278 research outputs found

    Health literacy practices in social virtual worlds and the influence on health behaviour

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    This study explored how health information accessed via a 3D social virtual world and the representation of ‘self’ through the use of an avatar impact physical world health behaviour. In-depth interviews were conducted in a sample of 25 people, across 10 countries, who accessed health information in a virtual world (VW): 12 females and 13 males. Interviews were audio-recorded via private in-world voice chat or via private instant message. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The social skills and practices evidenced demonstrate how the collective knowledge and skills of communities in VWs can influence improvements in individual and community health literacy through a distributed model. The findings offer support for moving away from the idea of health literacy as a set of skills which reside within an individual to a sociocultural model of health literacy. Social VWs can offer a place where people can access health information in multiple formats through the use of an avatar, which can influence changes in behaviour in the physical world and the VW. This can lead to an improvement in social skills and health literacy practices and represents a social model of health literacy

    Better patient activation is a precursor to engagement in shared decision making

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    Promoting patient involvement through person-centred handovers in nursing

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    An exploration of patients' perceived control, self efficacy and involvement in self care during chemotherapy for colorectal cancer

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    This thesis describes a three year study which explored perceptions and experiences of being involved in self care and perceptions of control and self-efficacy over time amongst patients receiving a six month course of chemotherapy treatment for colorectal cancer. The study was underpinned by Leventhal’s Self Regulation Model and aimed to explore how patients undergoing chemotherapy for colorectal cancer perceived the meaning of self care, what they did as part of their self care in managing the effects of their treatment and whether this changed between the beginning and end of their six month course of chemotherapy. The study also set out to explore the relationship between patients’ perceptions of control and self efficacy and their involvement in self care. The study adopted a patient focussed, mixed method, longitudinal approach for complementarity and expansion purposes in which the qualitative findings formed the focus of the investigation, supplemented by the quantitative findings. This was important to provide a greater breadth and range to the study and to obtain a realistic understanding of patients’ perceptions and experiences of being involved in self care during their six month course of chemotherapy treatment and the influence of their perceptions of control and self efficacy on their involvement in self care. Thirty one patients participated in the study and data were collected using qualitative semi structured interviews (with a subsample of patients who participated in the study) and quantitative questionnaires (Illness Perception Questionnaire-revised and the Strategies Used by People to Promote Health) and prospective self care diaries with the full study sample. Data were collected at several time points over the course of patients’ chemotherapy treatment (beginning, middle and end of treatment) and were analysed and integrated in accordance with Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998)’s guidance for integrating qualitative and quantitative findings in a mixed methods study. The study findings revealed that the use of a mixed method, longitudinal study design was a valuable approach for understanding patients’ involvement in self care during chemotherapy for colorectal cancer and the influence of factors, such as their perceptions of control, on their subsequent involvement in their self care. In particular, the principal findings suggested that self care held a range of meanings to the patients in this study. Principally, patients’ self care consisted of two components; physical self care, carried out to manage the physical impact of undergoing treatment, and emotional self care, carried out to manage their emotional response to being diagnosed with, and undergoing treatment for, cancer. The findings suggested that there was no association between patients’ perceptions of control and the degree of self care that they carried out identified in the quantitative analysis. However, in the qualitative analysis, it was revealed that patients’ perceptions of control were likely to influence their attitudes towards their active involvement in self care and the importance with which they viewed this role. In particular, patients who considered themselves to have a high degree of control during their treatment were more likely to believe that they could limit the impact of the treatment through their own actions, that being actively involved in their self care was important and were interested in taking on this role, and that they would use a greater range of self care strategies in helping to manage the impact of their treatment. Conversely patients who considered themselves to have a lower degree of control during their treatment were less likely to believe that they could limit the impact of the treatment through their own actions, that their active involvement in self care was important and were less likely to expect to take on an active role, preferring to leave the management of treatment-related effects to health professionals, whom they regarded as being the “experts”. The findings from this study have implications for nursing practice because they reinforce the importance of the listening to the patient’s experience and how this approach can contribute to a fuller and more accurate understanding of how patients become involved in their self care and the factors that influence this. This is important so that nurses can provide holistic care, tailored to meet their patients’ self care needs and preferences, and to encourage partnership working between patients, nurses, allied health professionals and other agencies in promoting involvement in self care. The findings also have implications for theories relating to self care in emphasising the importance of patient centred models of care and for Leventhal’s Self Regulation Model in adding further support for the components of the model yet also offering a greater understanding of how the model fits with patients’ emotional responses to the effects of illness and its’ treatments. Finally, the study findings have implications for future research, calling for further research to focus on the meaning of constructs such as self care and control from the patients’ perspective and to further explore the use of the mixed methodology in researching and understanding patients’ involvement in self care and the factors that influence this

    Collateral positions in student affairs

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    Staff members in student services argue that students have become their responsibility by the default of the faculty. Faculty members, insisting that they are the university, do not want budgets for student support to remain large or to continue growing. Students want both faculty members and support personnel to pay attention to them. Administrators, legislators, and the public want to see budgets cut. The tensions are palpable. The constant tug of war between faculty and staff for larger budgets places more pressure on universities to allocate funds equitably. In doing so, the use of collaborative positions have increased. By increasing the number of these positions, the quality of service to and outcome of students needs to be examined. This paper examines the efficacy of practitioners in dual positions

    EBN perspectives: nursing issues

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    EBN Perspectives brings together key issues from the commentaries in one of our nursing topic themes

    Factors contributing to the patient safety culture in Saudi Arabia: a systematic review

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    Background: Patient safety, concerned with the prevention of harm to patients, has become a fundamental component of the global healthcare system. The evidence regarding the status of the patient safety culture in Arab countries in general shows that it is at a suboptimal level due to a punitive approach to errors and deficits in the openness of communications. Objectives: To identify factors contributing to the patient safety culture in Saudi Arabia. Design: Systematic review. Methods: A systematic search was carried out in May 2018 in five electronic databases and updated in July 2020—MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Relevant journals and reference lists of included studies were also hand-searched. Two independent reviewers verified that the studies met the inclusion criteria, assessed the quality of studies and extracted their relevant characteristics. The Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework (YCFF) was used to categorise factors affecting safety culture in the included papers. Results: 14 papers were included and the majority of studies were appraised as being of good quality. Strength and weakness factors that contribute to patient safety culture were identified. Ineffective leadership, a blame culture, workload/inadequate staffing and poor communication are reported as the main factors hindering a positive patient safety culture in Saudi Arabia. Conversely, ‘strength’ factors contributing to a positive patient safety culture included supportive organisational attitudes to learning/continuous improvement, good teamwork within units and support from hospital management for patient safety. There is an absence of patient perspectives regarding patient safety culture in Saudi Arabia. Conclusion: Policymakers in the Saudi healthcare system should pay attention to the factors that may contribute to a positive patient safety culture, especially establishing a blame-free culture, improving communications and leadership capacity, learning from errors and involving patient perspectives in safety initiatives. Further research is required to understand in depth the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a positive patient safety culture in Saudi Arabia

    Co-creation and co-production in health service delivery: what is it and what impact can it have?

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    EBN engages through a range of online social media activities to debate issues important to nurses and nursing. EBN Opinion papers highlight and expand on these debates
