334 research outputs found

    The lambda point experiment in microgravity

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    The motivation and potential for performing very high resolution measurements of the heat capacity singularity at the lambda point of helium in microgravity conditions was briefly discussed. It is clear that tests extending deep into the asymptotic region can be performed, where the theoretical predictions take on their simplest form. This advantageous situation should lead to a major improvement in the understanding of the range of applicability of current theoretical ideas in this field. The lambda transition holds out the prospect of giving the maximum advance of any system, and with the application of cryogenic techniques, the potential of this system can be realized. The technology for the initial experiments is already developed, and results could be obtained in 1990

    A New Limit on Signals of Lorentz Violation in Electrodynamics

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    We describe the results of an experiment to test for spacetime anisotropy terms that might exist from Lorentz violations. The apparatus consists of a pair of cylindrical superconducting cavity-stabilized oscillators operating in the TM_{010} mode with one axis east-west and the other vertical. Spatial anisotropy is detected by monitoring the beat frequency at the sidereal rate and its first harmonic. We see no anisotropy to a part in 10^{13}. This puts a comparable bound on four linear combinations of parameters in the general Standard Model extension, and a weaker bound of <4 x 10^{-9} on three others.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Heat Capacity of ^3He in Aerogel

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    The heat capacity of pure ^3He in low density aerogel is measured at 22.5 bar. The superfluid response is simultaneously monitored with a torsional oscillator. A slightly rounded heat capacity peak, 65 mu K in width, is observed at the ^3He-aerogel superfluid transition, T_{ca}. Subtracting the bulk ^3He contribution, the heat capacity shows a Fermi-liquid form above T_{ca}. The heat capacity attributed to superfluid within the aerogel can be fit with a rounded BCS form, and accounts for 0.30 of the non-bulk fluid in the aerogel, indicating a substantial reduction in the superfluid order parameter consistent with earlier superfluid density measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Specific Heat of Liquid Helium in Zero Gravity very near the Lambda Point

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    We report the details and revised analysis of an experiment to measure the specific heat of helium with subnanokelvin temperature resolution near the lambda point. The measurements were made at the vapor pressure spanning the region from 22 mK below the superfluid transition to 4 uK above. The experiment was performed in earth orbit to reduce the rounding of the transition caused by gravitationally induced pressure gradients on earth. Specific heat measurements were made deep in the asymptotic region to within 2 nK of the transition. No evidence of rounding was found to this resolution. The optimum value of the critical exponent describing the specific heat singularity was found to be a = -0.0127+ - 0.0003. This is bracketed by two recent estimates based on renormalization group techniques, but is slightly outside the range of the error of the most recent result. The ratio of the coefficients of the leading order singularity on the two sides of the transition is A+/A- =1.053+ - 0.002, which agrees well with a recent estimate. By combining the specific heat and superfluid density exponents a test of the Josephson scaling relation can be made. Excellent agreement is found based on high precision measurements of the superfluid density made elsewhere. These results represent the most precise tests of theoretical predictions for critical phenomena to date.Comment: 27 Pages, 20 Figure

    Integral correlation measures for multiparticle physics

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    We report on a considerable improvement in the technique of measuring multiparticle correlations via integrals over correlation functions. A modification of measures used in the characterization of chaotic dynamical sytems permits fast and flexible calculation of factorial moments and cumulants as well as their differential versions. Higher order correlation integral measurements even of large multiplicity events such as encountered in heavy ion collisons are now feasible. The change from ``ordinary'' to ``factorial'' powers may have important consequences in other fields such as the study of galaxy correlations and Bose-Einstein interferometry.Comment: 23 pages, 6 tar-compressed uuencoded PostScript figures appended, preprint TPR-92-4

    Perform a gyro test of general relativity in a satellite and develop associated control technology

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    The progress accomplished in the Stanford Gyro Relativity program during the period November 1974 to October 1975 was described. Gyro developments were continued in the main laboratory dewar, concentrating on the operation of a three axis gyro readout and on improvements to the methods of canceling trapped fields in the rotor; these efforts culminated in the first successful observation of the London moment in the spinning gyro rotor in March 1975. Following a review meeting at that time, a new goal was formulated for the next 12 to 18 months, namely to operate a gyroscope in the new ultra-low field facility with readout resolution approaching 1 arc-second. The following other tasks were also completed: (1) sputtering work, (2) magnetometry, (3) construction and installation of the North Star simulator, (4) analysis of torques on the gyro, especially in inclined orbits, (5) equivalence principle accelerometer, and (6) analysis of a twin-satellite test of relativity

    Five-loop additive renormalization in the phi^4 theory and amplitude functions of the minimally renormalized specific heat in three dimensions

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    We present an analytic five-loop calculation for the additive renormalization constant A(u,epsilon) and the associated renormalization-group function B(u) of the specific heat of the O(n) symmetric phi^4 theory within the minimal subtraction scheme. We show that this calculation does not require new five-loop integrations but can be performed on the basis of the previous five-loop calculation of the four-point vertex function combined with an appropriate identification of symmetry factors of vacuum diagrams. We also determine the amplitude functions of the specific heat in three dimensions for n=1,2,3 above T_c and for n=1 below T_c up to five-loop order. Accurate results are obtained from Borel resummations of B(u) for n=1,2,3 and of the amplitude functions for n=1. Previous conjectures regarding the smallness of the resummed higher-order contributions are confirmed. Borel resummed universal amplitude ratios A^+/A^- and a_c^+/a_c^- are calculated for n=1.Comment: 30 pages REVTeX, 3 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Minimal length scales for the existence of local temperature

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    We review a recent approach to determine the minimal spatial length scales on which local temperature exists. After mentioning an experiment where such considerations are of relevance, we first discuss the precise definition of the existence of local temperature and its physical relevance. The approach to calculate the length scales in question considers homogenous chains of particles with nearest neighbor interactions. The entire chain is assumed to be in a thermal equilibrium state and it is analyzed when such an equilibrium state at the same time exists for a local part of it. The result yields estimates for real materials, the liability of which is discussed in the sequel. We finally consider a possibility to detect the existence or non-existence of a local thermal state in experiment.Comment: review, 13 pages, 11 figure
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