26 research outputs found

    Isolement et caractĂ©risation morphologique de moisissures productrices de substances antibactĂ©riennes Ă  partir d’aliments locaux au Burkina Faso

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    En vue du risque augmentĂ© jour aprĂšs jour des bactĂ©ries rĂ©sistantes aux antibiotiques, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s dans cette Ă©tude Ă  l’isolement et Ă  la caractĂ©risation des isolats de moisissures productrices d’antibiotique Ă  partir d’aliments locaux du Burkina Faso. Cinquante (50) isolats fongiques isolĂ©s ont servis au test d’antibiose qui a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© vingt (20) isolats producteurs de substances antimicrobiennes. Ce test a concerné les cellules des isolats ainsi que des extraits aqueux et organiques issues de ceux-ci. Trois (03) isolats ont prĂ©sentĂ© des diamĂštres d’inhibitions moyens de 20 mm sur les germes tests. Leur caractĂ©risation a portĂ© sur les critĂšres morphologiques et culturaux. L’isolat S1 prĂ©sente en 5 jours d’incubation sur la gĂ©lose de Pomme de Terre Dextrose (PDA) une colonie plate, de couleur blanche au recto, avec un revers jaune, l’isolat S2 une colonie vert-olive, de texture veloutĂ©e, plus dense au centre et l’isolat S3 une petite colonie de couleur verte et ronde. En microscopie optique les isolats S1 et S2 ont prĂ©sentĂ© des conidies rondes, rĂ©fringentes et nombreuses, les conidiophores sont hyalins, longs et non cloisonnĂ©s. L’isolat S3 a prĂ©sentĂ© des conidies rares, des pĂ©nicilles constituĂ©s de phialides branchĂ©s directement Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© des conidiophores cloisonnĂ©s. L’analyse de ces caractĂ©ristiques indique que S1, S2 et S3 appartiennent respectivement aux genres Aspergillus et Penicillium.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Substances antimicrobiennes, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Burkina FasoEnglish Title: Isolation and morphological characterization of fungi producing antibacterial substances from local food in Burkina FasoEnglish AbstractBacterial resistance to the actual antibiotic is mostly in dangerous progress, why we have interest in isolation and characterization of fungi strains producing antibiotics using local food in Burkina Faso. Fifty (50) isolated strains were used in the antibiosis trial which revealed twenty (20) strains producing antimicrobial substances. This trial concerned the strains cell as well as its aqueous and organic extracts. Three (03) strains had average inhibition diameters of 20 mm on the testing germs. Their characterization focused on the  morphological and culture criteria. After five days of incubation in Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), the strain S1 shows a flat colony, white on the front, with a yellow reverse. The strain S2 shows an olive-green colony, velvety texture, more dense in the center. As for the strain S3, it shows a round green colored colony. In optical microscopy, strains S1 and S2 showed numerous round and refractive conidia, conidiophores are hyaline, long and not partitioned. S3 strain showed uncommon conidia, penicillus made of phialides which are directly linked to the end of partitioned conidiophores. Analysis of these characteristics indicates that S1, S2 and S3 belong respectively to the Aspergillus and Penicillium genera.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedKeywords: Antimicrobial substances, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Burkina Fas

    Aptitude de trois souches de moisissures Ă  produire des enzymes extracellulaires en milieu solide au Burkina Faso

