37 research outputs found

    Anti-hLAMP2-antibodies and dual positivity for anti-GBM and MPO-ANCA in a patient with relapsing pulmonary-renal syndrome

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    Background Pulmonary-renal syndrome associated with anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) antibodies, also known as Goodpasture's syndrome, is a rare but acute and life-threatening condition. One third of patients presenting as anti-GBM antibody positive pulmonary-renal syndrome or rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis are also tested positive for anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA). Whilst anti-GBM disease is considered a non-relapsing condition, the long-term course of double-positive patients is less predictable. Case Presentation We report a patient with such dual positivity, who presented with pulmonary hemorrhage, crescentic glomerulonephritis and membranous nephropathy. Plasmapheresis in combination with immunosuppresive therapy led to a rapid remission but the disease relapsed after two years. The serum of the patient was tested positive for antibodies to human lysosomal membrane protein 2 (hLAMP2), a novel autoantigen in patients with active small-vessel vasculitis (SVV). The anti-hLAMP2 antibody levels correlated positively with clinical disease activity in this patient. Conclusion We hypothesize that this antibody may indicate a clinical course similar to ANCA-associated vasculitis in double-positive patients. However, this needs to be confirmed on comprehensive patient cohorts

    Leakage, entrepreneurship, and satisfaction in hospitality

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The Service Industries Journal on 2013, available online:http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/02642069.2013.740464Tourism is a very important tool for economic development. However, its economic effects are mainly conditioned by the level of leakage. This work defines leakage, provides an original evaluation of the entrepreneurial environment in showing that it is the one with the lowest level of leakage, and creates a new framework. It also measures leakage in an innovative way using a quantitative approach. In addition, the paper explores and shows how leakage can affect critical business factors, such as customer and employee satisfaction. The empirical study uses structural equations and data from hotels in the Valencian Region (Spain) to show how important leakage is in making businesses more competitive. The results confirm the new model and are of interest for company managers and public organizations.Galdón Salvador, JL.; Garrigós Simón, FJ.; Gil Pechuán, I. (2013). Leakage, entrepreneurship, and satisfaction in hospitality. Service Industries Journal. 33(7-8):759-773. doi:10.1080/02642069.2013.740464S759773337-8Ahmed, Z. U. (1991). The influence of the components of a state’s tourist image on product positioning strategy. Tourism Management, 12(4), 331-340. doi:10.1016/0261-5177(91)90045-uAnderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411-423. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.103.3.411ANDRIOTIS, K. (2002). Options in Tourism Development: Conscious versus Conventional Tourism. Anatolia, 13(1), 73-85. doi:10.1080/13032917.2002.9687016Andriotis, K. (2002). Scale of hospitality firms and local economic development—evidence from Crete. 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    Determination of excited state dipole moments in solution via thermochromic methods

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    Will AI ever sit at the C-suite table? The future of senior leadership

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    As the sophistication of artificial intelligence (AI) systems develop and AI becomes a key element of organizational strategy across a wide spectrum of industries, new demands are being placed on senior leaders. To understand the growing challenges leaders will face in the age of AI, we conducted interviews with 33 senior leaders in several countries across a wide range of industries. Our research highlights key capabilities and skills that leaders will require. Underlying these capabilities is a mindset oriented toward continuous learning and self-development, which will enable ongoing and rapid adaptation to change. Our findings identified the following key capabilities: digital know-how, data-driven focus, networking, ethics, and agility. To successfully navigate the coming era, senior leaders will need to focus on reskilling the workforce, recruiting and retaining highly skilled talent, building an intrapreneurial culture, and managing unprecedented changes in technologies and the nature of work.</p

    Excited state dipole moments of anisole in gas phase and solution

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