40 research outputs found

    Sairaalan ulkopuolinen synnytys Varsinais-Suomen alueella : tarkistuslista & toimintakortti

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    Synnytys sairaalan ulkopuolella on varsin harvinainen, mutta täysin mahdollinen hälytystehtävä ensihoitoyksikölle. Koska synnytystehtävä on harvinainen, eikä ensihoitajille muodostu synnytyksen hoitoon rutiinia, on tehtävä erityisen vaativa. Synnyttävä nainen sekä syntyvä lapsi ovat alttiita komplikaatioille, ja niin tavanomaisestakin raivotarjontaisesta synnytyksestä saattaa hetkessä muodostua hätätilanne. Kenttäolosuhteissa synnytykseen erikoistunutta henkilöstöä ei ole helposti saatavilla, joten ensihoitajan ammattitaito on avainasemassa. Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee pääsääntöisesti raivotarjontaista synnytystä ja siinä avustamista. Tämän lisäksi ensihoitajan tulee tuntea ja tunnistaa poikkeavien tarjontojen vaarat. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään lyhyesti muun muassa perätilasynnytyksessä avustamista. Opinnäytetyön tavoite on tuoda ensihoitajille käytännön työvälineeksi toimintakortti ja tarkistuslista synnytystehtävän hoitamisen tueksi. Vahva teoriaosaaminen sekä toimintakortin ja tarkistuslistan tarkoituksenmukainen käyttö parantaa potilaan hoidon laatua ensihoidossa. Tarkistuslista ja toimintakortti perustuvat lyhyeen, mutta kattavaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen on koottu tärkeää tietoa normaalin raskauden ja synnytyksen kulusta, sekä vastasyntyneen ja synnyttäjän ensihoidosta. Aineiston pohjalta tuotettiin Paimio-Sauvo sairaankuljetus Oy:n ensihoitajille helppolukuinen ja selkeä toimintakortti ja tarkistuslista, joita ensihoitajat voivat käyttää tukena synnytystehtävän hoitamisessa.Childbirth outside the hospital is quite rare but still a possible emergency incident for paramed-ic unit. Since such incidents are rare, the paramedics aren’t able to build up a routine for taking care of childbirth, which makes these incidents extremely demanding. The woman giving birth and the child being born are disposed to complications and even an ordinary cephalic birth can instantly turn into emergency. In field conditions, personnel specialised in childbirth isn’t readily available so expertise of a paramedic is crucial. This thesis covers mainly assisting childbirth in cephalic presentation. Besides this, paramedic also needs to know and recognise the risks of abnormal presentations. This thesis briefly co-vers also assisting breech birth. The objective of this thesis is to create a procedure card and a check list for paramedics and give them a practical tool for assistance in childbirth. Strong theoretical knowledge and appropriate use of the procedure card and check list improves the patient treatment quality in paramedic care. Both the check list and the procedure card are based on brief yet comprehensive literature re-view. Crucial information about normal pregnancy progression, the stages of childbirth, and the paramedic care of the newborn and the mother is collected in this literature review. Based on the material, a straightforward procedure card and check list was created for paramedics of Paimio-Sauvo sairaankuljetus Oy (ambulance service Ltd). Paramedics can use these as sup-port in assisting childbirth

    Tuotannonohjauksen lähtötiedot

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    Highly ligand efficient tetrahydro-pyrazolopyridines as inhibitors of ERK2 kinase

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    A series of structure based drug design hypotheses and sequential screening efforts drove improvements in the potency and lipophilic efficiency of tetrahydro-pyrazolopyridine based ERK2 inhibitors. Fragment growing efforts of an early fragment lead established a new lipophilic Ph-Tyr interaction. Subsequent cleavage of a lipophilic moiety introduced a polar contact between a newly liberated N-H and a vicinal Asp, resulting in substantial improvements in the lipophilic efficiency and in vitro clearance

    Biased Complement Diversity Selection for Effective Exploration of Chemical Space in Hit-Finding Campaigns

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    The success of hit-finding campaigns relies on many factors, including the quality and diversity of the set of compounds that is selected for screening. This paper presents a generalized workflow that guides compound selections from large compound archives with opportunities to bias the selections with available knowledge in order to improve hit quality while still effectively sampling the accessible chemical space. An optional flag in the workflow supports an explicit complement design function where diversity selections complement a given core set of compounds. Results from three project applications as well as a literature case study exemplify the effectiveness of the approach, which is available as a KNIME workflow named Biased Complement Diversity (BCD)

    Beyond Consensus: Leveraging Inherent Biases in Fragment Based Screening Technologies

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    Fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) has emerged as a strategy with great potential to recast the modern drug discovery process. Central to this method is the identification of small and simple molecular building blocks that bind a target of interest, and the subsequent incorporation of salient features of these fragments into larger and more complex compounds with enhanced target affinity and selectivity. A first step in FBDD often entails a fragment-based screen (FBS) to identify fragment “hits.” While there are theoretical advantages of using FBDD at the earliest stages of a drug discovery program, hurdles such as the integration of conflicting results from orthogonal screens have hindered its success. We present the meta-analysis of 35 fragment based campaigns at Novartis, which employed a generic 1,400 fragment library against diverse target families using various biophysical and biochemical techniques. By statistically interrogating the multidimensional FBS data, we aim to answer three questions: 1) What makes a fragment amenable for FBS? 2) How do different fragment screening technologies compare with each other? 3) What is the best way to pair FBS assay technologies? In addition to identifying properties that render fragments amenable for FBS, we compare in an unprecedented scale various screening technologies. We propose a quantitative way to compare the bias in various screening technologies, and demonstrate how this approach can be used to select technologies in order to ensure the greatest coverage of fragment hits

    3D Pharmacophore Model-Assisted Discovery of Novel CDC7 Inhibitors

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    A ligand-based 3D pharmacophore model for serine/threonine kinase CDC7 inhibition was created and successfully applied in the discovery of novel 2-(heteroaryl)-6,7-dihydrothieno[3,2-c]pyridin-4(5H)-ones, easily synthesized from commercially available materials. The pharmacophore model provided a hypothesis for lead generation missed by docking to a homology model. Medicinal chemistry exploration of the series revealed clear structure activity relationships consistent with the pharmacophore model and pointed to further optimization opportunities