8,258 research outputs found

    Universal collisionless transport of graphene

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    The impact of the electron-electron Coulomb interaction on the optical conductivity of graphene has led to a controversy that calls into question the universality of collisionless transport in this and other Dirac materials. Using a lattice calculation that avoids divergences present in previous nodal Dirac approaches, our work settles this controversy and obtains results in quantitative agreement with experiment over a wide frequency range. We also demonstrate that dimensional regularization methods agree, as long as the scaling properties of the conductivity and the regularization of the theory in modified dimension are correctly implemented. Tight-binding lattice and nodal Dirac theory calculations are shown to coincide at low energies even when the non-zero size of the atomic orbital wave function is included, conclusively demonstrating the universality of the optical conductivity of graphene.Comment: 4+ pages,4 figures; includes Supplemental Material (18 pages, 2 figures

    The Two-Dimensional Square-Lattice S=1/2 Antiferromagnet Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2

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    We present an experimental study of the two-dimensional S=1/2 square-lattice antiferromagnet Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2 (pz denotes pyrazine - C4H4N2C_4H_4N_2) using specific heat measurements, neutron diffraction and cold-neutron spectroscopy. The magnetic field dependence of the magnetic ordering temperature was determined from specific heat measurements for fields perpendicular and parallel to the square-lattice planes, showing identical field-temperature phase diagrams. This suggest that spin anisotropies in Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2 are small. The ordered antiferromagnetic structure is a collinear arrangement with the magnetic moments along either the crystallographic b- or c-axis. The estimated ordered magnetic moment at zero field is m_0=0.47(5)mu_B and thus much smaller than the available single-ion magnetic moment. This is evidence for strong quantum fluctuations in the ordered magnetic phase of Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2. Magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the square-lattice planes lead to an increase of the antiferromagnetically ordered moment to m_0=0.93(5)mu_B at mu_0H=13.5T - evidence that magnetic fields quench quantum fluctuations. Neutron spectroscopy reveals the presence of a gapped spin excitations at the antiferromagnetic zone center, and it can be explained with a slightly anisotropic nearest neighbor exchange coupling described by J_1^{xy}=1.563(13)meV and J_1^z=0.9979(2)J_1^{xy}

    Neutral Current π0\pi^0 Production in MiniBooNE

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    This paper describes the analysis used to determine the neutral current π0\pi^0 production in MiniBooNE in bins of momentum. Additionally, a measurement of the relative coherent production of π0\pi^0s is discussed. The coherent production rate is found to be (19.5 ±\pm1.1 (stat) ±\pm2.5 (sys))% of the total exclusive neutral current π0\pi^0 production rate.Comment: Prepared for the Proceedings of Neutrino Interactions 200

    Magnetic excitations in the metallic single-layer Ruthenates Ca(2-x)Sr(x)RuO(4) studied by inelastic neutron scattering

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    By inelastic neutron scattering, we have analyzed the magnetic correlations in the paramagnetic metallic region of the series Ca(2-x)Sr(x)RuO(4), 0.2<=x<=0.62. We find different contributions that correspond to 2D ferromagnetic fluctuations and to fluctuations at incommensurate wave vectors (0.11,0,0), (0.26,0,0) and (0.3,0.3,0). These components constitute the measured response as function of the Sr-concentration x, of the magnetic field and of the temperature. A generic model is applicable to metallic Ca(2-x)Sr(x)RuO(4) close to the Mott transition, in spite of their strongly varying physical properties. The amplitude, characteristic energy and width of the incommensurate components vary only little as function of x, but the ferromagnetic component depends sensitively on concentration, temperature and magnetic field. While ferromagnetic fluctuations are very strong in Ca1.38Sr0.62RuO4 with a low characteristic energy of 0.2 meV at T=1.5 K, they are strongly suppressed in Ca1.8Sr0.2RuO4, but reappear upon the application of a magnetic field and form a magnon mode above the metamagnetic transition. The inelastic neutron scattering results document how the competition between ferromagnetic and incommensurate antiferromagnetic instabilities governs the physics of this system

    Antiferroquadrupolar Order in the Magnetic Semiconductor TmTe

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    The physical properties of the antiferroquadrupolar state occurring in TmTe below TQ=1.8 K have been studied using neutron diffraction in applied magnetic fields. A field-induced antiferromagnetic component k = (1/2,1/2,1/2) is observed and, from its magnitude and direction for different orientations of H, an O(2,2) quadrupole order parameter is inferred. Measurements below TN ~= 0.5 K reveal that the magnetic structure is canted, in agreement with theoretical predictions for in-plane antiferromagnetism. Complex domain repopulation effects occur when the field is increased in the ordered phases, with discontinuities in the superstructure peak intensities above 4 T.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Presented at the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons with Orbital Degrees of Freedom (ORBITAL 2001), September 11-14, 2001 (Sendai, JAPAN). To appear in: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (2002

    Discrete element modeling and fibre optical measurements for fluidized bed spray granulation

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    Spout fluidized beds are frequently used for the production of granules or\ud particles through granulation. The products find application in a large variety of\ud applications, for example detergents, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and food. Spout fluidized\ud beds have a number of advantageous properties, such as a high mobility of the particles,\ud which prevents undesired agglomeration and yields excellent heat transfer properties. The\ud particle growth mechanism in a spout fluidized bed as function of particle-droplet\ud interaction has a profound influence on the particle morphology and thus on the product\ud quality. Nevertheless, little is known about the details of the granulation process. This is\ud mainly due to the fact that the granulation process is not visually accessible. In this work\ud we use fundamental, deterministic models to enable the detailed investigation of\ud granulation behaviour in a spout fluidized bed. A discrete element model is used\ud describing the dynamics of the continuous gas-phase and the discrete droplets and\ud particles. For each element momentum balances are solved. The momentum transfer\ud among each of the three phases is described in detail at the level of individual elements.\ud The results from the discrete element model simulations are compared with local\ud measurements of particle volume fractions as well as particle velocities by using a novel\ud fibre optical probe in a fluidized bed of 400 mm I.D. Simulations and experiments were\ud carried out for two different cases using Geldart B type aluminium oxide particles: a\ud freely bubbling fluidized bed and a spout fluidized bed with the presence of droplets. It is\ud demonstrated how the discrete element model can be used to obtain information about the\ud interaction of the discrete phases, i.e. the growth zone in a spout fluidized bed. Eventually\ud this kind of information can be used to obtain closure information required in more coarse\ud grained model

    Field-induced paramagnons at the metamagnetic transition in Ca1.8Sr0.2RuO4

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    The magnetic excitations in Ca1.8Sr0.2RuO4 were studied across the metamagnetic transition and as a function of temperature using inelastic neutron scattering. At low temperature and low magnetic field the magnetic response is dominated by a complex superposition of incommensurate antiferromagnetic fluctuations. Upon increasing the magnetic field across the metamagnetic ransition, paramagnon and finally well-defined magnon scattering is induced, partially suppressing the incommensurate signals. The high-field phase in Ca1.8Sr0.2RuO4 has, therefore, to be considered as an intrinsically ferromagnetic state stabilized by the magnetic field

    Human-like machines: Transparency and comprehensibility [Commentary]

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    AbstractArtificial intelligence algorithms seek inspiration from human cognitive systems in areas where humans outperform machines. But on what level should algorithms try to approximate human cognition? We argue that human-like machines should be designed to make decisions in transparent and comprehensible ways, which can be achieved by accurately mirroring human cognitive processes.</jats:p