8 research outputs found

    Atividade colinesterásica no plasma e em eritrócitos de pacientes com as formas cardíaca e indeterminada da doença de Chagas

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    A atividade colinesterásica foi determinada no plasma e em eritrócitos de 10 indivíduos normais e em 26 pacientes chagásicos crônicos, sendo 6 com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva compensada, 10 com cardiopatia sem insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e 10 com a forma indeterminada. Os valores enzimáticos encontrados foram (média ±sd): 2196 ± 442 UI/L no plasma e 19,4 ± 3,3 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos do grupo controla; 2291 ± 317 UI/L no plasma e 19,2 ±3,7 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos dos chagásicos com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva compensada; 2445 ± 357 UI/L no plasma e 18,3 + 3,0 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos dos cardiopatas chagásicos sem insuficiência cardíaca congestiva; 2006 ± 327 UI/L no plasma e 17,8 ± 3,1 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos de chagásicos com a forma indeterminada. Nossos dados mostram que o comprometimento neuronal que ocorre nos cardiopatas chagásicos crônicos não é suficiente para levar a alterações significativas (p > 0,05) das atividades colinesterásicas no plasma e em eritrócitos

    Atividade colinesterásica no plasma e em eritrócitos de pacientes com as formas cardíaca e indeterminada da doença de Chagas

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    A atividade colinesterásica foi determinada no plasma e em eritrócitos de 10 indivíduos normais e em 26 pacientes chagásicos crônicos, sendo 6 com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva compensada, 10 com cardiopatia sem insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e 10 com a forma indeterminada. Os valores enzimáticos encontrados foram (média ±sd): 2196 ± 442 UI/L no plasma e 19,4 ± 3,3 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos do grupo controla; 2291 ± 317 UI/L no plasma e 19,2 ±3,7 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos dos chagásicos com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva compensada; 2445 ± 357 UI/L no plasma e 18,3 + 3,0 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos dos cardiopatas chagásicos sem insuficiência cardíaca congestiva; 2006 ± 327 UI/L no plasma e 17,8 ± 3,1 Ul/g Hb em eritrócitos de chagásicos com a forma indeterminada. Nossos dados mostram que o comprometimento neuronal que ocorre nos cardiopatas chagásicos crônicos não é suficiente para levar a alterações significativas (p > 0,05) das atividades colinesterásicas no plasma e em eritrócitos.Cholinesterase activity was measured in the plasma and erythrocytes from 10 healthy individuals and 26 chronic chagasic patients. The chronic chagasic patients were distributed in 3 groups: 6 chagasic patients with compensated heart failure; 10 chagasic patients with cardiopathy but without heart failure; and 10 chagasic patients with the indeterminateform. The enzymatic levels achieved in plasma and erythrocytes were. respectively: 2,196 ± 442 UI/L and 19.4 ± 3.3 Ul/g Hb from Controls; 2,291 ±317 UI/L and 19.2 ±3.7 Ul/g Hb from chagasic patients with compensated heart failure; 2,445 ±357 UI/L and 18.3 ± 3.0 Ul/g Hb from chagasic patients with cardiopathy but without heart failure and 2,006 ± 327 UI/L and 17.8 ± 3.1 Ul/g Hb from chagasic patients with the indeterminate form. Our data show that neuronal injury in the chronic cardiopathy is not sufficient to promote significant alterations (p > 0,05) in the cholinesterase activity in the plasma and erythrocytes

    Efficacy, safety and tolerability of sildenafil in Brazilian hypertensive patients on multiple antihypertensive drugs

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of sildenafil among Brazilian patients with hypertension treated with combinations of anti-hypertensive drugs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred twenty hypertensive men aged 30 to 81 years old under treatment with 2 or more anti-hypertensive drugs and with erectile dysfunction (ED) lasting for at least 6 months were enrolled at 7 research centers in Brazil. Patients were randomized to receive treatment with either sildenafil or placebo taken 1 hour before sexual intercourse (initial dose of 50 mg, adjusted to 25 mg or 100 mg according to efficacy and toxicity). During the following 8 weeks, patients were evaluated regarding vital signs, adverse events, therapeutic efficacy, satisfaction with treatment and use of concurrent medications. RESULTS: The primary evaluation of efficacy, which was based on responses to questions 3 and 4 of the International Index of Erectile Function, showed significant differences regarding treatment with sildenafil (p = 0.0002 and p < 0.0001, respectively). In the assessment of global efficacy, 87% of the patients treated with sildenafil reported improved erections, as compared with 37% of patients given placebos (p < 0.0001). The other secondary evaluations supported the results favoring sildenafil. The most frequent adverse events among patients treated with sildenafil were headaches (11.4%), vasodilation (11.4%) and dyspepsia (6.5%). There were no significant changes in blood pressure measurements in both groups. CONCLUSION: Sildenafil is efficacious and safe for the treatment of hypertensive patients with ED who receive concurrent combinations of anti-hypertensive drugs

    Desempenho escolar em crianças com epilepsia benigna da infância com pontas centrotemporais School performance in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes

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    Aspectos psicossociais em crianças com epilepsia benigna da infância com pontas centrotemporais (EBICT) são objeto de controvérsias. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o desempenho escolar em crianças com EBICT. Vinte crianças foram submetidas ao Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE) e comparadas a crianças sadias pareadas por idade e escolaridade. Foram estudadas as relações entre o TDE e a lateralidade do foco e o número de descargas ao eletrencefalograma. As crianças com EBICT tiveram, de modo significativo, mais freqüentemente do que as sadias, desempenho inferior no subteste de leitura e no escore total. As crianças com desempenho inferior em leitura apresentaram maior número de descargas do que aquelas com desempenho médio e superior. Não houve diferenças no TDE segundo a lateralidade do foco. O número de descargas, ao interferir com a função cerebral, pode ser um fator a explicar o desempenho mais baixo na leitura.<br>Neuropsychological implications of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes-rolandic spikes (BECTS) have not been adequately investigated. The aim of this study was to compare the results in a school performance test of patients with BECTS and normal age-matched controls. A total of 20 children with BECTS and 20 normal controls were submitted to anamnesis, clinical evaluation, Raven test, school performance test (SPT), digital electroencephalogram and quantitative electroencephalogram analysis. Comparing with normal controls, children with BECTS showed significantly lower SPT results, especially in reading test. There was an association between the higher number of rolandic spikes and inferior performance in SPT reading test. These findings suggest that discharges may be a factor in the genesis of lower performance in reading test in children with BECTS