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    Objectif: La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour objectif la caractĂ©risation physiologique de trois souches de moisissures S1, S2 et S3 isolĂ©es respectivement du maĂŻs, de l’arachide et du riz au biais de leur capacitĂ© Ă  produire des enzymes extracellulaires.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats: Au total, soixante-seize (76) Ă©chantillons d’aliments locaux ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s dans des marchĂ©s centraux de trois villes du Burkina Faso. Deux cent soixante-douze (272) souches de moisissures ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es et soumises au criblage indirect de production d’enzymes extracellulaires. Il consiste Ă  estimer la production par mesure de la vitesse de croissance apicale des souches fongiques sur des milieux solides supplĂ©mentĂ©s par diffĂ©rents substrats carbonĂ©s. Le criblage a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’activitĂ© protĂ©olitique, amylolitiques, tannasiques, lipolitique et cellulosique de trois souches de moisissures. Selon les clĂ©s d’identification de Raper & Fennell (1965) et Pitt (1985), ces trois souches S1, S2 et S3 sont respectivement Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus et Penicillium citrinum.Conclusion et application: Les micro-organismes en gĂ©nĂ©ral et les champignons en particulier constituent des sources d'enzymes plus facilement exploitables que celles des vĂ©gĂ©taux ou les animaux Ă  cause de la simplicitĂ© de purification. Les enzymes fongiques restent toujours les outils clĂ©s de la biotechnologie et reflĂštent de plus en plus l’importance et le rĂŽle infini des moisissures dans les diffĂ©rentes applications alimentaires. Parmi ces enzymes, les lipases, les phytases et les tannases sont perçues comme Ă©tant des enzymes importantes en industrie. Cependant, le principal obstacle qui freine les applications potentielles de ces enzymes est leur coĂ»t. Des souches locales productrices d’intĂ©ressantes enzymes pourraient contribuer Ă  l’amoindrir.Mots clĂ©s: enzymes extracellulaires, aliments locaux, moisissures, milieu solide, croissance apicaleEnglish Title: The ability of three strains of fungi to produce extracellular enzymes on solid state in Burkina FasoEnglish AbstractObjective: The aim of this study is the physiological characterization of three fungi strains S1, S2 and S3 respectively isolated from maize, groundnuts and rice through their ability to produce extracellular enzymes.Methods and Results: A total of seventy-six (76) samples of local foods were collected in centrals markets of three cities in Burkina Faso. Two hundred and seventy-two (272) fungi strains were isolated and submitted to extracellular enzymes indirect screening production. It was consisted by measuring the apical growth rate of the fungi strains on solid media supplemented with various carbon substrates. The screening revealed the proteolytic, amylolitic, tannasic, lipolytic and cellulosic activities of three fungi strains. According to the Raper & Fennell (1965) and Pitt (1985) identification key, these three strains S1, S2 and S3 are respectively Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium citrinum.Conclusion and Application: Micro-organisms in general and filamentous fungi in particular are rich sources of enzymes more easily exploitable than those of plants or animals due to the simplicity in purification. Fungal enzymes remain biotechnology key tools and reflect increasingly important and the infinity role of mold in various food applications. Among these enzymes, lipases, phytases and tannases are perceived as important enzymes in industry. However, the main obstacle hindering the potential applications of these enzymes is their cost. Local fungi strains with interesting enzymes property could help cost decreasing.Keywords: extracellular enzymes, local foods, fungi, solid state, apical growt

    Influences of Storage Conditions, Cultivation and Culinary Practices, On the Antioxidant Capacity of Red Bulbs of Some Onion Varieties Grown in Burkina Faso

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    Red onion bulb is a vegetable containing micronutrients with antioxidant properties. However, certain factors can have an impact on the content of these compounds. The present research evaluate the effects of parameters such as cultural practices, storage conditions and culinary practices, on the antioxidants content of red onion bulb of some varieties grown in Burkina Faso. The identification of the factors was carried out through field surveys, and their effects on the antioxidants content were assessed and appreciated through especially specific related bibliographic and laboratory test data. The results showed that84.78% of farmers use chemical fertilizers and all of them use chemical pesticides on onion crop. They don’t use premises or equipment suitable for storage. About dishes,7.61% of cooks, peel, cut and wash onion bulb before steam cooking, boiling water cooking or oil frying them at high temperature during 30 minutes to 3 hours. Some cooks use to braise onion bulb scales as ingredients for different dishes such as barbecue. Only 02,72% of cooks grind the onion bulbs with a pestle, before using the crushed as such on barbecue, or slow cooking it in different sauces. Research results show that these culinary practices contribute declining significantly the final intake of antioxidant for the consumer's body

    Influence of Agro-Ecological Areas on the Antioxidant Capacity of Onion Varieties Grown in Burkina Faso

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    Colored onion bulb is an important source of antioxidants. Some ecological factors can significantly influence the content and quality of these substances. The aim of the present study is to determine the antioxidant and total polyphenol content of fresh bulbs of five (05) varieties of onion (Galmi Violet, Damani Violet, Prema, Safari and a Local variety-LV) grown in Burkina Faso, and to evaluate also the influence of agro-ecological parameters on the antioxidant content of the most cultivated variety (Galmi violet) of them. Samples of onion bulb for analysis were collected in the six agro-ecological areas of Burkina Faso under the same cultivation conditions. Antioxidant activities were evaluated using the method of Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power. The evaluation of the total polyphenol contents was carried out using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The results showed that antioxidant activities for the 5 varieties tested vary between 0.125 ± 0.001 and 0.149 ± 0.004 mg TE / g, and total polyphenol contents from 0.172 ± 0.011 to 0.272 ± 0.003 mg EAG/g. Results on the assessment of the effect of ecology on the antioxidant content of Galmi violet variety revealed significant variations in antioxidant content from 0.144 ± 0.002 to 0.155 ± 0.001 mg TE / g, and total polyphenols from 0.208 ± 0.014 to 0.292 ± 0.012 mg EAG / g depending on the ecological cultivation area

