4,932 research outputs found

    Review of Indigenous Oral Health

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    Indigenous Australians1 have poorer oral health than other Australians [1, 2]. Indigenous people suffer from more caries, periodontal diseases, and tooth loss than non-Indigenous people [3]. Tooth decay among the Indigenous population more commonly goes untreated, leading to more extractions. This discrepancy is attributed in part to the fact that access to culturally appropriate and timely dental care is often not available to Indigenous people, especially in rural and remote areas. Other information on oral health such as culturally appropriate resources about maintaining healthy teeth and mouths, and nutritional guidance on how much sugar is contained in certain foods and drinks, is also less available for the Indigenous Australian population. If Indigenous oral health is to be ameliorated, access to dental care must be improved, and an integrated holistic approach to oral health, which includes preventative measures, needs to be established

    Unveiling the Bmp13 Enigma: Redundant Morphogen or Crucial Regulator?

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    Bone morphogenetic proteins are a diverse group of morphogens with influences not only on bone tissue, as the nomenclature suggests, but on multiple tissues in the body and often at crucial and influential periods in development

    The University of New Hampshire Engaged Scholars Academy: Instilling in Faculty Principles of Effective Partnership

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    Over the last decade, the University of New Hampshire (UNH) has promoted mutually beneficial partnerships between faculty and community partners vis-à-vis the Engaged Scholars Academy (ESA), a faculty development program aimed at enhancing faculty understanding of the principles of partnership and engaged scholarship. This research seeks to determine whether and how the ESA has impacted faculty-community partnerships around engaged scholarship. Findings suggest that Engaged Scholar Academy participants – as compared to non-participants – have a deeper understanding of the principles of partnership, are more likely to feel their scholarship is enhanced, spend more time with partners, engage their partners throughout the process of inquiry, and focus more on sustaining partnership outcomes

    How might we achieve higher response rates on our Online Unit Evaluations?

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    How might we achieve higher response rates on our Online Unit Evaluations?

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    Beyond Description: The Predictive Role of Affect, Memory, and Context in the Decision to Donate or Not Donate Blood

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    Research on the recruitment and retention of blood donors has typically drawn on a homogeneous set of descriptive theories, viewing the decision to become and remain a donor as the outcome of affectively cold, planned, and rational decision-making by the individual. While this approach provides insight into how our donors think about blood donation, it is limited and has not translated into a suite of effective interventions. In this review, we set out to explore how a broader consideration of the influences on donor decision-making, in terms of affect, memory, and the context in which donation takes place may yield benefit in the way we approach donor recruitment and retention. Drawing on emerging research, we argue for the importance of considering the implications of both the positive and negative emotions that donors experience and argue for the importance of directly targeting affect in interventions to recruit non-donors. Next, we focus on the reconstructed nature of memory and the factors that influence what we remember about an event. We discuss how these processes may impact the retention of donors and the potential to intervene to enhance donors’ recollections of their experiences. Finally, we discuss how our focus on the individual has led us to neglect the influence of the context in which donation takes place on donor behaviour. We argue that the amassing of comprehensive large data sets detailing both the characteristics of the individuals and the context of their giving will ultimately allow for the more effective deployment of resources to improve recruitment and retention. In suggesting these directions for future research, our want is to move beyond the ways we have traditionally described blood donation behaviour with the aim of improving our theorizing about donors while improving the translational value of our research

    Massive Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3 in the Spitzer Extragalactic First Look Survey

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    We investigate the properties of 1088 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z~3 selected from a ~2.63deg2subregionoftheFirstLookSurveyfieldusingthegroundbasedmulticolordataandtheSpitzerSpaceTelescopemidinfrareddataat38and24um.Withthewideareaandthebroadwavelengthcoverage,wesamplealargenumberofrareubanddropoutswhicharemassive(M>1011Msun),allowingustoperformastatisticalanalysisofthesesubsetsofLBGsthathavenotbeenstudiedindetail.Opticallybright(R(AB)<24.5mag)LBGsdetectedinmidinfrared(S3.6um>6uJy)resideatthemostmassiveanddustyendoftheLBGpopulation,withrelativelyhighandtight deg2 sub-region of the First Look Survey field using the ground-based multi-color data and the Spitzer Space Telescope mid-infrared data at 3--8 and 24 um. With the wide area and the broad wavelength coverage, we sample a large number of ``rare'' u-band dropouts which are massive (M* > 10^11 Msun), allowing us to perform a statistical analysis of these subsets of LBGs that have not been studied in detail. Optically bright (R(AB) < 24.5 mag) LBGs detected in mid-infrared (S_{3.6um} > 6 uJy) reside at the most massive and dusty end of the LBG population, with relatively high and tight M/L$ in rest-frame near-infrared. Most infrared-luminous LBGs (S_{24um} > 100 uJy) are dusty star-forming galaxies with star formation rates of 100--1000 Msun/yr, total infrared luminosity of > 10^12 Lsun. By constructing the UV luminosity function of massive LBGs, we estimate that the lower limit for the star formation rate density from LBGs more massive than 10^11 Msun at z~3 is > 3.3 x 10^-3 Msun/yr/Mpc^3, showing for the first time that the UV-bright population of massive galaxies alone contributes significantly to the global star formation rate density at z~3. When combined with the star formation rate densities at z < 2, our result reveals a steady increase in the contribution of massive galaxies to the global star formation from z=0 to z=3, providing strong support to the downsizing of galaxy formation.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Prevention of secondary stroke in VA: Role of occupational therapists and physical therapists

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    Occupational therapists (OTs) and physical therapists (PTs) have the opportunity and obligation to advocate secondary stroke prevention via health promotion (HP) behaviors. This prospective survey of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) OTs and PTs determined whether they know about VA stroke rehabilitation guidelines and whether they integrate secondary stroke prevention into poststroke rehabilitation care. Questions revolved around knowledge of VA guidelines, inclusion of stroke risk-factor modification, and HP education to patients. Thirty-four surveys (45%) were returned from six facilities. Participants included 12 OTs and 22 PTs. Half (53%) of the therapists were aware of the VA guidelines and nearly half (48%) provided HP activities to patients; PTs were significantly more likely to do so than OTs (p = 0.02). Half of the queried therapists were unaware of the VA guidelines; increasing therapists’ education about the guidelines and the necessity of HP and secondary stroke prevention may reduce veterans’ risk of a second stroke. Because many stroke risk factors are modifiable and stroke survivors spend a great deal of time with the rehabilitation therapist, OTs and PTs can and should provide such education to reduce the risk of a second stroke