36 research outputs found

    Training Effectiveness at PT XYZ Using Kirkpatrick Model and Return on Investment of Training (ROI-Training)

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    The goal of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of Kirkpatrick model and Return on Investment of Training at PT XYZ. Observation was applied to this research. The result has shown several facts such as trainee\u27s feedback score was 4,62 above 4,10 as required by the company in terms of reaction, the average final exam score was 3,66 above 3,00 as required by the company in terms of learning, the trainees\u27 superiors\u27 feedback score was 3,53 above 3,00 as required by the company and Return on Investment of Training (ROI-Training) was 58,88% above 15% as required by the company. With these results, the company can conclude that the program is effective in nurturing its supervisory leaders

    Enzymatic Reaction Modulated Gold Nanorod End-to-End Self-Assembly for Ultrahigh Sensitively Colorimetric Sensing of Cholinesterase and Organophosphate Pesticides in Human Blood

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    We present herein the first reported self-assembly modulation of gold nanorods (AuNRs) by enzymatic reaction, which is further employed for colorimetric assays of cholinesterase (ChE) and organophosphate pesticides (OPs) in human blood. ChE catalyzes its substrate (acetylthiocholine) and produces thiocholine and acetate acid. The resulting thiols then react with the tips of the AuNRs by S–Au conjunction and prevent subsequent cysteine-induced AuNR end-to-end (EE) self-assembly. Correspondingly, the AuNR surface plasmon resonance is regulated, which results in a distinctly ratiometric signal output. Under optimal conditions, the linear range is 0.042 to 8.4 ΞΌU/mL, and the detection limit is as low as 0.018 ΞΌU/mL. As ChE is incubated with OPs, the enzymatic activity is inhibited. So, the cysteine-induced assembly is observed again. On the basis of this principle, OPs can be well determined ranging from 0.12 to 40 pM with a 0.039 pM detection limit. To our knowledge, the present quasi pU/mL level sensitivity for ChE and the quasi femtomolar level sensitivity for OPs are at least 500 and 7000 times lower than those of previous colorimetric methods, respectively. The ultrahigh sensitivity results from (1) the rational choice of anisotropic AuNRs as building blocks and reporters and (2) the specific structure of the enzymatic thiocholine. Because of ultrahigh sensitivity, serum samples are allowed to be extremely diluted in the assay. Accordingly, various nonspecific interactions, even from glutathione/cysteine, are well avoided. So, both ChE and OPs in human blood can be directly assayed without any prepurification, indicating the simplicity and practical promise of the proposed method

    From Pair to Single: Sole Fluorophore for Ratiometric Sensing by Dual-Emitting Quantum Dots

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    Intrinsic dual-emitting doped ZnS:Mn<sup>2+</sup> quantum dots are promising as sole fluorophore for ratiometric sensing. The ratiometric signals are reliably output by three kinds of modulation modes, namely, electron transfer, energy transfer, and chemical reaction, respectively. Compared with a conventional QD-based pair-fluorophore system, such a comprehensively ratiometric signal readout from a single fluorophore not only means a fundamental breakthrough but will substantially simplify the design and greatly promote the application of ratiometric sensing

    Valence States Modulation Strategy for Picomole Level Assay of Hg<sup>2+</sup> in Drinking and Environmental Water by Directional Self-Assembly of Gold Nanorods

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    In this study, we present a valence states modulation strategy for picomole level assay of Hg<sup>2+</sup> using directional self-assembly of gold nanorods (AuNRs) as signal readout. Hg<sup>2+</sup> ions are first controllably reduced to Hg<sup>+</sup> ions by appropriate ascorbic acid, and the reduced Hg<sup>+</sup> ions react with the tips of the preadded AuNRs and form gold amalgam. Such Hg<sup>+</sup> decorated AuNRs then end-to-end self-assemble into one-dimensional architectures by the bridging effects of lysine based on the high affinity of NH<sub>2</sub>–Hg<sup>+</sup> interactions. Correspondingly, the AuNRs’ longitudinal surface plasmon resonance is gradually reduced and a new broad band appears at 900–1100 nm region simultaneously. The resulting distinctly ratiometric signal output is not only favorable for Hg<sup>2+</sup> ions detection but competent for their quantification. Under optimal conditions, the linear range is 22.8 pM to 11.4 nM, and the detection limit is as low as 8.7 pM. Various transition/heavy metal ions, such as Pb<sup>2+</sup>, Ti<sup>2+</sup>, Co<sup>2+</sup>, Fe<sup>3+</sup>, Mn<sup>2+</sup>, Ba<sup>2+</sup>, Fe<sup>2+</sup>, Ni<sup>2+</sup>, Al<sup>3+</sup>, Cu<sup>2+</sup>, Ag<sup>+</sup>, and Au<sup>3+</sup>, do not interfere with the assay. Because of ultrahigh sensitivity and excellent selectivity, the proposed system can be employed for assaying ultratrace of Hg<sup>2+</sup> containing in drinking and commonly environmental water samples, which is difficult to be achieved by conventional colorimetric systems. These results indicate that the present platform possesses specific advantages and potential applications in the assay of ultratrace amounts of Hg<sup>2+</sup> ions

