248 research outputs found

    The Singers of Grodzka Street

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    Letter for Emily D.

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    The Girl Who Was Born That Way

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    Si nos sociĂ©tĂ©s ont pris conscience de l’inĂ©luctabilitĂ© du processus de vieillissement de la population, elles commencent Ă©galement Ă  apprĂ©hender la mesure de ses implications Ă©conomiques et sociales. Afin d’introduire cette commission sur la cessation d’activitĂ©, il nous a semblĂ© utile de tracer un bref aperçu des Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©mographiques qui sous-tendent ce processus. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments, tels l’espĂ©rance de vie ou le taux de natalitĂ©, sont les causes fondamentales du vieillissement. Toutefois, nous ne pouvons agir sur eux que de maniĂšre trĂšs marginale, que ce soit au niveau individuel ou au travers d’une dĂ©cision politique, et de plus nous ne pouvons guĂšre espĂ©rer qu’un effet Ă  beaucoup plus long terme. Les variables Ă©conomiques ont Ă©galement un impact non nĂ©gligeable, et peuvent ĂȘtre influencĂ©es plus significativement. Nous montrerons par exemple l’importance de l’ñge moyen effectif de cessation d’activitĂ© sur les indicateurs utilisĂ©s pour cerner la charge prĂ©sente et future reprĂ©sentĂ©e par la population ĂągĂ©e. Enfin, l’état de santĂ© est encore un facteur essentiel dans la prise de dĂ©cision concernant une cessation prĂ©coce d’activitĂ©. L’EnquĂȘte de SantĂ© par Interview rĂ©alisĂ©e en 1997 nous permet de jeter un certain Ă©clairage sur les conditions de santĂ© de la population la plus concernĂ©e par ce type de dĂ©cision : les 50-64 ans.

    Assurance-maladie : comment adapter les taux de remboursement aux dépenses individuelles de santé?

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    Nous considĂ©rons un modĂšle d’assurance-maladie dans lequel les agents ne se diffĂ©rencient que par la gravitĂ© de la maladie qui les atteint. L’État cherche Ă  maximiser l’espĂ©rance d’utilitĂ© des assurĂ©s et dĂ©cide en consĂ©quence de rembourser une fraction des dĂ©penses de santĂ©. En l’absence d’alĂ©a moral ex post, suivant lequel la dĂ©cision individuelle de dĂ©penses de santĂ© est affectĂ©e par leur taux de remboursement, celui-ci pourrait ĂȘtre de 100 %. Cependant, avec alĂ©a moral, la gratuitĂ© des soins n’est plus de mise. AprĂšs une brĂšve prĂ©sentation du cas d’un taux de remboursement uniforme, nous envisageons d’abord une structure de remboursement Ă  deux taux, le premier s’appliquant en dessous d’un certain seuil de dĂ©penses et le second au-delĂ  du seuil. Nous voulons connaĂźtre la valeur relative de ces deux taux de remboursement, ainsi que le montant du seuil. Ensuite nous montrons les caractĂ©ristiques d’un remboursement non linĂ©aire, qui nous rapproche un peu plus de la solution de premier rang. Des exemples numĂ©riques illustrent les dĂ©veloppements analytiques et montrent comment le partage des risques entre bien-portants et malades et la perte d’efficacitĂ© due Ă  l’alĂ©a moral varient selon le schĂ©ma de remboursement.We consider a health insurance model with heterogeneous agents who only differ in illness severity. The public insurer intends to maximize the expected utility of people insured taking into account the premium paid by them to balance the insurer's budget. Without any ex post moral hazard, the reimbursement rate would be set at 100%. But with moral hazard, the individual decision, as regards medical expenses, varies with this rate. After a short presentation of the single rate case, we consider a two-rate reimbursement structure, with a threshold defining the scope of each rate, the one applying below the threshold and the other taking effect above this cut-off point. We want to determine the relative value of these two rates, as well as the amount of the threshold. Then we characterize a non-linear reimbursement, which is closer to the first-best solution. Some numerical simulations illustrate the analytical developments. They show how the reimbursement structure affects the risk sharing between the healthy and the sick and the efficiency loss caused by moral hazard

    Assurance-maladie : comment adapter les taux de remboursement aux dépenses individuelles de santé?

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    We consider a health insurance model with heterogeneous agents who only differ in illness severity. The public insurer intends to maximize the expected utility of people insured taking into account the premium paid by them to balance the insurer's budget. Without any ex post moral hazard, the reimbursement rate would be set at 100%. But with moral hazard, the individual decision, as regards medical expenses, varies with this rate. After a short presentation of the single rate case, we consider a two-rate reimbursement structure, with a threshold defining the scope of each rate, the one applying below the threshold and the other taking effect above this cut-off point. We want to determine the relative value of these two rates, as well as the amount of the threshold. Then we characterize a non-linear reimbursement, which is closer to the first-best solution. Some numerical simulations illustrate the analytical developments. They show how the reimbursement structure affects the risk sharing between the healthy and the sick and the efficiency loss caused by moral hazard. Nous considĂ©rons un modĂšle d’assurance-maladie dans lequel les agents ne se diffĂ©rencient que par la gravitĂ© de la maladie qui les atteint. L’État cherche Ă  maximiser l’espĂ©rance d’utilitĂ© des assurĂ©s et dĂ©cide en consĂ©quence de rembourser une fraction des dĂ©penses de santĂ©. En l’absence d’alĂ©a moral ex post, suivant lequel la dĂ©cision individuelle de dĂ©penses de santĂ© est affectĂ©e par leur taux de remboursement, celui-ci pourrait ĂȘtre de 100 %. Cependant, avec alĂ©a moral, la gratuitĂ© des soins n’est plus de mise. AprĂšs une brĂšve prĂ©sentation du cas d’un taux de remboursement uniforme, nous envisageons d’abord une structure de remboursement Ă  deux taux, le premier s’appliquant en dessous d’un certain seuil de dĂ©penses et le second au-delĂ  du seuil. Nous voulons connaĂźtre la valeur relative de ces deux taux de remboursement, ainsi que le montant du seuil. Ensuite nous montrons les caractĂ©ristiques d’un remboursement non linĂ©aire, qui nous rapproche un peu plus de la solution de premier rang. Des exemples numĂ©riques illustrent les dĂ©veloppements analytiques et montrent comment le partage des risques entre bien-portants et malades et la perte d’efficacitĂ© due Ă  l’alĂ©a moral varient selon le schĂ©ma de remboursement.

