2,390 research outputs found

    Sentinel Node Detection in Patients with Thyroid Carcinoma: A Meta-analysis

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    Objective: This study was designed to review the diagnostic performance of sentinel node (SN) detection for assessment of the nodal status in thyroid carcinoma patients and to determine the technique (using blue dye or Technetium-99m colloid (99mTc)) that demonstrated the highest success rate with regard to the detection rate and sensitivity. Methods A comprehensive computer literature search of studies published in English language through December 2007 and regarding SN procedures in patients with thyroid disorders was performed in MEDLINE. Pooled values regarding the SN detection rate and the pooled sensitivity values of the SN procedure were presented with a 95% confidence interval (CI) for the different SN detection techniques. Results: Ultimately, we identified 14 studies comprising a total of 457 patients. Of these, ten studies (n = 329 patients) used the blue dye technique with a pooled SN detection of 83% (95% CI, 79–87%). The remaining four studies (n = 128) used 99mTc-colloid with a pooled SN detection of 96% (95% CI, 91–99%; p\0.05 vs. blue dye technique). Conclusion: In patients with suspected thyroid carcinoma, SN biopsy demonstrated a higher SN detection rate when 99mTc was used (96%) instead of the blue dye technique (83%)

    Acceptance and compliance with external hip protectors: A systematic review of the literature

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    Hip fractures may be prevented by the use of external hip protectors, but compliance is often poor. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the determinants of compliance with hip protectors by systematically reviewing the literature. A literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library. Primary acceptance with hip protectors ranged from 37% to 72% (median 68%); compliance varied between 20% and 92% (median 56%). However, in most studies it was not very clear how compliance was defined (e.g., average wearing time on active days and during waking hours, number of user-days per all available follow-up days, percentage falls with hip protector) and how it was measured. To provide more insight in the compliance percentages, the different methods of defining and measuring compliance were presented for the selected studies, when provided. Because of the heterogeneity in study design of the selected studies and the lack of quantitative data in most studies, results regarding the determinants of compliance could not be statistically pooled. Instead a qualitative summary of the determinants of compliance was given. The reasons most frequently mentioned for not wearing hip protectors, were: not being comfortable (too tight/poor fit); the extra effort (and time) needed to wear the device; urinary incontinence; and physical difficulties/illnesses. In conclusion, compliance is a very complex, but important issue in hip protector research and implementation. Based on the experiences of elderly people who wear the hip protectors, adjustments should be made to the protector and the underwear, while maintaining the force attenuation capacity. Furthermore, methods to improve the compliance should be developed, and their effectiveness tested. (aut.ref.

    Стадії укладення договору лізингу

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    Узагальнено вітчизняний та зарубіжний досвід укладання лізингових угод. Здійснено структуризацію стадій лізингового процесу. Ключові слова: лізингова угода, лізингодавець, лізингоодержувач.Обобщен отечественный и зарубежный опыт заключения лизинговых соглашений. Осуществлена структуризация стадий лизингового процесса. Ключевые слова: лизинговое соглашение, лизингодатель, лизингополучатель.The generalization of the domestic and international experience in the concluding of leasing agreements is aimed in this article. The consecutive examination of the stages of leasing process is set up structurally. Key words: lease contract, leasee, leasor

    Transport and recombination through weakly coupled localized spin pairs in semiconductors during coherent spin excitation

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    Semi-analytical predictions for the transients of spin-dependent transport and recombination rates through localized states in semiconductors during coherent electron spin excitation are made for the case of weakly spin-coupled charge carrier ensembles. The results show that the on-resonant Rabi frequency of electrically or optically detected spin-oscillation doubles abruptly as the strength of the resonant microwave field gamma B_1 exceeds the Larmor frequency separation within the pair of charge carrier states between which the transport or recombination transition takes place. For the case of a Larmor frequency separation of the order of gamma B_1 and arbitrary excitation frequencies, the charge carrier pairs exhibit four different nutation frequencies. From the calculations, a simple set of equations for the prediction of these frequencies is derived

    Efficacy of different doses and time intervals of oral vitamin D supplementation with or without calcium in elderly nursing home residents

