408 research outputs found

    Prävention und Früherfassung von Kindsmisshandlung – ein Gebot der Stunde

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    In Kürze werden in der Schweiz 20 000 Ärztinnen und Ärzte verschiedener Fachgruppen kostenlos eine neue Broschüre mit dem Titel «Kindsmisshandlung – Kindesschutz » erhalten. Hinter der Präventionsoffensive stehen die Stiftung Kinderschutz Schweiz als Herausgeberin und der Autor Ulrich Lips, Leiter der Kinderschutzgruppe und Opferberatungsstelle des Kinderspitals Zürich. Der neue Leitfaden für Ärztinnen und Ärzte sowie deren Praxisassistentinnen dient der Früherkennung von Kindsmisshandlung und dem Vorgehen in der ärztlichen Praxis. Er wird von der FMH sowie zahlreichen Fachgesellschaften und -verbänden unterstützt

    Methodological challenges in following up patients of a hospital child protection team: is there a recruitment bias?

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    BACKGROUND: The aims of this study are to describe the methodological challenges in recruiting a follow-up sample of children referred to an interdisciplinary hospital child protection team (CPT) and to compare participating versus non-participating groups on several demographic variables and maltreatment characteristics. METHODS: Of the 319 in- and outpatients referred to the CPT at University Children's Hospital Zurich from 2005-2006 a sample of 180 children was drawn to contact for a follow-up. The children and their parents were asked to participate in a face-to-face interview at the hospital; in 42 cases the children and parents consented to do so. Alternatively, the parents could take part in a telephone interview (n = 39). Non-participation resulted because no contact or adequate communication in German, French, or English could be established (n = 49) or because the parents or children refused to participate (n = 50). RESULTS: Participants and non-participants did not differ significantly in mean child age at follow-up, gender, family status, place of residence, certainty and type of maltreatment, and type of perpetrator. However, the child's nationality had a significant impact: Percentages of foreign nationals were higher in the fully participating group (45%; n = 19) and the non-contactable group (53%; n = 26) and significantly lower in the refusal (26%; n = 10) and the telephone interview group (18%; n = 9). Although a high percentage of families had moved in the few years since the CPT intervention (32%; n = 57), the percentage of moves was not significantly higher in non-participants compared to participants. CONCLUSIONS: Further research is needed to support these results in different national backgrounds and to test for biases in variables not included - especially socioeconomic status. This includes gathering more detailed information on non-participants, while respecting ethical boundaries. Overall, the fact that only child's nationality was unevenly distributed between participants and non-participants is encouraging

    Upwelling events, coastal offshore exchange, links to biogeochemical processes - Highlights from the Baltic Sea Sciences Congress at Rostock University, Germany, 19-22 March 2007

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    The Baltic Sea Science Congress was held at Rostock University, Germany, from 19 to 22 March 2007. In the session entitled"Upwelling events, coastal offshore exchange, links to biogeochemical processes" 20 presentations were given,including 7 talks and 13 posters related to the theme of the session.This paper summarises new findings of the upwelling-related studies reported in the session. It deals with investigationsbased on the use of in situ and remote sensing measurements as well as numerical modelling tools. The biogeochemicalimplications of upwelling are also discussed.Our knowledge of the fine structure and dynamic considerations of upwelling has increased in recent decades with the advent ofhigh-resolution modern measurement techniques and modelling studies. The forcing and the overall structure, duration and intensity ofupwelling events are understood quite well. However, the quantification of related transports and the contribution to the overall mixingof upwelling requires further research. Furthermore, our knowledge of the links between upwelling and biogeochemical processes is stillincomplete. Numerical modelling has advanced to the extent that horizontal resolutions of c. 0.5 nautical miles can now be applied,which allows the complete spectrum of meso-scale features to be described. Even the development of filaments can be describedrealistically in comparison with high-resolution satellite data.But the effect of upwelling at a basin scale and possible changes under changing climatic conditions remain open questions

    SorCS2 facilitates release of endostatin from astrocytes and controls post-stroke angiogenesis

