18 research outputs found

    A Newly Discovered Late Pleistocene Lower Third Premolar and the High Frequency Occurrence of Tomes’ Root in the Human Fossil Record from China

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    Dental remains provide crucial evidence for interpreting a populations’ affinity as well as human evolution. Recent studies of fossil human teeth have enriched our current view of morphological variation during the Pleistocene in East Asia. In the present paper, we describe a newly discovered late Pleistocene human tooth, a lower third premolar from the Weijiadong cave in Bijie in south-western China, which is dated around 18-20Ka BP using AMS Carbon 14 dating. The tooth is identified as belonging to an early modern human based on its morphology and size. The Tomes’ root is present in this lower third premolar, one of the non-metrical dental traits developed genetically. Moreover, we examine most of the fossil lower third premolars collected from China, as well as material from several Neolithic and historical human assemblages. We find that the Tomes’ root is very common in Chinese human fossils and occurs in high frequency in Neolithic and historic human remains from China. We suggest the high frequency of Tomes’ root may serve as a non-metric dental trait to support inferences regarding regional continuity of human evolution in East Asia

    Identification of Genome-Wide Variations among Three Elite Restorer Lines for Hybrid-Rice

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    Rice restorer lines play an important role in three-line hybrid rice production. Previous research based on molecular tagging has suggested that the restorer lines used widely today have narrow genetic backgrounds. However, patterns of genetic variation at a genome-wide scale in these restorer lines remain largely unknown. The present study performed re-sequencing and genome-wide variation analysis of three important representative restorer lines, namely, IR24, MH63, and SH527, using the Solexa sequencing technology. With the genomic sequence of the Indica cultivar 9311 as the reference, the following genetic features were identified: 267,383 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 52,847 insertion/deletion polymorphisms (InDels), and 3,286 structural variations (SVs) in the genome of IR24; 288,764 SNPs, 59,658 InDels, and 3,226 SVs in MH63; and 259,862 SNPs, 55,500 InDels, and 3,127 SVs in SH527. Variations between samples were also determined by comparative analysis of authentic collections of SNPs, InDels, and SVs, and were functionally annotated. Furthermore, variations in several important genes were also surveyed by alignment analysis in these lines. Our results suggest that genetic variations among these lines, although far lower than those reported in the landrace population, are greater than expected, indicating a complicated genetic basis for the phenotypic diversity of the restorer lines. Identification of genome-wide variation and pattern analysis among the restorer lines will facilitate future genetic studies and the molecular improvement of hybrid rice

    Reforestation Will Lead to a Long-Term Downward Trend in the Water Content of the Surface Soil in a Semi-Arid Region

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    The spatial distribution of soil moisture is a critical determinant for the success of vegetation restoration initiatives in semi-arid and arid regions. The Qilian Mountains, situated within a semi-arid zone in China, have been subject to significant water-induced soil erosion, which has led to extensive restoration activities, predominantly utilizing the species P. crassifolia. However, the interconnections between soil moisture and various land cover types within this region remain unclear, presenting challenges to effective woodland rehabilitation. This study examines the surface soil moisture dynamics in afforested areas with varying ages of plantation to determine the influence of tree planting on the moisture content of the upper soil layer. It investigates the characteristics and temporal patterns of surface soil moisture as the age of the plantation increases. The findings indicate that: (1) soil moisture levels follow a descending sequence from natural forest, through shrubland and grassland, to planted forest and mixed forest, with statistically significant differences observed between natural and mixed forests (p < 0.05); (2) young afforested areas (less than 50 years old) have lower soil moisture levels compared to natural forests, shrublands, or grasslands, and the ecohydrological impacts of afforestation become apparent with a temporal delay; and (3) the analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMM) and the application of Kriging interpolation to determine the spatial distribution of soil moisture reveals that in semi-arid and arid regions, several factors have a pronounced a non-linear relationship with the moisture content of the surface soil. These factors include the duration of afforestation, the position on the lower slope, the presence of shade on the slope, and the scale at which the study is conducted. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of soil water content is essential to prevent the potential failure of artificially established forests due to inadequate soil moisture in their later stages

    Generation and application of immortalized sheep fetal fibroblast cell line

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    Abstract Background Primary sheep fetal fibroblasts (SFFCs) have emerged as a valuable resource for investigating the molecular and pathogenic mechanisms of orf viruses (ORFV). However, their utilization is considerably restricted due to the exorbitant expenses associated with their isolation and culture, their abbreviated lifespan, and the laborious procedure. Results In our investigation, the primary SFFCs were obtained and immortalized by introducing a lentiviral recombinant plasmid containing the large T antigen from simian virus 40 (SV40). The expression of fibronectin and vimentin proteins, activity of SV40 large T antigen, cell proliferation assays, and analysis of programmed cell death revealed that the immortalized large T antigen SFFCs (TSFFCs) maintained the same physiological characteristics and biological functions as the primary SFFCs. Moreover, TSFFCs demonstrated robust resistance to apoptosis, extended lifespan, and enhanced proliferative activity compared to primary SFFCs. Notably, the primary SFFCs did not undergo in vitro transformation or exhibit any indications of malignancy in nude mice. Furthermore, the immortalized TSFFCs displayed live ORFV vaccine susceptibility. Conclusions Immortalized TSFFCs present valuable in vitro models for exploring the characteristics of ORFV using various techniques. This indicates their potential for secure utilization in future studies involving virus isolation, vaccine development, and drug screening

