62 research outputs found

    Blur the Linguistic Boundary: Interpreting Chinese Buddhist Sutra in English via Neural Machine Translation

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    Buddhism is an influential religion with a long-standing history and profound philosophy. Nowadays, more and more people worldwide aspire to learn the essence of Buddhism, attaching importance to Buddhism dissemination. However, Buddhist scriptures written in classical Chinese are obscure to most people and machine translation applications. For instance, general Chinese-English neural machine translation (NMT) fails in this domain. In this paper, we proposed a novel approach to building a practical NMT model for Buddhist scriptures. The performance of our translation pipeline acquired highly promising results in ablation experiments under three criteria.Comment: This paper is accepted by ICTAI 2022. The 34th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI

    Zwitterionic coating assisted by dopamine with metal-phenolic networks loaded on titanium with improved biocompatibility and antibacterial property for artificial heart

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    Introduction: Titanium (Ti) and Ti-based alloy materials are commonly used to develop artificial hearts. To prevent bacterial infections and thrombus in patients with implanted artificial hearts, long-term prophylactic antibiotics and anti-thrombotic drugs are required, and this may lead to health complications. Therefore, the development of optimized antibacterial and antifouling surfaces for Ti-based substrate is especially critical when designing artificial heart implants.Methods: In this study, polydopamine and poly-(sulfobetaine methacrylate) polymers were co-deposited to form a coating on the surface of Ti substrate, a process initiated by Cu2+ metal ions. The mechanism for the fabrication of the coating was investigated by coating thickness measurements as well as Ultraviolet–visible and X-ray Photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopy. Characterization of the coating was observed by optical imaging, scanning electron microscope (SEM), XPS, atomic force microscope (AFM), water contact angle and film thickness. In addition, antibacterial property of the coating was tested using Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) as model strains, while the material biocompatibility was assessed by the antiplatelet adhesion test using platelet-rich plasma and in vitro cytotoxicity tests using human umbilical vein endothelial cells and red blood cells.Results and discussion: Optical imaging, SEM, XPS, AFM, water contact angle, and film thickness tests demonstrated that the coating was successfully deposited on the Ti substrate surface. The biocompatibility and antibacterial assays showed that the developed surface holds great potential for improving the antibacterial and antiplatelet adhesion properties of Ti-based heart implants

    Redisposition of acremonium-like fungi in Hypocreales

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    Acremonium is acknowledged as a highly ubiquitous genus including saprobic, parasitic, or endophytic fungi that inhabit a variety of environments. Species of this genus are extensively exploited in industrial, commercial, pharmaceutical, and biocontrol applications, and proved to be a rich source of novel and bioactive secondary metabolites. Acremonium has been recognised as a taxonomically difficult group of ascomycetes, due to the reduced and high plasticity of morphological characters, wide ecological distribution and substrate range. Recent advances in molecular phylogenies, revealed that Acremonium is highly polyphyletic and members of Acremonium s. lat. belong to at least three distinct orders of Sordariomycetes, of which numerous orders, families and genera with acremonium-like morphs remain undefined. To infer the phylogenetic relationships and establish a natural classification for acremonium-like taxa, systematic analyses were conducted based on a large number of cultures with a global distribution and varied substrates. A total of 633 cultures with acremonium-like morphology, including 261 ex-type cultures from 89 countries and a variety of substrates including soil, plants, fungi, humans, insects, air, and water were examined. An overview phylogenetic tree based on three loci (ITS, LSU, rpb2) was generated to delimit the orders and families. Separate trees based on a combined analysis of four loci (ITS, LSU, rpb2, tef-1α) were used to delimit species at generic and family levels. Combined with the morphological features, host associations and ecological analyses, acremonium-like species evaluated in the present study are currently assigned to 63 genera, and 14 families in Cephalothecales, Glomerellales and Hypocreales, mainly in the families Bionectriaceae, Plectosphaerellaceae and Sarocladiaceae and five new hypocrealean families, namely Chrysonectriaceae, Neoacremoniaceae, Nothoacremoniaceae, Pseudoniessliaceae and Valsonectriaceae. Among them, 17 new genera and 63 new combinations are proposed, with descriptions of 65 new species. Furthermore, one epitype and one neotype are designated to stabilise the taxonomy and use of older names. Results of this study demonstrated that most species of Acremonium s. lat. grouped in genera of Bionectriaceae, including the type A. alternatum. A phylogenetic backbone tree is provided for Bionectriaceae, in which 183 species are recognised and 39 well-supported genera are resolved, including 10 new genera. Additionally, rpb2 and tef-1α are proposed as potential DNA barcodes for the identification of taxa in Bionectriaceae