    Wszystkie ciaƂa czƂowieka

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    The paper is an essay on a materialist, though not reductionist philosophical anthropology derived from Sigmund Freud’s writings on human sexuality and narcissism. The author reads Freud in the light of Jean Laplanche’s commentaries, while arranging also deconstructive clashes between his thought and the writings by Gershom Scholem and Walter Benjamin. The author develops first, in a vision of the network of human drives seen as ‘man’s second body’, whose origin is then identified (in a post-secular spirit combining psychoanalytic and theological perspectives) to indicate further the primal seduction-as-revelation which is also responsible for our entrance into the realm of language.ArtykuƂ stanowi prĂłbę wysnucia materialistycznej, lecz nie redukcjonistycznej koncepcji antropologicznej z pism Zygmunta Freuda poƛwięconych ludzkiej seksualnoƛci i narcyzmowi. Pisma te odczytywane są tutaj w ƛwietle komentarzy i reinterpretacji Jeana Laplanche’a, a zarazem modyfikowane poprzez dekonstrukcjonistyczne zderzenie z pracami Gershoma Scholema i Waltera Benjamina. Autor wypracowuje wizję sieci popędowej jako „drugiego ciaƂa” czƂowieka, by następnie – w duchu postsekularnym, splatając ze sobą myƛl psychoanalityczną i teologiczną – wskazać pierwotne uwiedzenie/objawienie jako ĆșrodƂo zarĂłwno owej powielonej cielesnoƛci, jak i językowej natury czƂowieka

    FriĆŒider miƂoƛci, dziesięć piastrĂłw nadziei, czyli maƂa glosa do „Piotrusia”

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    The starting point for the article is the fact that Leo Lipski’s literary works are evidentlyrooted in the anal-faecal universe. This aspect of the writer’s oeuvre can be relatively easilyanalyzed from a psychoanalytical perspective, which has traditionally linked the anal withsadomasochism. However, synchronously the author of the article demonstrates that: (1) the anal-faecal is related to memory, (2) the references to the anal-faecal are partly counterbalanced by the references to the oral, to the pleasure of eating and conditional release, which is provided by the narration itself and serves partly to downplay the overburdening resulting from traumatic memory. Analyzing the short novel Piotruƛ [Little Peter] in terms of the relations between the faecal, the realm of eating and the art of storytelling, the author attempts to highlight the brighter segments of Lipski’s dark masterpiece, which may suggest a paradoxical victory, if not of the main character, at least of the author of the novel.Punktem wyjƛcia artykuƂu jest konstatacja oczywistego zakorzenienia pisarstwa Leo Lipskiego w uniwersum analno-fekalnym. Ten aspekt twĂłrczoƛci autora Piotrusia doƛć Ƃatwo poddaje się wykƂadni z punktu widzenia teorii psychoanalitycznej, ktĂłra tradycyjnie Ƃączy rejestr analny z sadomasochizmem. Zarazem jednak autor artykuƂu wskazuje, ĆŒe (1) w twĂłrczoƛci Lipskiego rejestr analno-fekalny wiÄ…ĆŒe się takĆŒe z rejestrem pamięci, a co więcej (2) odwoƂania do tego rejestru w pewnej mierze rĂłwnowaĆŒone są przez odwoƂania do sfery oralnej, do przyjemnoƛci jedzenia i warunkowego wyzwolenia, jaką daje sama narracja, po częƛci luzująca takĆŒe przeciÄ…ĆŒenie traumatyczną pamięcią. Analizując mikropowieƛć Piotruƛ pod kątem relacji między rejestrem fekalnym, sferą jedzenia a sztuką opowiadania, autor artykuƂu prĂłbuje wskazać jaƛniejsze momenty mrocznego arcydzieƂa Lipskiego, ktĂłre pozwalają mĂłwić o paradoksalnym zwycięstwie jeƛli nie bohatera, to autora powieƛci

    Many-body system with a four-parameter family of point interactions in one dimension

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    We consider a four-parameter family of point interactions in one dimension. This family is a generalization of the usual ÎŽ\delta-function potential. We examine a system consisting of many particles of equal masses that are interacting pairwise through such a generalized point interaction. We follow McGuire who obtained exact solutions for the system when the interaction is the ÎŽ\delta-function potential. We find exact bound states with the four-parameter family. For the scattering problem, however, we have not been so successful. This is because, as we point out, the condition of no diffraction that is crucial in McGuire's method is not satisfied except when the four-parameter family is essentially reduced to the ÎŽ\delta-function potential.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