    Potential of Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Diaphania pyloalis Larvae and Damage on Mulberry Leaves

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    Mulberry trees are an important crop for sericulture. Pests can affect the yield and quality of mulberry leaves. This study aims to develop a hyperspectral imaging system in visible and near-infrared (NIR) region (400&ndash;1700 nm) for the rapid identification of Diaphania pyloalis larvae and its damage. The extracted spectra of five region of interests (ROI), namely leaf vein, healthy mesophyll, slight damage, serious damage, and Diaphania pyloalis larva at 400&ndash;1000 nm (visible range) and 900&ndash;1700 nm (NIR range), were used to establish a partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM) models. Successive projections algorithm (SPA), uninformation variable elimination (UVE), UVE-SPA, and competitive adaptive reweighted sampling were used for variable selection. The best models in distinguishing between leaf vein, healthy mesophyll, slight damage and serious damage, leaf vein, healthy mesophyll, and larva, slight damage, serious damage, and larva were all the SPA-LS-SVM models, based on the NIR range data, and their correct rate of prediction (CRP) were all 100.00%. The best model for the identification of all five ROIs was the UVE-SPA-LS-SVM model, based on visible range data, which had the CRP value of 97.30%. In summary, visible and near infrared hyperspectral imaging could distinguish Diaphania pyloalis larvae and their damage from leaf vein and healthy mesophyll in a rapid and non-destructive way

    Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum CQPC01‐fermented soybean milk on activated carbon‐induced constipation through its antioxidant activity in mice

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    A newly found strain, Lactobacillus plantarum CQPC01 (LP‐CQPC01), was used for soybean milk fermentation, and its effects against constipation were determined. LP‐CQPC01‐FSM (LP‐CQPC01‐fermented soybean milk) was found to have six kinds of soybean isoflavones; the isoflavones of LP‐CQPC01‐FSM were more than those of Lactobacillus bulgaricus‐fermented soybean milk (LB‐FSM) and unfermented soybean milk (U‐FSM). Animal experiment showed that the MTL, Gas, ET, AchE, SP, VIP, and GSH levels in the constipated mice were increased; however, the SS, MPO, NO, and MDA levels in the constipated mice were reduced by soybean milk treatment. Further, LP‐CQPC01‐FSM increased the mRNA and protein expression of Cu/Zn‐SOD, Mn‐SOD, CAT, c‐Kit, SCF, and GDNF and reduced the expression of TRPV1 and NOS relative to those of the mice with untreated constipation. LP‐CQPC01 could be used as a new starter to produce high‐quality soybean milk, which might be used as a functional drink

    Feasibility of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging for Rapid Detection of Thiophanate-Methyl Residue on Mulberry Fruit

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    An effective and rapid way to detect thiophanate-methyl residue on mulberry fruit is important for providing consumers with quality and safe of mulberry fruit. Chemical methods are complex, time-consuming, and costly, and can result in sample contamination. Rapid detection of thiophanate-methyl residue on mulberry fruit was studied using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) techniques. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square regression (PLSR) were used to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the data obtained by using LIBS and HSI on mulberry fruit samples with different thiophanate-methyl residues. The competitive adaptive reweighted sampling algorithm was used to select optimal variables. The results of model calibration were compared. The best result was given by the PLSR model that used the optimal preprocessed LIBS&#8211;HSI variables, with a correlation coefficient of 0.921 for the prediction set. The results of this research confirmed the feasibility of using LIBS and HSI for the rapid detection of thiophanate-methyl residue on mulberry fruit

    Variability in Minimal-Damage Sap Flow Observations and Whole-Tree Transpiration Estimates in a Coniferous Forest

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    Transpiration is fundamental to the understanding of the ecophysiology of planted forests in arid ecosystems, and it is one of the most uncertain components in the ecosystem water balance. The objective of this study was to quantify differences in whole-tree transpiration estimates obtained with a heat ratio probe in a secondary Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) forest. To do this, we analyzed the sap flux density values obtained with sensors installed in (1) holes drilled in the preceding growing season (treatment) and (2) holes drilled in the current year (control). The study was conducted in a catchment in the Qilian Mountains of western China. The results showed that an incomplete diameter at breast height (DBH) range contributed to 28.5% of the overestimation of the sapwood area when the DBH &gt; 10 cm and 22.6% of the underestimation of the sapwood area when the DBH &lt; 5 cm. At daily scales, there were significant differences in both the quantity and magnitude of the sap flux density between the treatment and control groups. Furthermore, a linear regression function (R2 = 0.96, p &lt; 0.001), which was almost parallel to the 1:1 reference line, was obtained for the sap flux density correction for the treatment group, and the daily sap flux density and whole-tree transpiration were underestimated by 36.8 and 37.5%, respectively, at the half-hour scale. This study illustrates uncertainties and a correction function for sap flow estimations in young Qinghai spruce trees when using heat ratio sensors with minimal damage over multiple growing seasons