    Etude de l’évolution des Ă©lĂ©ments prĂ©curseurs d’eutrophisation des eaux du Barrage n°3 de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Dans le cadre du suivi de la qualitĂ© des eaux de surface destinĂ©es Ă  la potabilisation, l’évolution des élĂ©ments prĂ©curseurs d’eutrophisation (matiĂšres azotĂ©es et phosphorĂ©es) du barrage n°3 de Ouagadougou a Ă©té investiguĂ©e durant la pĂ©riode de septembre 2012 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2012. Les paramĂštres chimiques ont Ă©té dĂ©terminĂ©s par spectrophotomĂ©trie d’absorption molĂ©culaire et les paramĂštres physiques par la mĂ©thode électrochimique. Les analyses physicochimiques ont mis en Ă©vidence des corrĂ©lations entre la teneur en nitrates et la chlorophylle A (r = 0,715) et entre la tempĂ©rature et la chlorophylle A (r = 0,838). La teneur en orthophosphte est faiblement corrĂ©lĂ©e avec la teneur en chlorophylle A du barrage (r = 0,171). Il n’a Ă©té observĂ© aucune diffĂ©rence significative entre les concentrations en orthophosphates des quatre mois de la pĂ©riode d’étude (p<0,05). La plus forte valeur (1,3 mg/l) a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e au cours du mois de septembre et la plus faible valeur (0,14 mg/l) au cours du mois de novembre. Cependant, les teneurs en nitrates, tempĂ©rature et chlorophylle A des eaux Ă©taient plus fortes au cours du mois d’octobre (respectivement, 6,6 mg/l; 29,14 °C ; 0,04 ÎŒg/l) et plus faibles en dĂ©cembre (respectivement, 3 mg/l ; 23,25 °C ; 0,02 ÎŒg/l). Ces rĂ©sultats indiquent que les mois d’octobre et novembre sont des pĂ©riodes Ă  risque d’eutrophisation du barrage n°3 de Ouagadougou. Il ressort des rĂ©sultats que l’eau du barrage est de bonne qualitĂ© au plan physico-chimique et revĂȘt un Ă©tat trophique oligo-mĂ©sotrophe.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Eutrophisation, chlorophylle A, Ă©tat trophique, nitrates, tempĂ©rature, barrage n°3 de OuagadougouEnglish Title: Study of eutrophication’s precursors items of Ouagadougou’s 3rd dam’s waters, Burkina FasoEnglish AbstractIn a framework of monitoring the quality of surface water intended for drinking, the evolution of eutrophication’s precursors (nitrogenous substances and phosphorus) of Ouagadougou’s third (rd) dam has been done in the standard base period from September 2012 to December 2012. The chemical measures have been determined by molecular absorption spectrophotometry method and the physical parameters by electrochemical method. The physicochemical tests underlined interrelated the relationship between nitrate content and the chlorophyll A (=0.715) and between the temperature and chlorophyll A (r=0.838).The content of orthophosphates is feebly correlative with the chlorophyll A content of dam (r=0.171). Any significant distinction hasn’t been observed between the orthophosphates’ mergers of four months’ studying (p=0.05).The strongest value ( 1.3 mg /l) has been checked in the course of the month of September and the weakest value (0.14 mg/l) during the month of November. Meanwhile, the nitrate’s content, temperature and chlorophyll A of waters were strongest in the course of October (respectively, 6.6 mg /l ; 29.14 °C ; 0.4 ug /l) and lowest in December ( respectively, 3 mg/l ; 23.25 °C ; 0.02 ug/l).These results showed that October’s and December’s months are periods that cover the eutrophication’s risk of Ouagadougou’s third dam. It comes out from the results that, water from the dam of good quality from the physicochemical stand point and covers with the statement of trophical mesotrophy’s traces.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Eutrophication, chlorophyll A, trophical statement, nitrate, temperature, Ouagadougou’s 3rd da

    Origins, production, and utilization of cassava in Burkina Faso, a contribution of a neglected crop to household food security

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a food plant introduced in Africa from America by the Portuguese in 1558. The objective of this study is to establish cassava origins, production, and utilization in Burkina Faso. The investigation was carried out in the regions of Center West, Cascades, Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts Bassins, South West, and Center East of Burkina Faso. Eighteen cassava processing units and 226 farmers in 57 communities from the selected regions have been involved in the survey. The investigation showed that cassava was introduced to Burkina Faso, former Upper Volta from the costal countries, Gold Coast (now Ghana), by both local traders and the Roman Catholic White missionaries. This happened between the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The main variety introduced was Banfti. Some improved varieties like V5 (94/0270), BankĂ© (V2), 68.61, 30572, KTMA developed by research are now available and used by farmers along with the traditional varieties like manchien, santidougou, tchinda yaar, lĂ©o. The cases of intoxication evoked by some farmers are evidence that some of those varieties may have a high level of cyanohydric acid content. Cassava is available all the year throughout the country. But the top of cassava production is reached in July. Most of the small‐scale farmers (98%) grow cassava both for household use and as income generator. About 83.92% of cassava farmers have less than 10 tons as annual production and only 1.72% of them can produce more than 100 tons. The main food products based on cassava found in communities are raw roots, boiled roots, roasted roots, tĂŽ, attiĂ©kĂ©, tapioca, ragout, beignets, boiled leaves, soup (with leaves), cassava juice, etc. And the main cassava‐processed products in the processing units are attiĂ©kĂ©, gari, tapioca, and flour. Cassava contributes greatly to household food security during food shortage period. It sustains families for weeks as food and is also exchanged with other foods or sold to buy food or meet household needs