    Spatial distribution of the change rate of phenology shift (<i>RPS</i>) within different Holdridge life eco-zones during the growing season from 1982 to 2012 in the Northern Hemisphere.

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    <p>Positive values (red colors) represent later onset (BGS), later finish (EGS), longer duration (LGS) of phenology in a time series. (<i>a</i>), (<i>d</i>), (<i>g</i>): <i>RPS</i> of BGS for 1982–1992, 1992–2002 and 2002–2012, respectively. (<i>b</i>), (<i>e</i>), (<i>h</i>): <i>RPS</i> of EGS for 1982–1992, 1992–2002 and 2002–2012, respectively. (<i>c</i>), (<i>f</i>), (<i>i</i>): <i>RPS</i> of LGS for 1982–1992, 1992–2002 and 2002–2012, respectively.</p

    Distribution of BGS, EGS changes in relation to the mean annual temperature (upper), and the frequency of pixel in relation to mean annual temperature (bottom) within the different Holdridge life eco-zones during 1982–2012.

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    <p>We used the 30-year mean annual temperature to represent the climatic temperature condition. Only pixels that BGS and EGS related to temperature for statistically significant at 90% confidence level are included. (Holdridge life eco-zones including boreal coniferous forest (<i>Ba</i>), boreal tundra woodland (<i>Bb</i>), boreal mountain system (<i>BM</i>), temperate continental forest (<i>TeDc</i>), and temperate steppe (<i>TeBSK</i>)).</p

    Overall trends of phenological transitional dates (DOY, day of year) along the longitudinal gradient in Northern Hemisphere during 1982–2012.

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    <p>(<i>a</i>) overall trends in dates of vegetation phenology for 1982–2012. (<i>b</i>) variability of vegetation phenology along the latitudinal gradient from 1982 to 2002.The dark solid line indicates the mean and the shaded zone indicates the range of interannual variability.</p

    Spatial distribution of the changes in dates of BGS, EGS, LGS and PGS over the past three decades in the Northern Hemisphere.

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    <p>Positive values (red colors) represent later onset (BGS), later finish (EGS), longer duration (LGS) and later peak of the growing season. (<i>a</i>), (<i>e</i>), (<i>i</i>): changes in dates of vegetation green-up for 1982–1992, 1992–2002 and 2002–2012, respectively (days yr<sup>-1</sup>). (<i>b</i>), (<i>f</i>), (<i>k</i>): changes in dates of vegetation senescence for 1982–1992, 1992–2002 and 2002–2012, respectively (days yr<sup>-1</sup>). (<i>c</i>), (<i>g</i>), (<i>l</i>): changes in dates of vegetation growing season length for 1982–1992, 1992–2002 and 2002–2012, respectively (days yr<sup>-1</sup>). (<i>d</i>), (<i>h</i>), (<i>m</i>): changes in dates of vegetation growing peak for 1982–1992, 1992–2002 and 2002–2012, respectively (days yr<sup>-1</sup>).</p

    Statistical distribution of Correlation coefficients of the interannual variations of BGS, EGS and of the climatic data (spring temperature, autumn temperature and mean annual precipitation) in the Northern Hemisphere during 1982–2012.

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    <p>Statistical distribution of Correlation coefficients of the interannual variations of BGS, EGS and of the climatic data (spring temperature, autumn temperature and mean annual precipitation) in the Northern Hemisphere during 1982–2012.</p

    Shifts of phenology metrics based on NOAA AVHRR data (1982–2002) and MODIS data (2002–2012) (days per decade).

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    <p>Shifts of phenology metrics based on NOAA AVHRR data (1982–2002) and MODIS data (2002–2012) (days per decade).</p