57 research outputs found

    How Sibling Composition Affects Adolescent Schooling Outcomes When Welfare Reform Policies Increase Maternal Employment

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    Pooling across seven experimental studies, this paper examines the role of sibling composition in influencing the effects of 14 welfare and employment programs on adolescents. The findings confirm that these programs--that increase maternal employment--have unfavorable effects on schooling outcomes, decreasing adolescents' school performance, increasing grade repetition and increasing the likelihood of school dropout. Although sibling composition has no relationship with the unfavorable effects of these programs on adolescent's school performance, having a younger sibling does increase suspensions or expulsions and the likelihood of school dropout, possibly because adolescents are taking on additional responsibilities when their mother's employment increases.Adolescent; Schooling; Welfare

    The Impact of a Poverty Reduction Intervention on Infant Brain Activity

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    Early childhood poverty is a risk factor for lower school achievement, reduced earnings, and poorer health, and has been associated with differences in brain structure and function. Whether poverty causes differences in neurodevelopment, or is merely associated with factors that cause such differences, remains unclear. Here, we report estimates of the causal impact of a poverty reduction intervention on brain activity in the first year of life. We draw data from a subsample of the Baby's First Years study, which recruited 1,000 diverse low-income mother–infant dyads. Shortly after giving birth, mothers were randomized to receive either a large or nominal monthly unconditional cash gift. Infant brain activity was assessed at approximately 1 y of age in the child's home, using resting electroencephalography (EEG; n = 435). We hypothesized that infants in the high-cash gift group would have greater EEG power in the mid- to high-frequency bands and reduced power in a low-frequency band compared with infants in the low-cash gift group. Indeed, infants in the high-cash gift group showed more power in high-frequency bands. Effect sizes were similar in magnitude to many scalable education interventions, although the significance of estimates varied with the analytic specification. In sum, using a rigorous randomized design, we provide evidence that giving monthly unconditional cash transfers to mothers experiencing poverty in the first year of their children's lives may change infant brain activity. Such changes reflect neuroplasticity and environmental adaptation and display a pattern that has been associated with the development of subsequent cognitive skills

    Chapter 4 How a Behavioral Economic Framework Can Support Scaling of Early Childhood Interventions

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    Combining the theories of conventional economics with social psychology and cognitive decision making, behavioral economics (BE) offers an interdisciplinary framework to support the transition and translation of programs to scale, addressing the dimensions of feasibility, cost, and fidelity while meeting the objectives of providing safe, nurturing, and stimulating environments for children. One strength of BE is that decision-making is not considered context free, thus directly addressing an oft-cited weakness of translating programs to scale. Insights from BE specifically on parent decision making related to choice structure, fear of judgment, miscalibration, and social norms can generate light-touch enhancements to foster success as interventions scale to that help parents access and digest information and follow through on intentions. Examples of successful applications of the BE lens to scaled home visiting and parenting programs are described

    Chapter 4 How a Behavioral Economic Framework Can Support Scaling of Early Childhood Interventions

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    Combining the theories of conventional economics with social psychology and cognitive decision making, behavioral economics (BE) offers an interdisciplinary framework to support the transition and translation of programs to scale, addressing the dimensions of feasibility, cost, and fidelity while meeting the objectives of providing safe, nurturing, and stimulating environments for children. One strength of BE is that decision-making is not considered context free, thus directly addressing an oft-cited weakness of translating programs to scale. Insights from BE specifically on parent decision making related to choice structure, fear of judgment, miscalibration, and social norms can generate light-touch enhancements to foster success as interventions scale to that help parents access and digest information and follow through on intentions. Examples of successful applications of the BE lens to scaled home visiting and parenting programs are described
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