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    SorCS2 is an intracellular sorting receptor of the VPS10P domain receptor gene family recently implicated in oxidative stress response. Here, we interrogated the relevance of stress-related activities of SorCS2 in the brain by exploring its role in ischemic stroke in mouse models and in patients. Although primarily seen in neurons in the healthy brain, expression of SorCS2 was massively induced in astrocytes surrounding the ischemic core in mice following stroke. Post-stroke induction was likely a result of increased levels of transforming growth factor β1 in damaged brain tissue, inducing Sorcs2 gene transcription in astrocytes but not neurons. Induced astrocytic expression of SorCS2 was also seen in stroke patients, substantiating the clinical relevance of this observation. In astrocytes in vitro and in the mouse brain in vivo, SorCS2 specifically controlled release of endostatin, a factor linked to post-stroke angiogenesis. The ability of astrocytes to release endostatin acutely after stroke was lost in mice deficient for SorCS2, resulting in a blunted endostatin response which coincided with impaired vascularization of the ischemic brain. Our findings identified activated astrocytes as a source for endostatin in modulation of post-stroke angiogenesis, and the importance of the sorting receptor SorCS2 in this brain stress response

    Induction of DNA breaks and apoptosis in crosslink-hypersensitive V79 cells by the cytostatic drug β-D-glucosyl-ifosfamide mustard

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    To study molecular aspects of cytotoxicity of the anticancer drug β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard we investigated the potential of the agent to induce apoptosis and DNA breakage. Since β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard generates DNA interstrand crosslinks, we used as an in vitro model system a pair of isogenic Chinese hamster V79 cells differing in their sensitivity to crosslinking agents. CL-V5B cells are dramatically more sensitive (30-fold based on D10 values) to the cytotoxic effects of β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard as compared to parental V79B cells. After 48 h of pulse-treatment with the agent, sensitive cells but not the resistant parental line undergo apoptosis and necrosis, with apoptosis being the predominant form of cell death (70 and 20% of apoptosis and necrosis, respectively). Apoptosis increased as a function of dose and was accompanied by induction of DNA double-strand breaks in the hypersensitive cells. Furthermore, a strong decline in the level of Bcl-2 protein and activation of caspases-3, -8 and -9 were observed. The resistant parental cells were refractory to all these parameters. Bcl-2 decline in the sensitive cells preceded apoptosis, and transfection-mediated overexpression of Bcl-2 protected at least in part from apoptosis. From the data we hypothesize that non-repaired crosslinks induced by β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard are transformed into double-strand breaks which trigger apoptosis via a Bcl-2 dependent pathway

    Cost-utility of medication withdrawal in older fallers: results from the improving medication prescribing to reduce risk of FALLs (IMPROveFALL) trial

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    Background: The use of Fall-Risk-Increasing-Drugs (FRIDs) has been associated with increased risk of falls and associated injuries. This study investigates the effect of withdrawal of FRIDs versus 'care as usual' on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), costs, and cost-utility in community-dwelling older fallers. Methods: In a prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial FRIDs assessment combined with FRIDs-withdrawal or modification was compared with 'care as usual' in older persons, who visited the emergency department after experiencing a fall. For the calculation of costs the direct medical costs (intramural and extramural) and indirect costs (travel costs) were collected for a 12 month period. HRQoL was measured at baseline and at 12 months follow-up using the EuroQol-5D and Short Form-12 version 2. The change in EuroQol-5D and Short Form-12 scores over 12 months follow-up within the control and intervention groups was compared using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for continuous variables and the McNemar test for dichotomous variables. The change in scores between the control and intervention groups were compared using a two-way analysis of variance. Results: We included 612 older persons who visited an emergency department because of a fall. The mean cost of the FRIDs intervention was €120 per patient. The total fall-related healthcare costs (without the intervention costs) did not differ significantly between the intervention group and the control group (€2204 versus €2285). However, the withdrawal of FRIDs reduced medication costs with a mean of €38 per participant. Furthermore, the control group had a greater decline in EuroQol-5D utility score during the 12-months follow-up than the intervention group (p = 0.02). The change in the Short Form-12 Physical Component Summary and Mental Component Summary scores did not differ significantly between the two groups. Conclusions: Withdrawal of FRID's in older persons who visited an emergency department due to a fall, did not lead to reduction of total health-care costs. However, the withdrawal of FRIDs reduced medication costs with a mean of €38 per participant in combination with less decline in HRQoL is an important result

