66 research outputs found

    Production of Welding Fluxes Using Waste Slag Formed in Silicomanganese Smelting

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    The possibility in principle of using slag, which is formed in the silicon-manganese smelting process, in producing welding fluxes is shown. The composition of and technology used for a new fused flux has been designed. A comparative evaluation of the new flux and the widely used AN-348 type flux was done. It has been proved that the new flux has high strength properties


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    Cadmium sulfide quantum dots are perspective materials in optics, medicine, biology and optoelectronics. Fluorophosphate glasses, doped with cadmium sulfide quantum dots, were examined in the paper. Heat treatment led to the formation of quantum dots with diameters equal to 2.8 nm, 3.0 nm and 3.8 nm. In view of such changes in the quantum dots size the fundamental absorption edge shift and the luminescence band are being displaced to the long wavelengths. Luminescence lifetime has been found to be dependent on the registration wavelength in the range from 450 to 700 nm. Obtained fluorophosphate glasses with CdS quantum dots can find their application as fluorescent materials with intensive luminescence band and long excited-state natural lifetime


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    Glasses with metallic and semi-conductive nano-particles appear to be perspective non-linear and luminescent materials of photonics. It was shown in theory that composite optical materials containing semi-conductive CdS-core with Ag shell (or vice versa) are optimal for enhancement of non-linear Kerr effect. Interaction of such an ensemble of particles leads to the forming of Ag island structures on the CdS particle, and formation of acanthite Ag2S on the two phases border (CdS-Ag) is minimal. In glasses synthesis of CdS quantum dots occurred due to thermal treatment close to glass transition temperature; introduction of silver was realized by low-temperature ion exchange (LIE). The main object of this work is investigation of Ag+ -LIE effect on the growth of CdS nano-particles. Two glasses were explored in this work: without CdS (glass 1) and with CdS (glass 2), processed by LIE at the temperature of 320°С for 10, 20 and 30 minutes and subsequent heat treatment at temperatures of 410°С and 420°С. In case of glass 1, intensive luminescence appears as a result of LIE, and subsequent heat treatment results in surface resonance at λ=410 nm. In case of glass 2, absorbance spectra change appears that is specific for formation of acanthite and weak luminescence shifting to long-wavelength region (from 550 to 700 nm) as a result of applying LIE and heat treatment. It indicates the growth of CdS quantum dots. Experiment has shown that quantum efficiency increases to 70% for glass 2 containing CdS quantum dots without LIE, while glass that contains silver shows steep decrease of quantum efficiency to 0%. That decrease is caused by formation of acanthite Ag2S on the surface of CdS quantum dot

    Evaluation of adherence of patients with atrial fibrillation to anticoagulant therapy at the outpatient stage of treatment

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    Despite clinical guidelines for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) patient adherence to oral anticoagulants (OACs) in routine clinical practice remains low. Assessing the factors affecting adherence to the OACs regimen and developing strategies for its improvement is important. Aim. To assess the adherence of patients with AF to the prescribed anticoagulant therapy at the outpatient stage of treatment. Methodology. The object of the study was 165 patients with nonvalvular AF undergoing treatment in a specialized cardiology department or receiving outpatient treatment in a specialized cardiological dispensary in Saratov from February 2018 to December 2019. After 3, 6, 12 months, a telephone contact with the patients was carried out, a specially designed questionnaire was filled out, in which the anticoagulant therapy received by AF patients was reflected, the Morisky-Green questionnaire was filled out, the answers of patients about the reasons for skipping or stopping the administration of the OACs were recorded. Results. After 3 months. 16.6 % of AF patients replaced the OACs intake with antiplatelet agents, 16 % refused antithrombotic therapy; 43.1 % of AF patients were adherent to OACs. After 6 months. antiplatelet agents were taken by 24.5 % patients (p<0.05), 11.9 % completely stopped taking antithrombotic drugs; 30.8 % of patients were adherent to OACs (p<0.05). After 12 29,5 % patients replaced OACs treatment with antiplatelet agents, 7.6 % patients did not take any antithrombotic drugs; 31.8 % of AF patients were adherent to OACs. The most common reasons for a decrease in the adherence to OACs therapy were the cost of drugs, lack of understanding of the value of OACs administration in AF, and the lack of appreciable effect of OACs administration. Conclusion. At the outpatient stage of treatment, there was an insufficient level of adherence of AFpatients to OACs treatment

    The hydrogen bond in dithioacids of pentavalent phosphorus - Communication 2. Intermolecular h-bonds and the conformation of molecules of dithioacids

