201 research outputs found

    Determinants of the trademark in Colombia: a panel data application

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish the variables that explain the behavior of trademark applications in Colombia between 2012 and 2016. For the analysis, a fixed effects model with robust panel errors was used, for which a determination coefficient of 99% was obtained. From these, it was possible to establish that the number of patent applications, the number of industrial design applications, the number of establishments, professional technical and technological salaries of permanent production or indefinite term contracts, departmental GDP, national investment in administration and other support activities, sales of companies in the country and advertising expenditures are significant to explain the number of trademark applications

    Comercio y crecimiento económico inclusivo: China y América Latina (2004-2021)

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    China has consolidated itself as a global economic power, and its growth has been remarkable. China’s economic influence in Latin America has significantly increased, and the country has become one of the region’s most important and relevant trade partners. Therefore, the trade relations between Latin America and China are considered “strategic.” In this context, the purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between international trade with China and inclusive economic growth in Latin America from 2004 to 2021, using data from 13 countries in the region (Uruguay, Peru, Paraguay, Panama, Mexico, El Salvador, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, and Argentina). Our research is quantitative in nature, with a non-experimental design and a correlational scope. The econometric model used panel data and the Newey-West estimator to account for first-order autocorrelation in the error. The results indicate a statistically significant and negative relationship between Latin American exports to China, which has a 10% impact on inclusive economic growth. Similarly, imports from China to Latin America show a statistically significant and negative relationship of 5% with inclusive economic growth. However, no discernible evidence was found to support a relationship between China’s foreign direct investment (FDI) in Latin American countries and inclusive economic growth.China se ha consolidado como una potencia global y su crecimiento ha sido notable. La influencia económica china en América Latina ha aumentado significativamente y el país es uno de los aliados comerciales más relevantes de la región. Por lo tanto, la relación comercial entre América Latina y China es estratégico. En este contexto, el estudio tiene como propósito analizar la relación entre el comercio internacional con China y el crecimiento económico inclusivo en América Latina entre 2004 y 2021, utilizando datos de 13 países de la región (Uruguay, Perú, Paraguay, Panamá, México, El Salvador, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Brasil, Bolivia y Argentina). Nuestra investigación es de naturaleza cuantitativa, su diseño es no experimental y su alcance es correlacional. El modelo econométrico utilizado empleó datos de panel y el estimador Newey-West para tener en cuenta la autocorrelación de primer orden en el error. Los resultados indican una relación estadísticamente significativa y negativa entre las exportaciones latinoamericanas hacia China, lo cual tiene un impacto del 10 % en el crecimiento económico inclusivo. De manera similar, las importaciones desde China hacia América Latina muestran una relación estadísticamente significativa y negativa del 5 % con el crecimiento económico inclusivo. No se identificó evidencia que respalde una relación entre la inversión extranjera directa (IED) china en los países latinoamericanos y el crecimiento económico inclusiv

    Elements to consider for the development of natural medicines of character

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    One of the myths that has accompanied natural medicine is the belief that it is only based on the empirical knowledge, knowing that within it a process which can take several years to certify the effectiveness of the product is followed. Thus, it is intended through this research, studying the elements to consider for the development of drugs of natural character within the Colombian nation. The study methodology was based on the type of documentary research with a bibliographic design. In this sense they worked with researchers such as, Rang and Dale, Velasquez, among others. Among the results they highlighted that in recent years the natural medicine has flourished in the Colombian public for having demonstrated track their products beyond the effects effectiveness offered. The phases of production of traditional medicine can be used for the mass production of herbal medicine

    Intellectual property in colombian museums: an application of machine learning

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    The purpose of this research is to answer the following guiding question: how can the behavior of museum networks in Colombia be predicted with respect to the protection of intellectual property (copyright, confidential information and use of patents, domain names, industrial designs, use of trademarks) and the interaction of different types of proximity (geographical, organizational, relational, cognitive, cultural and institutional), based on the use of supervised learning algorithms? Among the main findings are that the best learning algorithms to predict the behavior of networks, considering different target variables are the AdaBoost, the naive Bayes and CN2 rule induce

    Use of Intellectual Property in the Tourism Sector

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    This study aims to establish the scenarios in which it is possible to carry out effective protection of intellectual property in the sector services sector and specifically in tourism. For this purpose, a literature review was carried out both in tourism and in the application of intellectual property to the services sector. It was possible to identify that the use of intellectual property in the sector can favor the promotion of tourism, knowledge, traditions and national culture. It was also established that intellectual property protection mechanisms are associated with copyright, domain names and platforms, trademarks (mainly umbrella brand), geographical indications and industrial designs

    Gestión de la propiedad intelectual en las organizaciones. Una revisión de la literatura reciente

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    This paper makes a review of the literature on the intellectual property management (IPM) in organizations. The sources of the documentation reviewed are Scopus, Emerald, SciELO and SSRN indexed papers. This exploration includes works published from 2003 given that Hanel (2004) developed a comprehensive review of practices in IPM. This paper analyzes the relationship in the literature among IPM, organizations and Universities, as well as some case studies in the United States, China, Japan, Europe and Latin America. Este artículo tiene el propósito de realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la gestión de la propiedad intelectual (GPI) en las empresas. La documentación revisada para su elaboración tiene como fuente los artículos indexados en el índice bibliográfico Scopus y en las bases Emerald, Scielo y SSRN. La presente exploración abarca trabajos publicados a partir de 2003, ya que Hanel (2004) elaboró una revisión exhaustiva sobre prácticas en la GPI. El documento aborda la relación existente en la literatura entre la GPI y, las organizaciones, la Universidad; así como algunos casos de estudio en Estados Unidos, China, Japón, Europa y América Latina

    Gestión de la propiedad intelectual en las organizaciones. Una revisión de la literatura reciente

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    This paper makes a review of the literature on the intellectual property management (IPM) in organizations. The sources of the documentation reviewed are Scopus, Emerald, SciELO and SSRN indexed papers. This exploration includes works published from 2003 given that Hanel (2004) developed a comprehensive review of practices in IPM. This paper analyzes the relationship in the literature among IPM, organizations and Universities, as well as some case studies in the United States, China, Japan, Europe and Latin America. Este artículo tiene el propósito de realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la gestión de la propiedad intelectual (GPI) en las empresas. La documentación revisada para su elaboración tiene como fuente los artículos indexados en el índice bibliográfico Scopus y en las bases Emerald, Scielo y SSRN. La presente exploración abarca trabajos publicados a partir de 2003, ya que Hanel (2004) elaboró una revisión exhaustiva sobre prácticas en la GPI. El documento aborda la relación existente en la literatura entre la GPI y, las organizaciones, la Universidad; así como algunos casos de estudio en Estados Unidos, China, Japón, Europa y América Latina

    Gestión de la propiedad intelectual en museos

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    Este artículo tiene el propósito de presentar la gestión de la propiedad intelectual en museos (GPIM), en un escenario en el cual estas instituciones culturales pasaron de ser usuarios que respetaban la propiedad intelectual (PI) a gestionarla y ser intermediarios en el posible uso para terceros. Para ello, el documento explica las diferentes concepciones de museo; la discusión sobre los diversos tipos de protección de la PI; y la importancia de la GPIM. Se identificó que la PI en los museos cumple generalmente dos funciones que deben estar balanceadas: la mayor difusión social posible garantizando los derechos de autor y la explotación comercial de la PI, como fuente de recursos, con el fin de garantizar la subsistencia de la institución cultural. This article aims to present the management of intellectual property in museums, in a scenario where these cultural institutions became users who not only respect the intellectual property, but are intermediaries in the possible use for third parties. The document explains the different conceptions of museum; the discussion of the various types of intellectual property protection; and the importance of management of intellectual property in museums. It identified that intellectual property in museums generally serves two functions which must be balanced: (i) the greatest possible social diffusion ensuring the copyright and the commercial exploitation of intellectual property, in order to ensure the survival of the cultural institution

    Medidas de concentración y estabilidad de mercado. Una aplicación para Excel

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    In this paper we attempt to make a compilation of several concentration and stability indexes used in the literature since 1945, showing that while the Hirschman-Herfindahl index and concentration ratio are most commonly used, there are also alternative measures. Likewise, we present two applications in Excel to calculate the different indexes that were identified in the literature. En este documento se pretende elaborar una compilación de diversos índices de concentración y estabilidad utilizados en la literatura desde 1945, mostrando que si bien el índice de Hirschman-Herfindhal y el ratio de concentración han sido los más utilizados en diversos análisis de Organización Industrial, existen medidas alternativas. En segunda medida, se presentan dos aplicaciones en Excel para el cálculo de los distintos índices encontrados en la literatura

    Medidas de concentración y estabilidad de mercado. Una aplicación para Excel

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    In this paper we attempt to make a compilation of several concentration and stability indexes used in the literature since 1945, showing that while the Hirschman-Herfindahl index and concentration ratio are most commonly used, there are also alternative measures. Likewise, we present two applications in Excel to calculate the different indexes that were identified in the literature. En este documento se pretende elaborar una compilación de diversos índices de concentración y estabilidad utilizados en la literatura desde 1945, mostrando que si bien el índice de Hirschman-Herfindhal y el ratio de concentración han sido los más utilizados en diversos análisis de Organización Industrial, existen medidas alternativas. En segunda medida, se presentan dos aplicaciones en Excel para el cálculo de los distintos índices encontrados en la literatura