitigation. However, many gaps in understanding carbon sequestration in coastal ecosystems remain, creating challenges for the application coastal ecosystem carbon research at local, regional and global scales. A major limitation is the fact that most research on this topic has been conducted in relatively few temperate and tropical ecosystems, despite a tremendous amount of spatial variability in carbon stocks across gradients of climate, hydrology, geomorphology, and tide range. Additionally, a standardized protocol has not been widely utilized, which would enable more rigorous comparison across ecosystems and climates. The main objective of this research was to apply a standardized method for documenting carbon storage in vegetated coastal ecosystems along latitudinal gradients, including mangroves, tidal wetlands, and seagrass beds. Field sites were located in Twin Cays, Belize, three islands in Bocas del Toro, Panama, the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, Wachapreague, Virginia, three sites in San Francisco Bay, California, and three sites in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. At each mangrove and tidal wetland site, six deep soil cores were retrieved using an open faced gouge corer, ranging in depth from 70 to 496 cm and subsampled at set depth ranges. At each seagrass site, a one meter long piston corer was used to retrieve the core and subsampled using syringes. All samples were dried to a constant weight to determine dry bulk density. Samples were ground with a ball grinder and subsamples were burned in a muffle furnace to determine loss on ignition (LOI). For all seagrass samples, organic carbon was determined by differencing the percent carbon from ashed and unashed samples analyzed with an elemental analyzer. A subset of mangrove and tidal wetland samples were analyzed in an elemental analyzer to determine organic carbon and a relationship between LOI and percent carbon was determined and applied to the remaining samples. Total organic carbon was quantified with depth and summed for each core