241 research outputs found

    A Reform of Treatment: An Analysis of the American Asylum Movement

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    The nineteenth century was a revolutionary period for the medical field in America. While there was little regulation of the practice of medicine, there was a push towards the greater incorporation of science in the latter half of the century, and training in formalized schools increasingly became a symbol of legitimacy for physicians. This applied not only to practitioners of physiological medicine, but those who practiced psychiatric medicine as well. The nineteenth century saw both the birth and the death rattles of the American asylum, and it ushered in a new understanding of the insane – it promoted the idea that the insane were able to recover and thrive if given proper treatment, an idea that was considered revolutionary during its time. Medical superintendents, charged with running asylums and caring for their inhabitants, encouraged the spread of these ideas and did their best to enact treatments in accordance with the new understanding, something they were ultimately unsuccessful with because they found themselves overextended as patient populations grew. The nineteenth century asylum is emblematic of both the potential for progress in American medicine and the pitfalls that we see in modern medicine, as the actions of medical superintendents, though well intentioned, fostered a misplaced hope in the American people and was ultimately detrimental to the patients and families who sought help, as well as to Americans’ faith in the field of psychiatric medicine

    Nonlinear stability of the Taub-NUT soliton in 6+1 dimensions

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    Using mixed numerical and analytical methods we give evidence that the 6+1 dimensional Taub-NUT soliton is asymptotically nonlinearly stable against small perturbations preserving biaxial Bianchi IX symmetry. We also show that for sufficiently strong perturbations the soliton collapses to a warped black hole. Since this black hole solution is not known in closed form, for completeness of the exposition we prove its existence and determine its properties. In particular, the mass of the black hole is computed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Predicting the Influence of Drug Solubilizing Agents on Cocrystal Solubility, Stability, and Transition Points.

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    Pharmaceutical cocrystals have emerged as a useful strategy to improve the aqueous solubility of inherently poorly soluble drugs to improve their oral absorption and bioavailability. Aqueous cocrystal solubility can be orders of magnitude higher than that of the constituent drug. Chemical interactions between cocrystal constituents and dissolution media additives are critically important for cocrystals to achieve a wide range of solubility and stability (Scocrystal/Sdrug) behaviors. In the presence of drug solubilizing agents, a cocrystal with high aqueous Scocrystal/Sdrug can display higher, equal, or lower solubility than the drug, depending on the nature and concentration of the additive. This dissertation explores the mechanisms of cocrystal solubilization by solubilizing agents and the impact on cocrystal solubility, Scocrystal/Sdrug, and transition points. The objectives of this work are to (1) understand the effect of solubilization by physiologically relevant solubilizing agents on cocrystal solubility, solubilzation ratio (SRcocrystal), and Scocrystal/Sdrug (2) develop models to describe cocrystal solubility, SRcocrystal, and Scocrystal/Sdrug based on cocrystal dissociation and constituent ionization and micellar solubilization solution equilibria, (3) expand these models to consider the effect of multiple solubilizing agents, and (4) develop simplified models for the facile estimation of cocrystal transition points from commonly reported drug solubility descriptors. Cocrystal solubility, SRcocrystal, and Scocrystal/Sdrug, were investigated in fed state simulated intestinal fluid (FeSSIF) for seven cocrystals comprised of constituents with a range of ionization and micellar solubilization properties. Mathematical models that predicted cocrystal solubility and Scocrystal/Sdrug based on cocrystal dissociation and constituent ionization and micellar solubilization were derived and expanded to consider two ideally mixing solubilizing agents (FeSSIF and Tween 80). The models were found to be in excellent agreement with the experimentally measured values. SRcocrystal was found to be correlated with the log octanol-water distribution coefficient (log D) and models derived to predict SRcocrystal from log D. Cocrystal solubility at the transition point (S*) was found to be independent of solubilizing agent and solely depend on drug and cocrystal aqueous solubility and models derived to predict this behavior. The influence of solubilizing agents on the position of cocrystal solubility relative to the transition point was predicted by comparing SRdrug with S*.PhDPharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111365/1/mlipert_1.pd

    Development of a micro-Hall magnetometer and studies of individual Fe-filled carbon nanotubes

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    This work presents Hall magnetometry studies on individual Fe-filled carbon nanotubes (CNT). For this approach high sensitivity micro Hall sensors based on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) were developed. Electron beam lithography and wet chemical etching were utilized for patterning Hall sensors onto the heterostructure surface. The devices were characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and transport measurements. Individual Fe-filled CNTs were placed on active part of devices (800 × 800 nm2) with aid of micromanipulator system. Measurements on an individual iron nanowires confirmed devices applicability for measurements of nanoscale magnets. High nucleation fields were found of about 900 mT for a Fe nanowire with diameter of d = 26 nm. The magnetization reversal mechanism was found to be a localized process whereas the angular dependence of nucleation fields is in a good agreement with a curling mode. Through magnetization studies performed on differently functionalized ensembles of CNT by means of Alternating Gradient – and Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) magnetometry a strong influence of a remaining ferromagnetic catalyst material on the magnetic properties of CNT was observed. Magnetization studies proved that a post annealing method removes catalyst material completely