    Experimental mechanical strain measurement of tissues

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    Strain, an important biomechanical factor, occurs at different scales from molecules and cells to tissues and organs in physiological conditions. Under mechanical strain, the strength of tissues and their micro- and nanocomponents, the structure, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of cells and even the cytokines expressed by cells probably shift. Thus, the measurement of mechanical strain (i.e., relative displacement or deformation) is critical to understand functional changes in tissues, and to elucidate basic relationships between mechanical loading and tissue response. In the last decades, a great number of methods have been developed and applied to measure the deformations and mechanical strains in tissues comprising bone, tendon, ligament, muscle and brain as well as blood vessels. In this article, we have reviewed the mechanical strain measurement from six aspects: electro-based, light-based, ultrasound-based, magnetic resonance-based and computed tomography-based techniques, and the texture correlation-based image processing method. The review may help solving the problems of experimental and mechanical strain measurement of tissues under different measurement environments

    Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on the Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Q235 Carbon Steel by Halophilic Archaeon Natronorubrum tibetense

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    The influence of dissolved oxygen concentration (DOC) on the microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) of Q235 carbon steel in the culture medium of halophilic archaeon Natronorubrum tibetense was investigated. The increase of DOC from 0.0 to 3.0 ppm was found to strengthen the oxygen concentration cell by promoting cathodic reaction. Meanwhile, the increased DOC also promoted archaeal cell growth, which could consume more metallic iron as energy source and aggravated the localized corrosion. When the DOC further increased to 5.0 ppm, the uniform corrosion was dominant as the biofilms became uniformly presented on the steel surface. Combined with the stronger inhibition effect of oxygen diffusion by the increased biofilm coverage, the MIC of carbon steel in the 5.0 ppm medium was weaker than that in the 3.0 ppm medium. From weight loss and electrochemical tests, the results all demonstrated that the carbon steel in the 3.0 ppm medium had the largest corrosion rate

    Identification and analysis of senescence-related genes in caudal fin cells of triploid crucian carp

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    This research aims to identify the hub genes associated with the senescence of triploid caudal fin cells. Transcriptomic data are obtained from the high and low generation (P6, P60) of triploid crucian carp caudal fin cells by high-throughput sequencing technology. Initially, all differential genes between the high and low generations are screened, yielding 4140 significantly upregulated genes and 3724 significantly downregulated genes. Subsequently, an aging gene set containing 950 genes is downloaded from the CellAge database to extract the differentially expressed genes associated with caudal fin cell aging, totaling 29 genes. GO and KEGG enrichment analyses are performed on these 29 aging differential genes. The GO analysis shows enrichment mainly in cellular processes related to aging, such as regulation of cell division, chromatin organization, cell cycle regulation. KEGG analysis reveals that the 29 aging-related genes are primarily involved in cell cycle and cellular senescence pathways. A PPI network of aging-related genes is constructed using the STRING database and Cytoscape software. Top-ranked genes were identified by using Degree, MCC, MNC, and Closeness algorithms in the Cytohubba plugin in Cytoscape, resulting in hub genes EZH2, JUN, MYD88, RBL2, BMP4, CCND1, NFKB2, MMP9. Lastly, qRT-PCR validation of these eight hub genes further confirmed the involvement of four genes: EZH2, RBL2, BMP4, and CCND1. The hub gene screened in this study may become a potential biomarker of fish caudal fin cell senescence, which provides a valuable experimental basis for the senescence of fish caudal fin cells, especially the senescence of caudal fin cells in polyploid fish, and the reproduction and breeding improvement of polyploid fish. It also provides meaningful data for elucidating the molecular mechanism of polyploid formation in animals, as well as the formation of aging and tumour in human beings