    Breakup Temperature of Target Spectators in Au + Au Collisions at E/A = 1000 MeV

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    Breakup temperatures were deduced from double ratios of isotope yields for target spectators produced in the reaction Au + Au at 1000 MeV per nucleon. Pairs of 3,4^{3,4}He and 6,7^{6,7}Li isotopes and pairs of 3,4^{3,4}He and H isotopes (p, d and d, t) yield consistent temperatures after feeding corrections, based on the quantum statistical model, are applied. The temperatures rise with decreasing impact parameter from 4 MeV for peripheral to about 10 MeV for the most central collisions. The good agreement with the breakup temperatures measured previously for projectile spectators at an incident energy of 600 MeV per nucleon confirms the observed universality of the spectator decay at relativistic bombarding energies. The measured temperatures also agree with the breakup temperatures predicted by the statistical multifragmentation model. For these calculations a relation between the initial excitation energy and mass was derived which gives good simultaneous agreement for the fragment charge correlations. The energy spectra of light charged particles, measured at θlab\theta_{lab} = 150^{\circ}, exhibit Maxwellian shapes with inverse slope parameters much higher than the breakup temperatures. The statistical multifragmentation model, because Coulomb repulsion and sequential decay processes are included, yields light-particle spectra with inverse slope parameters higher than the breakup temperatures but considerably below the measured values. The systematic behavior of the differences suggests that they are caused by light-charged-particle emission prior to the final breakup stage. PACS numbers: 25.70.Mn, 25.70.Pq, 25.75.-qComment: 29 pages, TeX with 11 included figures; Revised version accepted for publication in Z. Phys. A Two additional figure

    Paracrine interleukin 6 induces cerebral remodeling at early stages after unilateral common carotid artery occlusion in mice

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    AIMS: Carotid artery disease is frequent and can result in chronic modest hypoperfusion of the brain. If no transient ischemic attack or stroke occur, it is classified asymptomatic. In the long-term, though, it can lead to cognitive impairment. Fostering cerebral remodeling after carotid artery occlusion might be a new concept of treatment. Paracrine Interleukin 6 (IL-6) can induce such remodeling processes at early stages. However, it has neurodegenerative long-term effects. With this exploratory study, we investigated the effect of paracrine IL-6 on cerebral remodeling in early stages after asymptomatic carotid artery occlusion to identify new treatment targets. METHODS AND RESULTS: To mimic a human asymptomatic carotid artery disease, we used a mouse model of unilateral common carotid artery (CCA) occlusion. We developed a mouse model for inducible paracrine cerebral IL-6 expression (Cx30-Cre-ERT2;FLEX-IL6) and induced IL-6 2 days after CCA occlusion. We studied the effects of paracrine IL-6 after CCA occlusion on neuronal connectivity using diffusion tensor imaging and on local proteome regulations of the hypo-perfused striatum and contralateral motor cortex using mass spectrometry of laser capture micro-dissected tissues. Paracrine IL-6 induced cerebral remodeling leading to increased inter-hemispheric connectivity and changes in motor system connectivity. We identified changes in local protein abundance which might have adverse effects on functional outcome such as upregulation of Synuclein gamma (Sncg) or downregulation of Proline Dehydrogenase 1 (Prodh). However, we also identified changes in local protein abundance having potentially beneficial effects such as upregulation of Caprin1 or downregulation of GABA transporter 1 (Gat1). CONCLUSIONS: Paracrine cerebral IL-6 at early stages induces changes in motor system connectivity and the proteome after asymptomatic CCA occlusion. Our results may help to distinguish unfavorable from beneficial IL-6 dependent protein regulations. Focusing on these targets might generate new treatments to improve long-term outcome in patients with carotid artery disease