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    Summary: The effect of equivalent oral doses of vitamin D3 600 IU/day, 4200 IU/week and 18,000 IU/month on vitamin D status was compared in a randomized clinical trial in nursing home residents. A daily dose was more effective than a weekly dose, and a monthly dose was the least effective. Introduction: It is assumed that equivalent daily, weekly or monthly doses of vitamin D3 equally influence vitamin D status. This was investigated in a randomized clinical trial in nursing home residents. Methods: The study was performed in ten nursing homes including 338 subjects (76 male and 262 female), with a mean age of 84 (± SD 6.3 years). They received oral vitamin D3 either 600 IU/day, or 4200 IU/week, or 18,000 IU/month or placebo. After 4 months, calcium was added during 2 weeks, 320 mg/day or 640 mg/day or placebo. Outcome: serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), parathyroid hormone (PTH) and bone turnover markers. Statistical approach: linear multilevel analysis. Results: At baseline, mean serum 25(OH)D was 25.0 nmol/L (SD 10.9), and in 98%, it was lower than 50 nmol/L. After 4 months, mean serum 25(OH)D levels increased to 62.5 nmol/L (after daily vitamin D3 69.9 nmol/L, weekly 67.2 nmol/L and monthly 53.1 nmol/L, P<0.001 between groups). Median serum PTH levels decreased by 23% (p<0.001). Bone turnover markers did not decrease. Calcium supplementation had no effect on serum PTH and bone turnover. Conclusion: Daily vitamin D was more effective than weekly, and monthly administration was the least effective. © 2007 International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation

    Investigations on nucleophilic layers made with a novel plasma jet technique

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    In this work a novel plasma jet technique is used for the deposition of nucleophilic films based on (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane at atmospheric pressure. Film deposition was varied with regard to duty cycles and working distance. Spectral ellipsometry and chemical derivatization with 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzaldehyde using ATR- FTIR spectroscopy measurements were used to characterize the films. It was found that the layer thickness and the film composition are mainly influenced by the duty cycle

    Sentinel Node Detection in Patients with Thyroid Carcinoma: A Meta-analysis

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    Objective: This study was designed to review the diagnostic performance of sentinel node (SN) detection for assessment of the nodal status in thyroid carcinoma patients and to determine the technique (using blue dye or Technetium-99m colloid

    Living with a Hereditary Form of Cancer: Experiences and Needs of MEN 2 Patients and Their Families

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    Unlike the purely medical research done in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) families, little work has been done on the psychosocial aspects of the disease. To assess the severely stressful influences and the consequences of that stress on the family network, a small-scale survey was carried out during a national meeting. The goal of the study was to obtain more information about the experiences and needs of MEN 2 patients and their relatives. Of the 59 respondents, 85% were satisfied with the medical information provided, 81% were satisfied with the medical knowledge of the specialist, but only 12% were satisfied with the medical knowledge of the general practitioner regarding MEN 2. Furthermore, 63% of the parents had difficulties in talking about the disease with their children. The need expressed for contact with fellow sufferers and their families is expected to lead to the establishment of an interest group for MEN 2 families

    Recent results of basic and clinical research in MEN1:opportunities to improve early detection and treatment

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    Due to the variable expression of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), it is difficult to predict the course of the disease. However, knowledge about the normal function of the MEN1 gene product, together with the effects of cellular derangement by subsequent genetic events, has increased considerably. At first, the possible existence of a genotype-phenotype correlation is discussed. Thus, mild-and late-onset phenotypes may be distinguished from more malignant phenotypes depending on the character of the primary MEN1 disease gene mutation. Subsequently, tumor-promoting factors such as gender, additional genetic mutations and ecogenetic factors may contribute to the course of the disease. New developments in management are based on the knowledge and experience of the multidisciplinary teams involved. Finally, the metabolic effects of MEN1 mutations in aged patients are discussed. Early identification of predisposition to the disease, together with knowledge about the natural history of specific mutations, risks of additional mutations and periodic clinical monitoring, allow early treatment and may improve life expectancy and quality of life