    Creep Mechanisms of an Al–Cu–Mg Alloy at the Macro- and Micro-Scale: Effect of the S′/S Precipitate

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    A novel methodology combining the macro- and micro-creep techniques was employed to study the effect of S′/S precipitate growth on the creep mechanism of an Al–Cu–Mg alloy. An AA2524 alloy was pre-aged at 180 °C to obtain S′/S precipitates with various sizes. The results showed that the precipitate size increased approximately linearly to ≈32 nm, ≈60 nm, and ≈105 nm after 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h of pre-aging, respectively. The growth of precipitate could significantly shorten the primary creep stage, despite the fact that the steady-state creep behavior was similar to that of the as-received alloy, as revealed by the macro tensile creep tests at 180 °C and 180 MPa. This led to a stress exponent (2.4–2.5) of the Al alloy with various precipitate sizes that was quite close to that of the as-received Al alloy, implying a steady-state creep mechanism dominated by grain boundary sliding and dislocation interactions. Finally, the micro-creep tests showed a minor role of the precipitate size on the steady-state creep mechanism, as evidenced by the similar strain rate sensitivity (0.0169–0.0186), activation volume (≈27 b3), and the results of a detailed transmission electron microscopy analysis of all tested alloys

    Suction detection and suction suppression of centrifugal blood pump based on the FFT-GAPSO-LSTM model and speed modulation

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    Centrifugal blood pumps are important devices used to treat heart failure. However, they are prone to high-risk suction events that pose a threat to human health when operating at high speeds. To address these issues, a normal suction detection method and a suction suppression method based on the FFT-GAPSO-LSTM model and speed modulation were proposed. The innovation of this suction detection method lies in the application of the genetic particle swarm optimisation (GAPSO) and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) feature extraction method to the long-term and short-term memory (LSTM) model, thereby improving the accuracy of suction detection. After detecting signs of suction, the suction suppression method designed in this study based on variable-speed modulation immediately takes effect, enabling the centrifugal blood pump to quickly return to its normal state by controlling the speed. The suction detection method was divided into four steps. First, a mathematical model of the coupling of the cardiovascular system and the centrifugal blood pump was established, and a real-time blood flow curve was obtained through model simulation. Second, the signal was preprocessed by adding Gaussian white noise and low-pass filtering to make the blood flow signal close to actual working conditions while retaining the original characteristics. Subsequently, through fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis of the processed curve, the spectral characteristics that can characterise the working state of the centrifugal blood pump were extracted. Finally, the parameters of the LSTM model were optimised using the GAPSO, and the improved LSTM model was used to train and test the blood flow spectrum feature set. The results show that the suction detection method of the FFT-GAPSO-LSTM model can effectively detect whether centrifugal blood pump suction occurs and has certain advantages over other methods. In addition, the simulation results of the suction suppression were excellent and could effectively suppress the occurrence of suction. These results provide a reference for the design of centrifugal blood pump control systems

    Simultaneous Thermal Stability and Ultrahigh Sensitivity of Heterojunction SERS Substrates

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    This paper reports the design of Ag-Al2O3-Ag heterojunctions based on Ag nanorods (AgNRs) and their applications as thermally stable and ultrasensitive substrates of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Specifically, an ultrathin Al2O3 capping layer of 10 nm on top of AgNRs serves to slow down the surface diffusion of Ag at high temperatures. Then, an additional Ag layer on top of the capping layer creates AgNRs-Al2O3-Ag heterojunctions, which lead to giant enhancement of electromagnetic fields within the Al2O3 gap regions that could boost the SERS enhancement. As a result of this design, the SERS substrates are thermally stable up to 200 °C, which has been increased by more than 100 °C compared with bare AgNRs, and their sensitivity is about 400% that of pure AgNRs. This easy yet effective capping approach offers a pathway to fabricate ultrasensitive, thermally stable and easily prepared SERS sensors, and to extend SERS applications for high-temperature detections, such as monitoring in situ the molecule reorientation process upon annealing. Such simultaneous achievement of thermal stability and SERS sensitivity represents a great advance in the design of SERS sensors and will inspire the fabrication of novel hetero-nanostructures
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