    Identification of the ns and nd Rydberg states of O2 for n=3–5

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    The 4s‐3d and 5s‐4dRydberg complexes of diatomic oxygen have been studied by (2+1) resonance‐enhanced multiphoton ionization of the X  3∑ g − ground state of O2. We have located and identified at least two vibrational levels of each of the following states: Three of four expected 4sσ Π states; all four expected 5sσ Π states; 18 of 22 expected 3d states (with only the states of the 3dσ orbital remaining unobserved); and 5 of the 10 predicted 4dπ states. State assignments were assisted by the following: the results of rotational cooling and laser polarization experiments which facilitated the rotational analysis, band positions, band intensities, and parameterized calculations. The experimentally determined state locations are compared with the state locations obtained from ab initio calculations. We have carried out isotope experiments and rotational linewidth analysis to study in some detail the mixing between the Rydberg states and the repulsive valence states as well as the mixing between the Rydberg states themselves. We conclude that direct predissociation dominates indirect predissociation as a dissociative mechanism, but there is evidence of Δv≠0 interactions which perturb the rotational structure of the 3dπ∑ and Δ states. The relative intensities of the states detected are found to span a range in excess of 104 with the nsσ Π states being the weakest and the ndπ ∑ states being the strongest. Photoionization of the ndπ ∑ states appears to be most affected by the shape resonance in the continuum. Our measurements confirm the expectation that many of the properties of the Rydberg states in the same series scale as (n*)−3

    MCPIP1, alias Regnase-1 binds and cleaves mRNA of C/EBP/beta

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    CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta (C/EBPβ) is a transcription factor controlling a broad range of genes essential for homeostasis, including genes related to immune functions, inflammation, metabolism and growth. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1-induced protein 1 (MCPIP1) also called as Regnase-1 is an RNase and has been shown to decrease the stability of short-lived transcripts coding for inflammation-related proteins, including IL-1β, IL-6, IL-2, IL-8, IL-12b, IER-3, c-Rel. We found previously that the half-life of the C/EBPβ transcript is regulated by MCPIP. To understand the mechanism driving down-regulation of C/EBPβ by MCPIP1, we applied an in vitro cleavage assay, followed by a luciferase-reporter assay and RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP). We demonstrated that MCPIP1 recognizes regions of the 3'UTR of C/EBPβ mRNA and promotes its decay by introducing direct endonucleolytic cleavage

    O mal-estar docente: o lugar do professor na sociedade hoje

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    O presente trabalho de curso dialoga sobre a desvalorização do educador na sociedade, seu mal-estar. Na atual conjuntura vivida nos últimos anos, a profissão de professor é apenas vista como uma vocação, desvalorizando os esforços unidos de tantos profissionais da área de se aprofundar na sua escolha de estudo, há sim muito trabalho dentro do aprender a ser professor e como todas as outras áreas de graduação pode-se estudar para cada vez mais adquirir sabedoria no seu âmbito profissional. Em articulação com referenciais teóricos sobre a temática, os textos utilizados para tal, em sua maioria, eram voltados para o mal-estar docente, psicanálise, saber profissional docente, desafios da profissão de professor e formação docente. Apresentamos quatro entrevistas com o objetivo de nortear o estudo com relatos de professoras que testemunham a dificuldade de ser professor nesse atual cenário nacional. Fundamentada com as entrevistas e embasamentos teóricos acerca do tema, a autora demonstra os obstáculos na vida docente tais como a desvalorização da profissão, a subestimação do trabalho do professorado, o preconceito da sociedade e barreiras por vezes impostas pela própria escola que o docente leciona, tornando assim ainda mais difícil o seu trabalho.This coursework discusses the devaluation of the educator in society, his or her uneasiness. In the current situation experienced in recent years, the teaching profession is seen only as a vocation, devaluing the united efforts of so many professionals in the area to deepen their choice of study. In articulation with theoretical references on the theme, the texts used for this purpose were mostly focused on uneasiness among teachers, psychoanalysis, teachers' professional knowledge, the challenges of the teaching profession, and teacher education. We presented four interviews with the purpose of guiding the study with reports from female teachers who testify the difficulty of being a teacher in this current national scenario. Based on the interviews and on theoretical foundations about the theme, the author demonstrates the obstacles in teaching life, such as the devaluation of the profession, the underestimation of the teachers' work, the prejudice of society, and barriers sometimes imposed by the school where the teacher teaches, making it even more difficult

    Do desamparo ao fortalecimento coletivo : atuando em fissuras com trabalhadoras/es da saúde em meio a covid-19

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    Este trabalho visou compreender as dinâmicas já existentes e emergentes entre os profissionais da saúde e políticas públicas, procurando indícios do funcionamento dessas dinâmicas nos conceitos-forças de macropolítica, micropolítica e necropolítica levando em consideração o momento pandêmico; como resultado, além de evidenciar o adoecimento desses profissionais, procura compreender de forma mais ampla a relação do governo federal brasileiro com esse estado adoecido. Além disso, propõe outros modos de pensar o fazer dos psicólogos frente a esses contextos e propiciar o surgimento de novas proposições advindas das trocas de saberes entre profissionais no ambiente de trabalho.This work aims to understand the already existing and emerging dynamics between health and public policies professionals, seeking indications of the functioning of these dynamics in the macropolitic, micropolitic and necropolitic notions, considering the pandemic moment. As a result, in addition to pointing out the sickening of these professionals, this work aims to comprehend in a wider way the brazilian federal government relation to this sickened state. Besides, it proposes different ways to think about psychologists' practices in these contexts and propitiate the arisal of new propositions originated by knowledge exchanges between professionals in the work environment

    Identification of the nd Δ and Σ States and the 1,3Φ←←X  3Σ− g Transition of O2 by Resonant Multiphoton Ionization

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    Spectra of the 3dRydberg state region of O2 have been obtained by two‐photon resonant ionization of the ground electronic state. By varying the rotational distribution and radiation polarization, all observed bands were identified and attributed to excitation of Σ, Δ, and Φ states. Earlier assignments were corrected. The Δ and Φ assignments are complete while the Σ assignments are so far incomplete