6,751 research outputs found

    Metastable π Junction between an s±-Wave and an s-Wave Superconductor

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    We examine a contact between a superconductor whose order parameter changes sign across the Brillioun zone, and an ordinary, uniform-sign superconductor. Within a Ginzburg-Landau-type model, we find that if the barrier between the two superconductors is not too high, the frustration of the Josephson coupling between different portions of the Fermi surface across the contact can lead to surprising consequences. These include time-reversal symmetry breaking at the interface and unusual energy-phase relations with multiple local minima. We propose this mechanism as a possible explanation for the half-integer flux quantum transitions in composite niobium-iron pnictide superconducting loops, which were discovered in recent experiments [C.-T. Chen et al., Nature Phys. 6, 260 (2010).]

    Distilling entanglement from cascades with partial "Which Path" ambiguity

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    We develop a framework to calculate the density matrix of a pair of photons emitted in a decay cascade with partial "which path" ambiguity. We describe an appropriate entanglement distillation scheme which works also for certain random cascades. The qualitative features of the distilled entanglement are presented in a two dimensional "phase diagram". The theory is applied to the quantum tomography of the decay cascade of a biexciton in a semiconductor quantum dot. Agreement with experiment is obtained

    Jahn-Teller Spectral Fingerprint in Molecular Photoemission: C60

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    The h_u hole spectral intensity for C60 -> C60+ molecular photoemission is calculated at finite temperature by a parameter-free Lanczos diagonalization of the electron-vibration Hamiltonian, including the full 8 H_g, 6 G_g, and 2 A_g mode couplings. The computed spectrum at 800 K is in striking agreement with gas-phase data. The energy separation of the first main shoulder from the main photoemission peak, 230 meV in C60, is shown to measure directly and rather generally the strength of the final-state Jahn-Teller coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Radiative cascade from quantum dot metastable spin-blockaded biexciton

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    We detect a novel radiative cascade from a neutral semiconductor quantum dot. The cascade initiates from a metastable biexciton state in which the holes form a spin-triplet configuration, Pauli-blockaded from relaxation to the spin-singlet ground state. The triplet biexciton has two photon-phonon-photon decay paths. Unlike in the singlet-ground state biexciton radiative cascade, in which the two photons are co-linearly polarized, in the triplet biexciton cascade they are crosslinearly polarized. We measured the two-photon polarization density matrix and show that the phonon emitted when the intermediate exciton relaxes from excited to ground state, preserves the exciton's spin. The phonon, thus, does not carry with it any which-path information other than its energy. Nevertheless, entanglement distillation by spectral filtering was found to be rather ineffective for this cascade. This deficiency results from the opposite sign of the anisotropic electron-hole exchange interaction in the excited exciton relative to that in the ground exciton.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Comparison of different procedures to map reference evapotranspiration using geographical information systems and regression-based techniques

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    16 páginas, 6 figuras, 8 tablas.This paper compares different procedures for mapping reference evapotranspiration (ETo) by means of regression-based techniques and geographical information systems (GIS). ETo is calculated following the method of Hargreaves (HG) from a dense database of meteorological stations in the northernmost semi-arid region of Europe, the Ebro valley. The HG method requires the calculation of estimates of extraterrestrial radiation (Ra). We calculated this parameter using two approaches: (1) the common approach that assumes a planar surface and determines the parameter as a function of latitude and (2) using a digital terrain model (DTM) and GIS modelling. The maps were made on a monthly basis using both approaches. We also compared possible propagations of errors in the map calculations for maps derived from modelled layers of maximum and minimum temperatures with those modelled using previously determined local ETo calculations. We demonstrate that calculations of Ra from a DTM and GIS modelling provide a more realistic spatial distribution of ETo than those derived by only considering latitude. It is also preferable to model in advance the variables involved in the calculation of ETo (temperature and Ra) and to subsequently calculate ETo by means of layer algebra in the GIS rather than directly model the local ETo calculations. The obtained maps are useful for the purposes of agriculture and ecological and water resources management in the study area.This work has been supported by the project CGL2005- 04508/BOS financed by the Spanish Comission of Science and Technology (CICYT) and FEDER, PIP176/2005 financed by the Aragón Government, and ‘Programa de grupos de investigación consolidados’ (BOA 48 of 20-04-2005), also financed by the Aragón Government. Research of the third author was supported by postdoctoral fellowship by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Spain).Peer reviewe

    Distinguishable RGE running effects between Dirac neutrinos and Majorana neutrinos with vanishing Majorana CP-violating phases

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    In a novel parametrization of neutrino mixing and in the approximation of τ\tau-lepton dominance, we show that the one-loop renormalization-group equations (RGEs) of Dirac neutrinos are different from those of Majorana neutrinos even if two Majorana CP-violating phases vanish. As the latter can keep vanishing from the electroweak scale to the typical seesaw scale, it makes sense to distinguish between the RGE running effects of neutrino mixing parameters in Dirac and Majorana cases. The differences are found to be quite large in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with sizable tanβ\tan\beta, provided the masses of three neutrinos are nearly degenerate or have an inverted hierarchy.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Bi-Laplacian Growth Patterns in Disordered Media

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    Experiments in quasi 2-dimensional geometry (Hele Shaw cells) in which a fluid is injected into a visco-elastic medium (foam, clay or associating-polymers) show patterns akin to fracture in brittle materials, very different from standard Laplacian growth patterns of viscous fingering. An analytic theory is lacking since a pre-requisite to describing the fracture of elastic material is the solution of the bi-Laplace rather than the Laplace equation. In this Letter we close this gap, offering a theory of bi-Laplacian growth patterns based on the method of iterated conformal maps.Comment: Submitted to PRL. For further information see http://www.weizmann.ac.il/chemphys/ander