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    1. The IR spectra of a number of phosphinic, phosphonic, and phosphoric dithioacids and their solutions in CCl4 were studied in the region of the valence vibrations of the SH group. 2. Molecules of dithioacids in dilute solutions exist primarily in conformations with an intramolecular hydrogen bond SH...S=P. 3. In the investigated compounds associates are formed through a H-bond of the sulfhydryl group with the thiophosphoryl group and the oxygen of the substituent (in the case of phosphonic and phosphoric dithioacids). 4. The spectral characteristics of the H-complexes formed were determined, and the enthalpies of formation of hydrogen bonds were calculated. © 1973 Consultants Bureau


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    The article reveals the essence and systemizes the advantages of agricultural cooperation. In the vegetable subcomplex of the agricultural sector of the economy, this type of cooperation helps attract investment and reduce risks for investors, increases the competitiveness and economic growth of the region. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that many aspects of the functioning of agricultural cooperatives remain inadequate to apply to individual sectors, in particular, to the vegetable subcomplex of the agricultural sector. The purpose of the research is to develop recommendations for managing the innovative development of the vegetable subcomplex of the agricultural sector of the regional economy (by the example of the Samara region). In preparing the article, general scientific methods of research were used: analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification. The state of vegetable growing in the Samara region is analyzed. The main problems of its innovative development are singled out. The advantages of agricultural cooperation as a modern tool for management of innovative development are systematized. The importance of cooperation within the vegetable subcomplex of the agrarian sector of the regional economy, which is of strategic importance for ensuring the food security of the region and Russia in general. Existing models of cooperation in vegetable growing in the Samara region are analyzed. The goal, tasks and main problems of the management system of innovative development of the vegetable subcomplex of the agrarian sector of the regional economy are formulated. As a result of the study, recommendations were proposed on the formation of a management system for innovative development of the vegetable subcomplex of the agrarian sector of the regional economy.В статье раскрыта сущность и систематизированы преимущества сельскохозяйственной кооперации. В овощном подкомплексе аграрного сектора экономики такой вид кооперации способствует привлечению инвестиций и снижению рисков для инвесторов, повышает конкурентоспособность и экономический рост региона. Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, что недостаточно исследованными остаются многие аспекты функционирования сельскохозяйственных кооперативов применительно к отдельным отраслям, в частности к овощному подкомплексу аграрного сектора. Цель исследования – разработать рекомендации по управлению инновационным развитием овощного подкомплекса аграрного сектора региональной экономики (на примере Самарской области). При подготовке статьи использовались общенаучные методы исследования: анализ и синтез, обобщение, сравнение, классификация. Проанализировано состояние овощеводства в Самарской области. Выделены основные проблемы его инновационного развития. Систематизированы преимущества сельскохозяйственной кооперации как современного инструмента управления инновационным развитием. Отмечена важность кооперации в рамках овощного подкомплекса аграрного сектора региональной экономики, имеющей стратегическое значение для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности рассматриваемого региона и России в целом. Проанализированы существующие модели кооперации в овощеводстве Самарской области. Сформулированы цель, задачи и основные проблемы системы управления инновационным развитием овощного подкомплекса аграрного сектора региональной экономики. В результате проведенного исследования предложены рекомендации по формированию системы управления инновационным развитием овощного подкомплекса аграрного сектора региональной экономики


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    The choice of ionic form of cation exchanger Dowex Marathon C for effective sorption of La and Ce from sulfuric acid solutions was carried out. The ammonium form of cation exchanger was chosen because of high values of sorption of both elements

    Differential expression of alternatively spliced transcripts related to energy metabolism in colorectal cancer

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    Analytic theory for the tangential YORP produced by the asteroid regolith

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    The tangential YORP effect is a radiation pressure torque produced by asymmetric thermal emission by structures on the asteroid surface. As such structures, previous works considered boulders of different shapes lying on the surface of the asteroid. We study the tangential YORP produced by the rough interface of the asteroid's regolith. We create an approximate analytic theory of heat conduction on a slightly non-flat sinusoidal surface. We analyze the published data on the small-scale shape of the asteroid (162173) Ryugu and estimate its tangential YORP due to the surface roughness. We derive an analytic formula that expresses the TYORP of a sinusoidal surface in terms of its geometric and thermal properties. TYORP is maximal at the thermal parameter of the order of unity and for the shape irregularities of the order of the thermal wavelength. Application of this equation to Ryugu predicts TYORP, which is 5-70 times greater than its normal YORP effect. The contribution of the small-scale regolith roughness to the YORP effect of the asteroid can be comparable to the normal YORP and the tangential YORP produced by boulders. The same theory can describe roughness on the asteroid boulders, thus adding a new term to the previously considered TYORP created by boulders.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic