42 research outputs found

    Higher yields and lower methane emissions with new rice cultivars

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Breeding high-yielding rice cultivars through increasing biomass is a key strategy to meet rising global food demands. Yet, increasing rice growth can stimulate methane (CH4 ) emissions, exacerbating global climate change, as rice cultivation is a major source of this powerful greenhouse gas. Here, we show in a series of experiments that high-yielding rice cultivars actually reduce CH4 emissions from typical paddy soils. Averaged across 33 rice cultivars, a biomass increase of 10% resulted in a 10.3% decrease in CH4 emissions in a soil with a high carbon (C) content. Compared to a low-yielding cultivar, a high-yielding cultivar significantly increased root porosity and the abundance of methane-consuming microorganisms, suggesting that the larger and more porous root systems of high-yielding cultivars facilitated CH4 oxidation by promoting O2 transport to soils. Our results were further supported by a meta-analysis, showing that high-yielding rice cultivars strongly decrease CH4 emissions from paddy soils with high organic C contents. Based on our results, increasing rice biomass by 10% could reduce annual CH4 emissions from Chinese rice agriculture by 7.1%. Our findings suggest that modern rice breeding strategies for high-yielding cultivars can substantially mitigate paddy CH4 emission in China and other rice growing regions.This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program China (2016YFD0300903, 2016YFD0300501, and 2015BAC02B02), Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201503122), Central Public interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund of Institute of Crop Science, the Innovation Program of CAAS (Y2016PT12, Y2016XT01), and the China Scholarship Council

    Satellite-Based observations reveal effects of weather variation on rice phenology

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    Obtaining detailed data on the spatio-temporal variation in crop phenology is critical to increasing our understanding of agro-ecosystem function, such as their response to weather variation and climate change. It is challenging to collect such data over large areas through field observations. The use of satellite remote sensing data has made phenology data collection easier, although the quality and the utility of such data to understand agro-ecosystem function have not been widely studied. Here, we evaluated satellite data-based estimates of rice phenological stages in California, USA by comparing them with survey data and with predictions by a temperature-driven phenology model. We then used the satellite data-based estimates to quantify the crop phenological response to changes in weather. We used time-series of MODIS satellite data and PhenoRice, a rule-based rice phenology detection algorithm, to determine annual planting, heading and harvest dates of paddy rice in California between 2002 and 2017. At the state level, our satellite-based estimates of rice phenology were very similar to the official survey data, particularly for planting and harvest dates (RMSE = 3.8-4.0 days). Satellite based observations were also similar to predictions by the DD10 temperature-driven phenology model. We analyzed how the timing of these phenological stages varied with concurrent temperature and precipitation over this 16-year time period. We found that planting was earlier in warm springs (-1.4 days °C-1 for mean temperature between mid-April and mid-May) and later in wet years (5.3 days 100 mm-1 for total precipitation from March to April). Higher mean temperature during the pre-heading period of the growing season advanced heading by 2.9 days °C-1 and shortened duration from planting to heading by 1.9 days °C-1. The entire growing season was reduced by 3.2 days °C-1 because of the increased temperature during the rice season. Our findings confirm that satellite data can be an effective way to estimate variations in rice phenology and can provide critical information that can be used to improve understanding of agricultural responses to weather variation

    Weed Community Dynamics and System Productivity in Alternative Irrigation Systems in California Rice

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    Over the last 10 yr, California has experienced a series of ever-worsening droughts. Rice, traditionally a flooded crop, has come under increasing scrutiny with respect to its water use, leading to proposals to evaluate alternative irrigation systems. For growers, weed competition is one of the most limiting factors to maintaining high yields, so understanding the shifts among species in weed communities under the proposed alternative irrigation systems is vital. A field study was conducted from 2012 to 2014 to compare weed population and growth dynamics with three irrigation systems: (1) a conventional water-seeded control system (WS-Control), with a permanent flood of 10 to 15 cm from planting until 1 mo prior to harvest; (2) a water-seeded alternate wet and dry system (WS-AWD), with the field flooded from planting until canopy closure, after which floodwater was allowed to subside and the field was reflooded when the soil volumetric water content reached 35%; and (3) a drill-seeded alternate wet and dry system (DS-AWD), with rice drill seeded and then flush irrigated to establish the crop, after which the field was flooded until canopy closure and then underwent an alternate wet and dry (AWD) treatment similar to WS-AWD. In the AWD treatments, there were two drying periods, neither of which occurred after the heading stage. The dynamics of major weed species were evaluated using plant density counts (2012) and relative cover and biomass (2013 and 2014). Grasses (sprangletop and watergrass species) dominated the DS-AWD system; sedges, broadleaves, and grasses dominated both WS systems. The WS-AWD system increased smallflower umbrella sedge relative cover at canopy closure, relative dry weight at harvest, and percent frequency when compared with the WS-Control system. Yields did not differ across treatments when weeds were controlled (P > 0.05); in the absence of herbicides, yields in the WS-AWD were equivalent to the WS-Control (ranging from 40 to 65% of the herbicide-treated yields) and zero in the DS-AWD due to weed pressure. Nomenclature: bearded sprangletop, Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth N. Snow; ducksalad, Heteranthera rotundifolia (Kunth) Griseb.; redstem, Ammannia coccinea Rottb.; ricefield bulrush, Schoenoplectus mucronatus (L.) Palla; smallflower umbrella sedge, Cyperus difformis L.; rice (Oryza sativa L.)

    Predicting nitrate leaching loss in temperate rainfed cereal crops: Relative importance of management and environmental drivers

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    Nitrate (NO3) leaching from agriculture represents the primary source of groundwater contamination and freshwater ecosystem degradation. At the field level, NO3 leaching is highly variable due to interactions among soil, weather and crop management factors, but the relative effects of these drivers have not been quantified on a global scale. Using a global database of 82 field studies in temperate rainfed cereal crops with 961 observations, our objectives were to (a) quantify the relative importance of environmental and management variables to identify key leverage points for NO3 mitigation and (b) determine associated changes in crop productivity and potential tradeoffs for high and low NO3 loss scenarios. Machine learning algorithms (XGboost) and feature importance analysis showed that the amount and intensity of rainfall explained the most variability in NO3 leaching (up to 24 kg N ha-1), followed by nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate and crop N removal. In contrast, other soil and management variables such as soil texture, crop type, tillage and N source, timing and placement had less importance. To reduce N losses from global agriculture under changing weather and climatic conditions, these results highlight the need for better targeting and increased adoption of science-based, locally adapted management practices for improving N use efficiency. Future policy discussions should support this transition through different instruments while also promoting more advanced weather prediction analytics, especially in areas susceptible to extreme climatic variation

    Estimating Annual Soil Carbon Loss in Agricultural Peatland Soils Using a Nitrogen Budget Approach

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    Around the world, peatland degradation and soil subsidence is occurring where these soils have been converted to agriculture. Since initial drainage in the mid-1800s, continuous farming of such soils in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (the Delta) has led to subsidence of up to 8 meters in places, primarily due to soil organic matter (SOM) oxidation and physical compaction. Rice (Oryza sativa) production has been proposed as an alternative cropping system to limit SOM oxidation. Preliminary research on these soils revealed high N uptake by rice in N fertilizer omission plots, which we hypothesized was the result of SOM oxidation releasing N. Testing this hypothesis, we developed a novel N budgeting approach to assess annual soil C and N loss based on plant N uptake and fallow season N mineralization. Through field experiments examining N dynamics during growing season and winter fallow periods, a complete annual N budget was developed. Soil C loss was calculated from SOM-N mineralization using the soil C:N ratio. Surface water and crop residue were negligible in the total N uptake budget (3 - 4 % combined). Shallow groundwater contributed 24 - 33 %, likely representing subsurface SOM-N mineralization. Assuming 6 and 25 kg N ha-1 from atmospheric deposition and biological N2 fixation, respectively, our results suggest 77 - 81 % of plant N uptake (129 - 149 kg N ha-1) was supplied by SOM mineralization. Considering a range of N uptake efficiency from 50 - 70 %, estimated net C loss ranged from 1149 - 2473 kg C ha-1. These findings suggest that rice systems, as currently managed, reduce the rate of C loss from organic delta soils relative to other agricultural practices